Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Reham Metwally Metawea

Phone: +201098991769 /







PhD Suez University, Faculty of Politics and Economics, Economics March 2021

Dissertation: “Industrial zones and Sustainable development in Egypt : Circular Economy Model”

Committee: Ahmed Zardaq, Ahmed Abu Zaid, Ali El-shereef, Farida Abdelaal


MSc Benha University, Faculty of Commerce, Economics May 2014

Thesis: “Entrance and cross the entrance productive for Arab Economic integration in the framework of the latest regional and international”

Advisor: Name


BSc Zagazig University, Faculty of Commerce, Economics June 2010


Honors and Awards

Best Ph.D. thesis in the Arab region 2023

It is an award given for scientific excellence in scientific dissertations by the League of Arab States. 

The most influential figure in the village             2023

As I am the only Ph.D. holder in my village


Dissertation: “Industrial zones and Sustainable development in Egypt : Circular Economy Model”

Advisor: Ahmed Zardaq, Ahmed Abu Zaid 

Field research 


Teaching Experience

Suez University, Suez May 2021 to until now

Lecturer, Economics

Taught resources and environmental economics, an undergraduate course averaging 100 students per semester, covering the following topics: circular economy, green economy, climate change, sustainable finance, and renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Taught Industrial Economics, an undergraduate course averaging 70 students per semester, covering the following topics: industrial development and its impact on environment, industrial structure, markets, characteristics of industrial production, and analysis of industrial project behavior in the short and long run.

Taught social economics, an undergraduate course averaging 100 students per semester, covering the following topics: combating poverty, resource allocation , welfare, crime, education, and social security, and its economic validity

Taught other subjects such as financial markets economics, development and planning Economics, Public finance, Oil economics, and international economics

Developed quizzes, exams, and homework

Revised the syllabus to meet accreditation standards

Coordinated grading and labs with a team of 1 teaching assistants

Revised researches by students in the subject


Masters Students Advised

Ayman, “The role of digital transformation in enhancing worker productivity in the industrial sector in Egypt”, 2024

Hayam, “The impact of energy subsidy reforms on poverty in Egypt”, 2024


Suez University, Faculty of Politics and Economics September 2016 to April 2021

Teaching Assistant, Economics

Prepared question banks

Teaching different economics courses such as Econometrics, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomic theory and Mathematics for Economists.

Supervising graduation projects and assisting the Prepared syllabus and created course materials.

Highlight important projects, duties, skills, and responsibilities following a consistent grammatical style




Metawea, R., “Environmental economics and Sustainable development”, The Arab administrative development organization, 2023.


Journal Publications


Metawea, R., (2023). “Transitioning towards green industry in the context of climate change: an applied case, 10th of Ramadan City”, Journal of Economic and Political studies. DOI:  10.21608/PSEJ.2023.170315.1032


Metawea, R., El Bokl, A. (April 2023). “The circular economy between theory and practice: a case study of the Egyptian economy”, Journal of Economic and Political studies.  Doi: 10.21608/PSEJ.2023.198295.1054


Abdelaal,F, Metawea, R,et al ) July   (2022 Urban development policy as a mechanism for developing the local economy applying to Cairo city”. series of planning issues entitled. No. (341)


Metawea, R., Zardaq A., Abu Zaid A. (2021). “E-waste from mobile phones in the context of moving towards a circular economy” Journal of Politics and Economics, Beni Suef University. DOI: 10.21608/JOCU.2021.52524.1081


Metawea, R., Zardaq A., Abu Zaid A., (2020). “Circular Economy as an entrance to enhancing sustainable development in Egypt,” Journal Name, vol. 1, no. 3, 2008, pp. 503-509.


Attended Conference

“Arab economies a year and half after the Covid 19 pandemic” – June 2021

“Governance and sustainable development”- The National Planning Institute–June 2023

“Cop27”, Sharm Elsheikh, December 2022

“Egypt and Africa, challenges and opportunities” – Faculty of Politics and Economics, Suez University, 2019

“Towards a new strategy to activate the role of Arab unions for the growth of joint Arab economic action", Council of Arab Economic Unity, 2015


Presentations and Invited Lectures

Seminar “The AI and electronic waste and their impact on climate change”, Suez University, 2023

Seminar, “The economic value of E- waste”, The Ministry of youth and sports, 2023

Seminar, “Circular economy and Sustainable development,” Arab Development Institute, 2022.

Seminar “The economic impacts of Climate change” Suez University, 2022 

Workshop “Developing industrial clusters and converting them to green clusters”   Arab Development Institute, 2022.

Seminar “Governance and sustainable development” National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development, August 2021

Seminar “Anticipating the future of development in Arab countries" Council of Arab Economic Unity, 2017.


Professional Training


Introduction to Scholarly Communication in Business and Economics

Elseiver, 2023


“Creativity and innovation in SMEs and Methods of Economic and Social Planning”

Arab Planning Institute (API), January 2023


“Research Commercialisation and Innovation”

Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB), March- May, 2022


 “Industrial cluster development”

Arab Planning Institute (API), November 2022


“Getting published”

SAGE publishing, October 2022


“Recovery policies in crisis periods”

Arab Planning Institute (API), October 2021


“Environment, Sustainable development and Environmental Impact Assessment”

Arab Planning Institute (API), November 2021


“Stages and Methods of Economic and Social Planning”

Arab Planning Institute (API), November 2021

“Public Budgeting”

Arab Planning Institute (API), June 2021


“Policies and Programs for Economic Empowerment”

Arab Planning Institute (API), June 2021


“Skills of Data analysis and preparing macroeconomic reports”

Arab Planning Institute (API), April 2021

Community Service


RE Egypt Book Club 2022- until now 

Member in the club where we discuss different economic topics and books


Community Development Association in my village 2010- until now

I work in administration and help poor children where I contribute with financial support to buy prizes to honor children who excel in sports, education, and other activities. I also participate in purchasing school tools, school uniforms, and the needs of poor students.  


Simulation models -Suez University       2022 –until now

Supervisor on simulations in the Faculty of Politics and Economics, Suez University


Community development and service unit in the Faculty of Politics and Economics 2022 –until now

Member/ Participated in campaign launched by University to develop Suez villages

Resala organization

Member/ Participating in providing food, and cloth to the needy in Zagazig governorate.


Nursery 2010-2011  

Was responsible for teaching poor children  


Member in Egyptian Association for Political Economy, Statistics and Legislation


Arabic: Native Language

English: Intermediate Listener, Intermediate Speaker, Intermediate Reading and Writing


Computer Skills

Applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft teams



Swimming, Karate, cycling