Suez University
SU Center for Innovation and Technological Development

The Regional Centre of SU Scientific Research and Technology Academy will be a focal point and launching center for innovators and entrepreneurs interested in technology from all governorates and people of Suez Canal, Sinai, and Red Sea region without discrimination. Moreover, it will have a significant and positive impact on disseminating and promoting the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in these regions and will provide the necessary infrastructure, technical, material, and technical capacities to achieve this role. Furthermore, it will provide a comprehensive platform with a focus on technology, a training academy, a community services and guidance program and awareness seminars and conferences. Therefore, this place is going to be a successful and distinct model that can be replicated in different areas of the republic. 

Objectives of the center 

The Regional Centre of SU Scientific Research and Technology Academy is the gathering center and launching point for all innovators and technological entrepreneurs in the Suez Canal, Sinai, and Red Sea region without discrimination. Its impact must reach everywhere in terms of proliferation and communication with all entrepreneurs and young initiators. Capacities, equipment, and objectives of the center include the following: 

  • Establishment of a common working space designed according to international standards with the first-class facilities and in an accessible location. 

  • Launch of a training academy, presents courses and training programs in fields of entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity, and various technological techniques throughout the year. 

  • Organization of community-based activities and events that promote and support innovation and provide the suitable atmosphere for participants in the center’s activities to implement their innovations and develop their expertise. 

  • Implementation of a periodically accredited mentoring and guidance program for entrepreneurs and initiators. It also provides special training for applicants. 

  • To promote a high rate of graduates from the guidance program and the training academy. 

  • Reaching out to all cities and governorates Canal, Sinai, and the Red Sea and reaching out to young innovators and creators through events and activities that will travel the various regions and through social networks and the Internet. 

  • Establishing partnerships and agreements with all stakeholders interested in supporting and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship (companies, universities, research institutions, international and regional institutions, and experts and consultants). 

  • Increase the volume of registered companies and start-ups to be started within the Centre. 

Equippings of the Regional Center

1- Meetings Hall

2- Common workspace

3- Events & Activities Hall

4- Prototype laboratory and workshop