SU objectives

The faculty objectives

1. Developing knowledgeable, skilled, and professional cadres in the business fields of the domestic, regional, and international labor market:

This is through the continuous modernization of the educational process and the development of educational programs and curricula in keeping pace with technological development and in the light of academic benchmarks.

2. Effective community and national development and integration of the faculty and society:

With the participation of staff and associated staff in developing environmental awareness and improving the quality of life in the local community.

3. Provide opportunities and areas of continuing education:

Through developed postgraduate programs that match today's challenges.

4. Achieve the outstanding performance of the staff:

Through effective motivation and continuous development of staff and associated staff.

5. Upgrading the level of scientific research:

Emphasizing the College's identity as a center for scientific and cultural research as well as being a specialized educational institution.

6- Increase the efficiency and productivity of administrative and service agencies

Achieve job satisfaction for employees in various fields.