ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Name: Dr. Ehab Ahmed El_Sayed Ali Abouelhmed

Nationality:    Egyptian.

Place of Birth: Egypt.

Current Position : Head of Department of Science and Engineering Mathematics s

Current Work Address: Department of Science and Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.

Home Address: Suez - Egypt



أبحاث علمية محكمة بلغات أجنبية

Scientific Publications

My Publications from 2006 until Now

  1. M. A. Ramadan and E Ehab A. El-Sayed, Partial Eigenvalue Assignment Problem Of Linear Control Systems Using Orthogonality Relations, Acta Montanistica Slovaca 11 (2006), Volume1, 6-25 (Slovakia )


  1. M. A. Ramadan and Ehab. A. El-Sayed, On The Matrix Equation XH = HX and The Associated Controllability Problem" Applied Mathematics s and Computation 186 (2007) 844–859 (USA)


  1. M. A. Ramadan and Ehab. A. El-sayedPartial Eigenvalue Assignment Problem of Second Order Control Systems Using Orthogonality Relations” Proceedings of the Mathematics al and Physical Society of Egypt 2007.


  1. M. A. Ramadan and Ehab. A. El-Sayed," Partial Eigenvalue Assignment Problem Of High Order Control Systems Using Orthogonality Relations " Journal of Computers &Mathematics s with Applications Volume 59, Issue 6, March 2010, Pages 1918-1928 (USA)


  1. M. A. Ramadan and Ehab A. El-Sayed, “A Generalized Single-Input Mixed Eigenvalue Assignment Problem" Journal of Vibration and Control, vol. 17 no. 12 1851-1861, 2011,  (USA)


  1. M. A. Ramadan and Ehab A. El-Sayed , A Projection Algorithm For Partial Eigenvalue Assignment Problem Using Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method, Journal of Vibration and Control January ,17, 2012 (USA)


  1. Ehab A. El-Sayed , The Partial Eigenvalue Assignment For Non-Symmetric Quadratic Pencil In Multi-Input Case, International Journal of Physical Sciences Vol. 7(15), pp. 2310 - 2316, 9 April, 2012 (USA)


  1. S.M.M. EL-Kabeir and Ehab A. EL-Sayed, Effects Of Thermal Radiation And Viscous Dissipation On MHD Viscoelastic Free Convection Past A vertical Isothermal Cone Surface With Chemical Reaction,  International Journal of Energy & Technology 4 (10) (2012) 1-7


  1. Ehab A. El-Sayed and M. Modather M. Abdou ,Direct Partial Modal Approach For Solving Generalized First Order Control Systems, International Mathematics al Forum, Vol. 7, 2012, no. 45, 2219 - 2238 (2012) (USA)


10.       Ehab A. El-Sayed, On the calculation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of matrix Polynomials and Orthogonality relations between their Eigenvectors, Journal of Advances in Mathematics s, India, 2013, Vol. 4, No 1, 285-295


11        Essam. R. El-Zahar, Ehab. A. El-Sayed, Hamza. M. Habi, An Application of Differential Transform Method in Singular Perturbation Problems, Universal Journal of Computational Mathematics s, USA, 2014, Vol. 2(6)93-99


12        Mahdy S. El-paoumy, Ehab A. El–Sayed, On Erlangain Queue with Two Heterogeneous Servers and General Bulk Service Rules, SYLWAN, Poland, 2015, Vol. 159(8), 366-377.


13        Ehab A. El-Sayed and E. El Behady, Partial Eigenvalue Assignment for High-Order Linear Systems in a Time Delayed System, American Journal of Applied Sciences, UAE, 2016, Vol. 13 (9), 1006-1013.


14        Ehab A. El-Sayed and Mahdy S. El-Paoumy, Approximate Values of Time Delay for Quadratic Partial Eigenvalue Assignment Problem, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, USA, 2016, Vol. 13, No. 7, 4533–4538.


15        Ehab A. El-Sayed and E. El Behady, Algorithms For Solving Nonhomogeneous Generalized Sylvester Matrix Equations, Journal of Mathematics al Problems in Engineering ,Egypt , Vol. ( 2020 ), 2020


16        .Ehab A. El-Sayed, Firas A. Alwawi, Fahad Aljuaydi, Mohammed Z. Swalmeh ,Computational insights into shape effects and heat transport enhancement in MHD-free convection of polar ternary hybrid nanofluid around a radiant sphere, Journal of Scientific Reports 14, 1225 (2024).


17.       Abdulkareem Saleh Hamarsheh, Ehab A. El-Sayed, Thermal radiation and shape factor effects on EMHD tri-hybrid Williamson liquid flow around a cylindrical surface: a comprehensive numerical simulation, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, (under review ), 2024.

المنصب الاكاديمى

Associate Professor of Engineering Mathematics

Head of Department of Science and Engineering Mathematics

المؤهلات العلمية

- Academic Qualifications

(i) Highest University Degree (Ph. D.)

      Degree:  Ph. D. 

      Faculty/College Faculty of Science

      Major:  Pure Mathematics (Numerical Analysis)

      Date Degree Awarded 25/3/2007

      University:  Menoufia University

  Title of the Thesis: Theoretical and Numerical Study for Stabilizing Control Systems


(ii) Preceding University Degree (Master Degree)

      Degree:  M. Sc. 

      Faculty/College Faculty of Science

      Major:  Pure Mathematics.

      Date Degree Awarded 25/3/2000

      University:  Suez Canal University

      Title of the Thesis: Numerical Methods for Solving Some Parabolic Equations


(iii) Preceding University Degree (BA. Degree)

      Degree:  B. Sc. 

      Faculty/College: Faculty of Science

      Date Degree Awarded: 7/1991

      University:  Suez Canal University

      Major:  Mathematics

التدرج الوظيفى

Employment History

  1. From 1996-2000

Demonstrator, Department of Science and Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez Canal University Egypt


  1. From 2000-2007

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Science and Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez Canal University Egypt


  1. From 2007-2008

Lecturer, Department of Science and Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez Canal University Egypt


  1. From 2008-2009

Assistant Professor: College of Sciences, King Saud University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia


  1. From 2009-2011

Assistant Professor: College of Sciences, Al-Kharj University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia


  1. From 2011- 2016

Assistant Professor: College of Sciences, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia

  1. From 2016- 2020

Associate Professor: College of Sciences, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia

  1. From 2023-Untial Now

Associate Professor, Department of Science and Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University Egypt


Theoretical And Numerical Study For Stabilizing Control Systems

Authors: Ehab A. El-Sayed and  M. A. Ramadan


مقررات قام بتدريسها

  • University Teaching for Undergraduate
  1. Suez Canal University Egypt
  2. King Saud University, Al- Kharj, Saudi Arabia
  3. Prince Sattam  Binabdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia
  4. Suez University Egypt
  • University Teaching for Postgraduate

Suez Canal University Egypt

Suez University Egypt

الاشراف على الرسائل العلمية

Master of Science for candidate:  Nourhan Hamdy Ahmed.

Subject of research:  Mathematics.

Research domain:  Pure Mathematics (Numerical Analysis). 

Title of thesis: ((Numerical Treatments for Some Epidemic Mathematics Models))

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مجالات الاهتمام الرئيسية

  1. Numerical Linear Algebra
  2. Numerical Analysis
  3. Control theory