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Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Name: Esraa Saeed Mohamed Ibrahiem

Job : Assistant Lecturer - Department of Mechanics (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Dept) - Suez University

Qualification: Bachelor of Industrial Education 2018 with a grade of distinction - Master's degree in Industrial Education 2023

Date Of Birth: 24 August 1996

Place of Birth: Faqous - Sharqia 

Refereed Scientific Papers in Foreign Languages

Augmentation of water pool boiling heat transfer using heating surfaces 
fabricated by multi passive techniques 

Employment / Fellowships

Demonstrator 2019

Assistant Lecturer 2023

Training Courses

Scientific Research Ethics Course

Effective Presentation Skills Course

Thinking Skills Course

Decision making and problem solving course

The course of statistical methods in scientific research

International Publishing Course for Scientific Research

Publish Date

4/11/2022 12:00:00 AM



Reda A. Khalaf-Allah a,b,* , Salwa M. Mohamed a , Esraa Saeed a , Mohamed Tolan a,c