Proffessor. Dr.Engineer : Mahmoud Ibrahim Abbas
- Head of Metallurgy and Materials science Department ,
Faculty Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez- Egypt.
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(Recently DS-1 COURSE )

Date of Birth:
mob: 01005850756

- Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and
Mining Engineering, Suez- Egypt.
- El-REHAB City , New Cairo , EGYPT
1- B.Sc. Metallurgical Eng., 1973, Excellent, Cairo University.
2- M.Sc. Metallurgical Eng., 197, Cairo University.

3- Ph.D. Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1982
Moscow, Russia
Iron and Steel Institute,

4- Visiting professor at department of metallurgy and welding engineering
Ohio State University, USA from 1983 to 1989.
1-"Dissimilar Metal Welding and post weld heat treatment." Scientific Research
Academy, 2003.
2- "Multi repair welding of pipelines" 2014
International scientific societies memberships
Membership American Welding Society (AWS)
Membership: National American Society of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
Membership: American Society of Mechanical Engineer (ASME)
1- Demonstrator, Suez Canal Univ.1973
2- Assist. Prof., Suez Canal Univ., 1982-1986.
3- Associate Prof., Suez Canal Univ., 1986-1992.
4- Prof., Suez Canal Univ., February 1992.
5- The Permanent Scientific Committee, Supreme Council of universities. From
6- Head of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, 2006—.
Post Doctorate
1- “Ohio State University U.S.A” 1983 -1989.
2- “Institute of Steel and Alloys, Moscow, Russian” 1989 – 1991.
(a) Teaching Undergraduate Courses:
1- Metal Testing (Destructive and Non-destructive).
2- Material selection.
3- Heat Treatment.
4- Materials Management.
5- Welding Technology.
6- Failure Analysis.
7- Metal Technology.
8- Corrosion engineering
9- Welding metallurgy
(b) Post Graduate Courses:
1- Advanced corrosion and corrosion control in oil and gas industries
2- Corrosion monitoring.
3- Welding Metallurgy.
4- New materials and Alloy Development.
5- Advanced Heat Treatment.
6- Physical Metallurgy of Welding.
7- Advanced Welding Technology.
8- Theory of Solidification.
9- Failure analysis.
See the enclosed list.
National Scientific Societies

1- Member of Engineering Syndicate.
2- Member of Foundry Society.
3- Member of Industrial and Energy Society.
4- Member of Crystallography Society.
5- Member of New Material Organization.
6- Member of Quality and Improvement of Higher Education Programs

