ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Name: Mohamed Abd-Eltawab El-Gindy

Date of Birth: 2/2/1943

Marital Status: Married with two daughters.

التدرج الوظيفى

Earlier Positions:

- 1967-1974​  Teaching Assistant

-1974-1977​  Assistant Lecturer

- 1977-1981​  Lecturer

- 1981-1985​  Assistant Professor

- 1985​              Professor

-1986-1990  Vice Dean for Education and students affairs, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, S CU.

- 1990-1991​Vice Dean for high studies and research, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, SCU.

- 1991-2000​   Dean of Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, SCU.

- 2000-2003​   working as a Vice Chancellor for Suez sector, SCU.

- 2000-2003​Council chairman of Suez Institute for Computer and Administration Sciences.

المؤهلات العلمية


- Ph.D. Mining Engineering (Rock Mechanics), 1977, Strathclyde University, England.

- Diploma of Mining Engineering (equivalent to MSc. of Moscow Institute), 1973, from El-Tabbin Institute.

- BSc., Mining Engineering, 1967, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Suez University.

مجالات الاهتمام الرئيسية

Research Interests: - Research supervision of some postgraduate research programs leading to MSc and Ph.D. in mining engineering. All in the field of rock mechanics.

- Geomechanics, Rock Engineering, Drilling, Rock Blasting, Ground Control, Mining Design and Planning. Tunnel Engineering. 

International Consulting: Geotechnical and Mining Engineering, Mine Design and Stability and Rock Blasting.

Number of Publications and Reports: about 35 papers and reports in different fields.

Conferences Contributed: Number of local and five international.



Professional Affiliation (current and past):

​- Member of Egyptian Society of Engineers.

​- Member of Egyptian Society of Rock Mechanics.

​- Member of Egyptian Association for Industrial Development.

​- Member of Society of Mining Engineering, USA (past).

​- Member of Political Parties, Board of state, A.R.E, for 2 years (past)

- Member of Administration Board of Phosphate Red Sea Company, Egypt, for 3 years (past).

- Member of Evaluation committee for Holder Company of Mining and Refractory for 2 years (past).

- Member of Committee to study the National project of Suez Canal region and Sinai development 1996-2017, Ministry of Planning (past).

- Member of high Consultative Committee of Regional Research Centers Sector, Suez Canal Region Development Research Center, Ministry of State for Scientific Research, Academy of SRT.

- Member of the Egyptian Committee formed by Hanns-Seidel Stiftung to visit the Renewable Energy Centers and some modern industrial factories that produce no pollution cars in German, June 1990.

- Scientific supervisor for the National Program concerned to sustainable development of Suez villages, "Shrouk project", Ministry of Developing Egyptian Country, 1997-2000.

ابحاث علمية


1- Aly H. G., and El-Gindy M., Stemming Material May Improve Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Bull. of El Tab. Inst. for Met. Study, No. 36, March, 1980. 

2- El-Ashkar and El-Gindy M., Design of Lining Thickness of Inspection Shafts for Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel and for Soukhnapower Plant Project, Bull. of El-Tab Inst. for Met. Study, No.37, June, 1980.

3- El-Gindy M. and El-Ashkar, Improvement in Blasting Limestone at the Quarry of the Suez-Cement Factory, Pull. of El-Tab. Inst. for Met. Study, No. 30, September, 1980.

4- El-Gindy M., Abd-Elrahim E. And El-Ashkar R. The Effect of Primer Location on Rock Breakage, Bell. of El-Tab. Inst. for Met. Study, No. 40, March, 1981.

5- Abd-Elrahim E. and El-Gindy M., Orientation of Underground through Inclined Shaft By a Side Surveying Technique, Bull. of the Faculty of Eng. Assiut Univ, Vol. 1, 1981.

6- El-Gindy M. and El-Ashkar R., Assessing the suitability of Locating Underground Openings in Massive Rocks. Jou. of the Egyptian Society of Eng, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1982.

7- Gomah A. El-Gindy and Ammen S., Contribution of the Reduction of the Fine Product in Beni-Khalid Limestone Quarry, Jou. of the Egyptian Society of Eng, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1983.

8- Gomah A. El-Gindy M. El-Ashkar R. and Allam M., Stabilization of Mine Roof by stress Relief, Jou. of the Egyptian Society of Eng, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1984.

9- Gomah A. El-Gindy M. El-Ashkar R. an Hamed R., Effect of the Constituent Minerals on the Rocks Strength, Jon., of the Egyptian Society of Eng, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1984.

10- El-Gindy M., Compressive and Tensile Strengths from Toughness as Determined with Impact Tester, Jou. of the Egyptian Society of Eng, Vol. 24, No. 3, 1985.

11- Gomah A. El-Gindy M. and Eissa E., the Proper Explosive Charge Geometry for Bench Blasting, Bull. Fac. Eng. Tech., Minia Univ., Egypt, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1984.

12- El-Gindy M., and Eissa E., and Ezz-Eldien A., Effect of Foundation Loads on Stress Around Shallow Excavation, Bull. Fac. Eng., Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 1, 1985. 

13- Gomah A., El-Gindy M., and Ameen S., Design of Blasts for Beni-Khaled Quarry, accepted to be published in Jou. of the Egyptian Soc. of Eng., 1985.

14- El-Gindy M. and Rayan A., Toughness Index As a Criterion of Percussive Drillability in Rocks, Bull. El-Tab Inst. for Met. Study, Egypt, No. 48, 1984.

15- El-Gindy M. and Rayan A., "New Aspects on Estimating Rock Strength Parameters Using the Point Load" the Second International Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Suez Canal University, 1989.

16- Gomah A. El-Gindy M., and Rayan A., "Effect of the Intermediate Principle Stress on Rock Failure Parameters" the Second International Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Suez Canal University, 1989.

17- El-Gindy M. El-Ashkar R., and Rayan A., "Strength and Stability of Natural Pillar Support" Al-Azhar Engineering First Conference, Vol.5 Egypt, 1989.

18- El-Gindy M. "Where We Are from the Modern Administration Thinking", Jou. of the Egyptian Society of Eng, Vol. 299, 1989.

19- El-Gindy M. "Improving Mining Productivity in Egyptian Quarries" Jou. of the Egyptian Society of Eng, Vol. 302, 1989.

20- El-Gindy M. "Scientific Methods to Dispose of Solid Wastes", Suez Environmental Pollution Conference, 1992.

21- El-Gindy M. "Sea Pollution from Activities of Oil Industry", Suez Environmental Pollution Conference, 1992.

22- El-Gindy M. A Study of Mineral and Petroleum Resources in Sinai, Suez Canal Univ. Conference about Sinai, 1996.


مقررات قام بتدريسها

Teaching Experience and Course Notes:

- Rock Mechanics

- Ground/Strata Control

- Tunnel Engineering

- Drilling and Blasting

- Technology of Surface Mining

- Design and Planning of Open Pit

- Material Handling

- Managed Rock Mechanics Lab in Mining Department, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, SSU.

- Supervising several undergraduate students' work in different undergraduate projects.

-   Analysis and design systems.