
The vision of the Unit:

Building an effective and sustainable partnership between Suez University and the General Authority for Adult Education and Literacy to eliminate the problem of illiteracy as an important societal problem in the Suez Gulf society believing in its community role.

The mission of the unit:

Strengthen communication and strengthen the relationship between Suez University and the General Authority for Adult Education and Literacy to eliminate the problem of illiteracy as an important societal problem in Suez Gulf society through programs and effective means of communication.

The objectives of the unit:

The goals of the Literacy Unit are systematically articulated and integrated with the main directions and strategic objectives of the faculty and the University, and include the following points:

1. Communicating with students through different means of communication enhances the student's graduate relationship with the faculty.

2. Conducting exploratory studies on groups whose illiteracy is required and providing interested parties with the results of such studies to take the necessary action.

3. Following up with students after opening classes to eradicate illiteracy and identify their needs and problems.

Functions of the unit:

1. Preparing a database on students and classes that have been opened.

2. Circulate advertisements to students on billboards or on the faculty's website.

3. Answer students' queries and help them solve problems facing them.

4. Coordination with the General Authority for Adult Education and Literacy by providing students with data.

5. Organizing awareness seminars for students on the role of the General Authority for Adult Education and Literacy.

The mission of the Quality Assurance and Qualification for Accreditation Unit:

To activate and follow up the internal system of quality management and performance evaluation to improve the level of the faculty graduated by developing the staff skills, developing curricula and courses, upgrading the level of scientific research, and participating in community service.

The vision of the Quality Assurance and Qualification for Accreditation Unit:

The SU Faculty of Commerce applies comprehensive quality standards and works to reach national accreditation and international recognition and represents a mark to advance the educational process and community services.

Objectives of the Quality Assurance and Qualification for Accreditation Unit:

1. Enabling the faculty to achieve its mission and strategic objectives.

2. Qualification of the faculty for accreditation by the National Authority for Quality Education and Accreditation.

3. Disseminating the quality culture among staff and students.

4. Training and technical support in the field of quality assurance and qualification for accreditation.

5. Application of national academic standards.

6. Adopt the self-evaluation of educational effectiveness and institutional capacity.

7. Appling and developing the evaluation mechanisms.

8. Determination of impediments to performance development in the faculty and development of plans for improvement in different areas.

9. Continuous communication with the Quality Assurance Center of the University to keep abreast of developments in the implementation of quality systems.

10. To support student activities in order to contribute to the student's satisfaction.

The vision of the unit:

The technological services unit of the SU Faculty of Commerce should be more distinctive among the corresponding units at the local and regional levels in the development of information and technology systems and various technological services at the faculty and university levels, and the service of educational institutions technologically both at the university level and before the university.

The objective of the unit:

It Seeks to provide the faculty and its staff, its employees, and its students with various technological services, provide advice and training in technology within and outside the faculty and contribute to technological mechanization in the field of educational management, teaching and learning, and scientific research aimed at increasing technological efficiency in all fields within the faculty and university.

Services provided by the unit:

1. Technical support for staff - administrative staff - students.

2. Responding to students' queries and opening different channels of communication.

3. Follow up and activate the digital transformation in the faculty.

4. Activate communication between staff members, students, and faculty employees.

5-Complete the activation of the e-mail service for students and staff.