Industrial Project
1- Prevention of failure and protection of heat exchanger and boilers in El Nasr for
fertilizers and chemicals.
2- Improvements of Production of steel in Abu Zabal National Comp.
3- Development of Cu-Alloys for Heat Exchanger in Electrical power station.
4- Failure analysis of heat supporting tubes of boiler in Attaka power station.
5- Failure of pressure vessels JABCO Comp.
(a) Under Graduate B.Sc. (Fields):
1- Welding of Aluminum Alloys and Copper Alloys.
2- Heat Treatment of aluminum alloys.
3- Mechanical Properties and Alloying of Non-Ferrous Metals
4- Oil Fields Corrosion
5- Failure Analysis.
6- Protection of Pipe Lines.
7- Welding of Steels (Weathering, Dual Phase, Microalloyed, Stainless Steel,..).
8- Corrosion and Protection.
9- Dissimilar Welding.
10- Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDT).
11- Radiographic Inspection.
12- Cathodic Protection.
13- Materials and Failure of Gas Turbines.
14- Metallic Coatings.
(b) M.Sc. Degree:
1- A study on the electrochemical behavior of Zn-Al coating, 1992.
2- Corrosion properties of stainless steels weldments, 1995.
3- Aluminizing of nickel base alloys, 1995.
4- Effect of welding conditions on properties of steel weldments, 1996.
5- Effect of Mould Design on Properties of Steel Produced by Continuous Casting,
6- A study on dissimilar welding of nickel base alloy and C-steel, 1999.
7- Mechanical alloying to produce some Fe-containing, 2001.
8- Effects of welding variables on properties of submerged arc welds, 2007.
9- Studying the corrosion in the hemispherical equipment used in petroleum
production operation, 2007.
10-The Dual Phase Treatment of Weathering Steel (2010 )
11-Multi repair of pipeline (2012).
12-Corrosion inhibition in pipeline by organic compounds
List of Publications
1- " Investigation The ASolubility of Mn, Cr, Ti, and Zr In Aluminum In Solid
State", byn koznetsov G.N., Abbas M.I., Aksonov A.A. and Mamzoren O.B.,
Proceeding of Higher Educational Institutions Journal, Non-Ferrous Metallurgy
Section, No.1.1983.
2- "Thermodynamic calculation and measurement for the ternary alloys of Al-MgSi- system", by M.I.Abbas and S.Ibrahim, Egyptian journal of solids. Vol.5,
3- " Investigation of the Natural and Artificial Aging of Al- 15 % Zn Alloy" , by
M.I.Abbas and A. Abdel-salam, Journal of the Egyptian society of Engineers,
No. 2, vol. 25, 1986.
4- "Anomalously Fast Diffusion in the Fe-Zn System", by Paul Shewmon,
Mahmoud Abbas, and Glyn Meyric, Metallurgical Transactions A, sept. V17,
5- " General Aspects of Phase fraction- Composition- temperature Charts As
Constructed From Binary and Ternary Diagrams", by M.I.Abbas, Egyptian
journal of Solids , Vol.8, 1986.
6- "On the Solubility of Zinc in Solid Iron" by M.I.Abbas, Egyptian Journal of
Solids, Vol.8, 1986.
7- " Microprosity of Air Cast and Vacuum Cast Aluminum Alloys", by Mahmoud
I.Abbas , George R.St.Pierre and Carroll E.Mobley, Journal of American
Foundaryment's Society ( AFS) ,Vol. 11, 1986
8- "Thermal behavior of Al-27 Wt % Si alloy as a hypereutectic heat storage
material upon cycling heating – cooling operations". By M.I. Abbas, Bulletin
TIMS. Vol. 50, July, 1987.
9- "Thermodynamic calculation of Al- Cu- Mn and Al-Cu-Fe ternary equilibrium
diagrams" by M.I. Abbas, JL. Egyptian society of Engineers, Vol.27, No.3,
10-"Calculation of the solidus in binary systems "by M.I. Abbas, proceeding of the
third congress of chemical Engineering,, 19-21 March 1988.
11-"Thermodynamic calculation of Al-Cu-Mn-Fe quaternary equilibrium diagram"
by, M.I. Abbas , 3rd conference of Applied Mechanical Engineering, 12-14
April 1988.
12-" Weldability of high- strength Al- Zn-Mg and Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys with or
without Zirconium" by M.I.Abbas, S. F. Moustafa and T.A.El-Bassyouni, The
second international Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering .
Suez Canal University – March 20-22, 1989.
13-" Effect of Zirconium on Aging Characteristics and Corrosion resistance of AlZn- Mg and Al- Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys" by M.I.Abbas And B.E. Wolde. The
Second International Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering.
Suez Canal University – March 20-22, 1989.
14- " Effect of Surface Preparation on The Corrosion Resistance of Al- 4.33 Zn-
1.55 Mg Alloy in 3% NaCl solution " by M.I.Abbas , M.A. Shahin and
M.S.Ahmed, The second International Conference of Mining and Metallurgical
Engineering, Suez Canal University, March20-22, 1989.
15-" Heat Treatment of Aluminized Steel" by M.I.Abbas and T.A. El-bassyouni,
Proceeding of The III conference of Asian- Pacific Congress on Strength
Evaluation (APCS -89 ), Yokohama, Japan,May 18-20, 1989.
16-"Effect of Galvannealing Heat Treatment on the corrosion Characteristics of
Galvanized Steel" by M.I.Abbas, M.S. Ahmed and M.A. Shahin. The Canadian
Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin, Vol.82, No. 927, July, 1989.
17-"Electrochemical Behavior of Aluminum Bronz In Ammonium Citrate
