Faculty Dean Word

A word by Prof. Dr. Rania Abd Elmoniem Shamah

SU Faculty of Commerce works to build and improve its capacities to carry out its academic, research applied, and community role within the Suez Gulf area. It offers various and unique programs at the bachelor level with a credit hours system in the fields of management, accounting, quantitative methods, and computer at the Arabic and English departments with a world competitive level. It also offers a range of outstanding postgraduate programs for Diploma, Master’s, and doctorate, whether academic or applied professional programs in their exact specialized fields. Furthermore, the faculty attempts to provide research outputs that add value to society and the surrounding environment. Thus, the faculty established The Sustainable Development Center which plays a complementary role to the faculty's and University's role in serving its community and preparing, qualifying, and changing the career path of those in need of the community members, whether the faculty graduates or others, to qualify them for the labor market and in cooperation with relevant academic and professional bodies. The faculty as well offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in areas not found in most Commerce faculties. For example, these programs include petroleum enterprise management, small enterprise management, human resources development, marketing, finance, costs, audit, management accounting, and actuarial science.

The Faculty of Commerce attempts to provide its academic, research, and community services at a distinct level in a seven-star style. These facilities include summer study availability, early registration of master’s and doctoral thesis, reduction of the duration of administrative procedures and the quick termination of all its services, good behavior in dealing, and accuracy in the delivery of services.