
Centre for Sustainable Development in the Administrative and Financial Fields

About the center:

It is a public service center, established by the decision of the Minister of Higher Education No. (412) of 22/11/2021, as a special unit of the SU Faculty of Commerce, in order to maximize the role of the University in the service of society and the surrounding environment and in the light of the provisions of Act No. 49 of 1972, to meet the urgent needs of the governorates of Suez, South Sinai and the Red Sea for training, studies, research and consultations in administrative, financial and quantitative fields of a commercial nature, information systems and other areas of concern to the faculty.

The vision of the center:

The Centre has an efficient and effective scientific and applied role that complements the academic role of the University in the sustainable development of the environment and community service and becomes a leader in providing a package of training programs and development services of high quality and value. Together, these programs and services achieve organizational excellence and maximize the human resources outcomes of business organizations and create a strong youth qualified to develop society in various areas.

The mission of the center:

Train and support university students, young graduates, administrative staff, the private sector, and all different groups of society with the latest knowledge and skills needed to build successful organizational cadres and develop new working systems to raise their performance rates in any field they work in more effective ways through training and qualification services, consulting work, research, IT applications, performance measurement, building, qualifying and training young people who can lead and assume all positions of responsibility anytime and anywhere.

Objectives and functions of the Centre:

- Providing services that contribute to sustainable development within the faculty's disciplines or serve community stakeholders from within and outside the university, in particular students and researchers, the business environment, units, government ministries, the private sector, and interested parties.

- Conducting research, studies, and administrative and financial consultations of a commercial nature to others.

-Conduct training programs for all workers in the administrative and economic sectors of the State, whether these programs are standard or targeted to satisfy specific needs.

- Training through the Computer Center on its uses in commercial and economic fields and contributing to preparing the scientific research and theses through the Center.

- Conducting promotion programs in commercial studies for students such as open education programs and students of the commercial competition to attend Egyptian universities and commercial representation abroad.

- Organizing scientific conferences in the administrative and financial fields of commerce.

- The publication of the scientific journal of the SU Faculty of Commerce, which specializes in scientific research in the administrative and financial fields.

- Liaising with scientific centers and bodies of Egyptian and foreign universities to provide advice and training in areas of interest to the center.

- Communicate with the community in Suez governorate by satisfying the necessary needs of individuals and groups through:

  • Providing expertise and advice to those requesting it through feasibility studies, research, and consulting in various scientific and practical fields in the faculty.
  • Providing training programs in various scientific and practical branches that keep pace with organizational events and achieve the benefits of continuous education.
  • Contribute to raising the level of the student's educational process with the aim of obtaining a distinguished graduate capable of competing in the labor market.