Mechanical Department

Program Vision: Leadership and excellence locally and regionally in the field of production technology.


Qualifying distinguished technological cadres capable of teamwork, innovation, and creativity in the field of production technology, through continuing education, learning and teaching, and circulating knowledge in accordance with the best academic and professional standards to serve the needs of the local, regional, and international community, encourage scientific and technical research, and contribute to the development and empowerment of the knowledge capabilities of community members and institutions of continuing education in accordance with the ethics of the profession.


Program Aims:

  1. Graduating distinguished technological cadres armed with science and knowledge and capable of competing with all merit and competence and carrying out the tasks entrusted to them to the fullest.
  2. Attracting competencies from distinguished faculty and assistant staff members and striving to develop their performance.
  3. Continuous evaluation and evaluation through feedback and comparisons with reputable international programs and specializations.
  4. Holding joint scientific research partnerships with local, regional, and global community institutions.
  5. Attracting academically distinguished students and providing them with an appropriate research environment.
  6. Enriching innovative scientific research, contributing to community service, and building community partnerships.
  7. Paying attention to field training and preparing the student for the labor market.
  8. Keeping abreast of technological development and modern technologies in various related fields.
  9. Preparing the student to prepare him to continue scientific research in the field of production technology.
  10. Providing an appropriate environment for students to enable them to apply their acquired knowledge and skills in identifying the needs and problems of society related to their field of specialization.
  11. Encouraging faculty members and students to actively contribute to community service and solving its problems.
  12. The permanent and renewable development of the study plan ensures keeping pace with rapid and successive technological changes in all fields.
  13. Developing and achieving ways to ensure the quality of performance and outputs.
  14. Teaching the student to be flexible in response to industrial and technological development.
  15. Preparing students to solve engineering and technological problems, finding alternatives for solutions, and evaluating these alternatives.
  16. Providing an advanced model for technological education related to specific industries that serve the surrounding environment and keep pace with global trends.
  17. Directing graduate studies towards solving practical problems facing industries (such as the iron and steel industry - shipbuilding - petroleum).

Academic Reference Standard for Production Program

ARS for Production.pdf

Production Program Specs. 2023-2024

Production Program Specs 2023-2024.pdf

Membres du corps professoral