Fluid Flow over Sharp and Blunt V-shaped Region, Acta Montanistica Slovaca, Vol. 10, No. 3(2005),p. 67-72.

تاريخ النشر

05/08/2005 12:00:00 ص



Gihan. E. H. Ali, Ismail I. A.


هذا البحث يشرح استخدام طريقة التكاثر الشبكى لحل مشكلة سريان موائع ذات لزوجه مختلفة فى شكل على هيئة حرف ال V





In this paper we study a viscous fluid flow over a V-shaped body for a range of Reynold's number from Re = 5 up to Re = 500. We solved the unsteady Naveir-stokes equations in the stream function - vorticity formulation. The irregular physical domain is transformed into a rectangular shape using the elliptic grid generation. We applied the Finite diference discretization technique for governing the partial diferential equations, in this technique, the computational domain is covered by a pattern, network or mesh points called grid points. The governing equations are then reformulated at each interior point by replacing all partial derivatives with appropriate Finite diferences, thus converted to a set of discrete algebraic equations.

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