Students Affairs Sector

Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. the faculty Undersecretary for Education and Student Affairs, the Education and Student Affairs Sector is concerned with students from enrolment to bachelor's degree.

  • The Education and Student affairs Sector has the following tasks: 

1- Participation in policy formulation concerned with the affairs of study, exams, education, and students. 

2-Follow-up on the implementation of the decisions of the Supreme Council of Universities, the University Council, and the Council for Education and Students. 

3-Participation in the determination of dates concerned with the beginning and end of the academic year and summer holiday in the light of the decisions of the University Council and their communication to faculties. 

4-Preparation of statistics and data required for the extraction of information and the preparation of periodic and annual reports. 

5-Preparing the necessary tables for teaching and setting the necessary hours. 

6-Receiving new students and distributing them to various programs in accordance with the standards established by the Faculty Council. 

7-Preparing a file for each student, entering the student data on the university database, and registering it. 

8-Issuing of students' ID after payment of assessed fees. 

9-Preparing student lists, sending them to the various scientific departments, and following up on the attendance of students in lectures and sections. 

10-Participating in summer training for faculty students. 

11-Preparation of ID for control, observation, supervision, and exam work. 

12-Enrolling, compiling, and registering the results of the exams. 

13-Editing of new students' medical examination forms and preparation of health insurance ID. 

14- Converting, transferring, and ceasing student enrolment to and from the faculty. 

15-Obtaining enrollment certificates and filling out university dormitories forms. 

16-Monitoring the performance of military education for male students. 

17-Reviewing of correction forms of staff as well as delegates.

The most important competencies of the Faculty Undersecretary for Education and Students

  • Conduct student affairs in the faculty and supervise the practical training of students.
  • Examine the departments' proposals on assignments for teaching and exams outside the faculty in preparation for presentation to the Faculty Council.
  • Supervising the welfare of students' social and sports affairs.
  • Supervision of international students' affairs.
  • Preparing presentations for the Annual Scientific Conference in the Faculty.