More than 25 research papers published in international and local journals

More than 25 scientific research and three patents.

Many training and transfer courses for engineers
Technicians in Egypt and abroad in the fields of corrosion and protection
Metals and extraction of metals, iron and steel
Hydrometallurgy, raw materials treatment, and environmental protection

Assistants for several courses.
2- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Service Affairs Council
Community and environmental development for project arbitration.
3-Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of the College of Petroleum Engineering
And mining.
4-Member of the scientific committees of many scientific conferences
International and local.

Professor in the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering.

1-Lecturer in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering from 1971-1981
2-Lecturer in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering from 1981 - 1987
3 - Assistant Professor in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering from 1987 - 1990
4 - Professor in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering from 1990 - 2005
5 - Emeritus Professor in the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering from 2005 until now.

Date of birth: 8/2/1945 - Alexandria - Married and raising four children. Currently, I work as a full-time professor in the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. I have more than 25 research papers published in international and local journals. I currently work as a member of the permanent committee for the advancement of professors
Assistants for several courses. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Council for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs to arbitrate projects. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of the College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. Member of the Scientific Committees of many international and local scientific conferences.

Obtained a PhD in Metallurgical Engineering 1981 – Poland

- Ferrous extractive metallurgy engineering
2- Virus
3-Casting engineering
4 - Various alternatives for producing iron and steel
5-Engineering corrosion and protection of metals
6 - Unit operataion in metallurgy
7 - Non-ferrous metals extraction engineering
8 - Industrial safety

-Bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering 1971
-2 Postgraduate Diploma in Mineral Studies 1977
3 - Doctorate in Metallurgical Engineering 1981 - Poland

-Member of the permanent scientific committee for the promotion of professors and professors
Assistants for three courses
2-Member of the Corrosion Engineering Society
3-Member of the Egyptian Plumbing Association
4-Member of the Egyptian Society for Environmental Protection

-Referee member of the Journal of the College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering
2- A reviewer in the Journal of Hydrometallurgy
3 - An arbitrator in the Permanent Committee for the Promotion of Professors
Assistant professors
4-Arbitrator in many local scientific conferences
And international

-A research project at Al-Nasr Fertilizer Company in Suez
2- A research project for cathodic protection of oil wells in
Abu Qir Petroleum Company
3 - A project to produce ferromanganese from Egyptian raw materials
Poor Babuznima
4- Field visits to the Ferrosilicon Company Padfoo
5- Field visits to the iron company’s dolomite quarries
Steel in literature
5 - Field visits to the Suez Naval Arsenal and the Arsenal
Bor Tawfiq
6- A visit to the Suez Steel Company to treat chimney dust
And benefit from it

Arabic language - English language - Russian language

Preparing and participating in many scientific conferences in
Egypt and abroad in petroleum, mining and corrosion magazines
Metals protection, ore processing and extraction
Metals and protecting the environment from pollution

-Scientific and research trips to the Ferrosilicon Company, Padfoo
2-Scientific and research trips for the Feromanganese company Babouznema

-Many scientific research in the fields of extraction
Metals, ore processing, metal corrosion and protection
Preserving the environment
2- A patent from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology
In the field of steel production and purification 8319
3- A patent from the United States Patent Office
American 1988 in the field of purifying coal from sulfur
4- A patent from the Inventions Office
Ohio State University in 1990
The field of raw materials processing

Many radio and television interviews with Radio and Elqanal TV channel

1- Technical consultations with Sinai Manganese Company
2 - Technical consultation with Abu Qir Petroleum Company
3-Technical consultations with Al-Tasr Fertilizer Company in Suez
4-Technical consultations with the Suez Steel Company

-Member of the Council of the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
2-Chairman and member of the Council of the College of Petroleum Engineering
3-Member of the University’s Environmental Affairs and Community Service Council
4-Member of the University’s Student Affairs Council
5-Member of the University Council
6-Dean of the College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering for three terms
7 - Dean of the College of Petroleum and Mining 2003 - 2005
8 - Acting Dean of the College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, transfer
The college moved to its new headquarters 2016-2017

-Many studies and scientific research in the fields
Extraction of metals - corrosion and protection of metals - treatment
Raw materials - preserving the environment - exploiting solar energy in
Seawater desalination

-More than 25 scientific research published in journals
Scientific and conferences in Egypt and abroad
2-Three patents in Egypt and the United States

- Preparing and participating in many...
Scientific conferences in Egypt and the states
United States of America
2- Many scientific and research trips
In production and industrial units

- Participate in many discussions
Graduation projects for undergraduate students
2- Participate in discussing many messages
Master's and doctorate degrees in the department
3- Participate in the discussion of master’s theses
Doctorate at Al-Azhar University and Cairo University
And the Egyptian Japanese University

1 - Supervision of a number of master’s theses
PhD in the fields of metal corrosion
And its protection and extraction of metals
-2 Supervising master’s theses and PhD in the field of energy use
Solar desalination of seawater