The Faculty Secretary-General

shall be subject to the general direction of Prof. Dr. the dean of the faculty and shall supervise the financial and administrative aspects of the faculty as follows:  

  • Supervision of the faculty's employees.  
  • Participate in the planning of the faculty's financial and administrative work and propose the development of operational programs.  
  • Issuance of the instructions set out in the labor policy in accordance with the laws, regulations, and decisions issued in this regard.  
  • Holding periodic meetings with heads and officials to discuss the steps and problems of the work and work towards its resolution.  
  • Initiate financial and administrative authorities within the limits of the governing decisions.  
  • Participation in the membership and chairmanship of administrative and financial committees within the limits of the laws and regulations and the organization's approval thereof.  
  • Study the work reports on the organizational divisions that he supervises to determine the extent of each other's activity and make observations thereon.  
  • To express an opinion on the additional appropriations, overruns, and disbursements on previous budgets and to monitor the validity of the procedures for disbursement and associations and the integrity of the application of systems and regulations.  
  • Guiding directors in the research of topics of particular importance.  
  • To perform other similar acts as may be attributed to it