Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Sayed Ahmed
Date of birth: 7/19/1951 Place of birth: Abu Kabir / Sharqiya
National number: 25107161300598 Religion: Muslim
Address: Al Salam 2 Dr. Mostafa Street, Musharafa, Basin 69, Block 13B
Current job title: Full-time professor Current job status: Active
Department: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Specialization: Metallurgical and New Materials Engineering and Science
Date of appointment/transfer: 11/3/1974

Academic qualifications data

M. Qualification. Date of obtaining the qualification. State. University. Estimation
1 Bachelor’s degree, May 1974, Egypt, Suez Canal University
Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering with distinction
2 Master’s degrees 11/22/1981, Egypt, Cairo University
3 Ph.D. 8/24/1986, Egypt, Cairo University
Career progression and its history

No. Job grade and date the job was occupied
1 Teaching Assistant 11/3/1974
2 Assistant Lecturer 1/23/1982
3 Teacher 11/29/1986
4 Assistant Professor 11/29/1992
5 Professor 6/30/1998
6 Full Professor 1/8/2011
Supervisory functions
No. Job grade and date the job was occupied
1 Vice Dean of the College for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs 1/2/2008 for a period of three years
2 Supervising the College of Industrial Education with the powers of the Dean of the College, in addition to his work as Vice Dean of the College from 4/8/2008 to 24/2/2009