Simulation of a natural gas steam‐reforming plant for hydrogen production optimization

تاريخ النشر

26/07/2021 12:00:00 ص



Manal Salem, Abeer M Shoaib, Amr FM Ibrahim


A simulation study to predict and optimize a natural gas steam reforming plant in Suez was performed. The developed model was used to generate performance data that would map the relation between atthe operating variables and hydrogen productivity. A single objective optimization problem was then formulated to maximize hydrogen production in the subunits: hydrocarbon prereformer, steam methane reformer, and the medium‐temperature water‐gas‐shift reactor. The process temperature and pressure for the three subunits, total plant flow rate and total superheated steam flow rate were selected as decision variables. A good agreement was found between simulation results and plant data at steady‐state conditions in terms of hydrogen yield and chemical composition. The developed mathematical model for hydrogen productivity correctly predicts the effect of relevant process parameters.




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