Solutions" by M.I.Abbas and Y. Barakat, Al-Azhar Engineering First
Conference, December 9-12, 1989.
18-"Electrochemical and Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum Bronze in sulphuric
Acid solutions in a Wide Range of Concentrations and temperatures" by
M.I.Abbas and Y. Barakat, Bulletin Tims, Vol.56, July 1990.
19-" A contribution to the Effects of Heat Treatment on the Elecrochemical
behavior of cold Haslelloy Alloy C-276" by M.I.Abbas and M.A.El-hady,
Bulletin Times, Vol. 27, January, 1991.
20-" Phase Equilibrium in Al- Zn-Mg-Cu System Alloys" by Koznetsov G.N.,
Abbas M.I., Aksonov A.A. and Mamzoren O.B. ,Proceedings of Higher
Educational Institutions Journal, Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Section, No. 2.
21-"Effect of Temperature on the Dezincification and Electrochemical Behavior of
70/30 Brass in Sulphuric Acid" by M.I.Abbas, British Corrosion Journal, Vol.
26, No. 4 (273-278).
22-" Phase Diagrams of Aged alloys of Al-Zn- Mg and Al-Zn-Cu Systems" by
Kozentsov G.M., M.I.Abbas and Aksonov A.A., Proceedings of Higher
Educational Institutions Journal , Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Section , No.2, 1992
( 65-70 ).
23-"Effect of Retrogresion and Reaging Treatment on Corrosion of Al- 7075-T6"
by M.I.Abbas , No.2, 1992 .
24-" Effect of Temperature on Electrochemical Behavior of nickel in Sulphuric and
Hydrochloric Acids", by Mahmoud I. Abbas, Fawzy N. El-sabbahy, Egyptian
Society of Chemical Engineers ( TESCE), Vol. 18, No. 2, Part: 1.
25-"Corrosion Behavior of Heat Treated Aluminized Steel", by Mahmoud I.
Abbas, Fawzy N. El-sabbahy, 3rd International Conference on Engineering.,
(AEIC) Al-Azhar University, cairo,1993.
26-" Inhibitive Efficiency of Yinc Organo Amino Phosphate for the Corrosion of
α-Brass in 0.5 M Sulphuric Acid" by Mahmoud I. Abbas, Fawzy N. El-sabbahy,
Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ),Vol. 20,No.2, June,1995.
27-"A Study of Some Copper Base Alloys", by Mahmoud I. Abbas, Fawzy N. Elsabbahy,Proceeding of the 1st Egyptian Syrian Conference in Chemical
Engineering, Suez, October 1995.
28-" Aluminizing of Monel Alloy by Pack Cementation" by, M.I. Abbas, M.S.
Ahmed, and M.A. Ibrahim. The 5th International conference on Petroleum,
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, 24-26. February, 1997. Suez Canal
University, Suez, Egypt.
29-" Investigation of dissimilar Joints Between low carbon steel and Monel 400"
by Alber A. Sadek, Mahmoud I. Abbas and Masao Ushio, Trans.JWRI,Vol. 29
(2000) No. 1 (21-28).
30-"Pack Aluminizing of 70/30 cupronickel Alloy" by F.N.El Sabbahy,
M.A.Kassem, and M.I.Abbas, Vol. (3), Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, Cairo University, 20-24 February 1999.
31-"Effect of Electrode Type and Welding Parameters on the Properties of Steel
Weldments" by Alber A. Sadek, Mahmoud I. Abbas, and Hamed A. AbdelAleem, Vol. (3), Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo
University, 20-24 February 1999.
32- " A Comparative Evaluation of E Ni Cu-7 and E Ni Cr Fe-3 electrodes for
Dissimilar Metal Welding Applications", by Alber A. Sadek, Mahmoud I.
Abbas and Masao Ushio, Trans.JWRI,Vol. 29 (2000) No. 2 (23-31).
33- “On post weld heat treatment of submerged arc welded low carbon steel” by
M.I. Abbas and M.T.Emestekawi, Proceeding of the 9th International Mining,
Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering conference, Cairo university,
Ref.Met.3,February 2005.
34-" Evaluation of Some Inhibitors Employed In The Petroleum Production Field",
by Ibrahim, M. A. – Salem, S.M. – Salama, S.M. –Farghaly, A.M., The 6th
Syrian-Egyptian Conference Of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering and
Exhibition, (8-10) November, 2005.
35- “ Effect of Heat Input on Prperties of Jionts Welded Using Submerged Arc
Welding ” by, M.I. Abbas and M.T.Emestekawi, Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of
Engineering , Ain Shams University, Vol.40, No.4, PP. 851-859, December
36- “ Comparison Between Welded Jionts of Low Carbon Steel Made Without and
With Filler Metal Rod Using TIG Welding” by M.I. Abbas and
M.T.Emestekawi,Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering , Ain Shams
University, Vol.41, No.1, PP. 831-840, Mach 2006.
37- “ On Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of 5754-0 Aluminium Alloy ” by, A.A.
Elrefaey, M.T.Emestekawi, and M.I. Abbas. Has been Accepted for Publication
in Journal of Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez Canal
38-" Effect of Heat Input on Properties of Boron Micro Alloyed Steel Welds Using
Submerged Arc" by M.I.Abbas, AQ.A.Sadek and M.I. El-desoky, The 10th
International Mining , Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering Conference,
March 6-8, 2007.
39-Dual phase steel material science journal 2010
40-Submerged arck welding (AWS)conference 2011
41- multi repair welding of pipeline ( pipeline journal 2012 )
42- corrosion inhibition in pipelines by organic compounds .