Employment / Fellowships

Demonstrator in Mechanical Department (Production) Faculty of Technology and Education  2019

Assistant lecturer in Mechanical Department (Production) Faculty of Technology and Education  2023


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Scopus ID for author

Scopus Author ID:  58316729600


Web of Science for Author

Your ORCID iD: 0009-0009-7861-4938
Your ORCID record is https://orcid.org/0009-0009-7861-4938 

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...Courses taught by

  • Engineering drawing
  • Mechanical drawing
  • Technology introduction
  • Workshops
  • Material technology

Training Courses

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Assistant lecturer in the Production Mechanics Department, Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University. I obtained a bachelor’s degree in 2017 and was appointed as a teaching assistant in the same department in 2019. I was promoted to the position of assistant lecturer after obtaining a master’s degree in the Production Mechanics Department in 2023 with a thesis entitled “Production and Characterization of Aluminum Matrix Composites Produced by Accumulative Forming Technique” . The scope of scientific research includes materials science and improvement of mechanical properties of metals.