Peter Nabil Gayed Ibrahim
• Born in Alexandria, Egypt (20-09-
• Egyptian nationality.
• Christian.
• Exempted from military service.
• Married.
• Living in Alexandria, Egypt.
• e-mail:
• telephone: (+2)010 633 7878 2
(+2)012 1010 9217 (WhatsApp)
Education and Scientific degrees:
2015 PhD (Faculty of Physics, Institute of Natural Sciences, Ural
Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia).
Specialty: Condensed Matter Physics.
Title of PhD thesis: Effect of the cation and anion substitution
on the structure and physical properties of layered transition
metal chalcogenides of the M7X8 type.
2006 MSc (Faculty of Sciences, Suez Canal University, Ismailya,
Egypt). Specialty: Solid State Physics.
Title of MSc thesis: Study of quasicystalline Al-Cu-Fe alloys.
1997 BSc (Faculty of Sciences, Alexandria University, Alexandria,
Egypt). Specialty: Physics.
Grade: Very Good with the degree of honour.

Since 2016 Lecturer of Physics in the department of Sciences and
Maths, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering,
Suez, Egypt.
From 2007 to
Assistant lecturer in the department of Sciences and
Maths, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering,
Suez, Egypt.
From 1998 to
Demonstrator in the department of Sciences and Maths,
Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez,
Scientific Publications:
Scientific Publications:
Double-doping Effect on Structural and Magnetic Properties of
Perovskite Lanthanum Manganite. / F.F. Hanna, P.N.G. Ibrahim // ECS
Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. – 2022. – Vol. 11. – №. 7. –
P. 073002
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Soft Ferromagnetic Perovskite
Lanthanum Strontium Manganite (La0. 6Sr0.4MnO3) / F.F. Hanna,
P.N.G. Ibrahim, A.E. Hannora // ECS Journal of Solid State Science and
Technology. – 2022. – Vol. 11. – №. 5. – P. 053002.
Effect of Milling on the Magnetic Properties of the Fe7S8 and Fe7Se8
Compounds / D.F. Akramov, N.V. Selezneva, P.N.G. Ibrahim, V.V.
Maikov, E.M. Sherokalova, D.K. Kuznetsov, N.V. Baranov // Physics of
Metals and Metallography. – 2022. – Vol. 123. – №. 3. – P. 282-289.

Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of perovskite
La0.4Sr0.6MnO3 prepared by mechanochemical synthesis technique /
P.N.G. Ibrahim, F.F. Hanna, A.E. Hannora // Journal of Materials Science:
Materials in Electronics. – 2022. – Vol. 33. – №. 2. – P. 828-840.
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Pyrrhotite-type
compounds Fe7-yVyS8 / N.V. Selezneva, P.N.G. Ibrahim, N.M. Toporova,
E.M. Sherokalova, N.V. Baranov // Acta Physica Poloni ca A – 2018. –
Vol. 133 – P. 450-452.
Study of Fe60Cu40 solid solution obtained by attritor ball milling / A.M.
Shamah, M.M. El-desoky, F.F. Hanna, P.N.G. Ibrahim, N.A. Ibrahim //
Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research – 2017. – Vol.4. – P.15-26.
Phase relations and superconductivity in the Fe7(Se1-yTey)8 system:
Effect of phase coexistence / N.V. Baranov, A.S. Abouhaswa, N.V.
Selezneva, V.A. Kazantsev, P.N.G. Ibrahim // Solid State Sciences − 2016.
− Vol. 61. – P. 136 – 145.
Layer-preferential substitutions and magnetic properties of pyrrhotitetype Fe7-yMyX8 chalcogenides (X = S, Se, M = Ti, Co) / N.V. Baranov,
P.N.G. Ibrahim, N.V. Selezneva, A.F. Gubkin , A.S. Volegov, D.A.
Shishkin, L. Keller, D. Sheptyakov, E.A. Sherstobitova // Journal of
Physics: Condensed Matter. − 2015. – Vol. 27 – P. 286003(12pp).
Crystal structure, phase transitions and magnetic properties of
pyrrhotite-type compounds Fe7-xTixS8 / N.V. Baranov, P.N.G. Ibrahim,
N.V. Selezneva, V.A. Kazantsev, A.S. Volegov, D.A. Shishkin.// Physica
B: Condensed Matter. – 2014. –Vol. 449. – P. 229 – 235.
Pseudobinary Fe4Ti3S8 compound with a NiAs-type structure: effect of
Ti for Fe substitution / P.N.G. Ibrahim, N.V. Selezneva, A.F. Gubkin,
N.V. Baranov. // Solid State Sciences − 2013. − Vol. 24. – P. 26 – 29.

Present research interest
In the present time, I am working in a research group (in Suez, Egypt)
studying the formation of Perovskite nanoparticles by mechanochemical
synthesis (ball milling) and studying some of their physical properties
(mainly electric and magnetic properties).

Experiences related to scientific research
During my previous studies and researches, I have obtained good
experiences in the following areas:
• Preparation of alloys by the following methods: direct solid reaction
in evacuated quartz tubes, mechanical alloying (ball milling) and
rapid solidification.
• X-ray powder diffraction, the analysis of the obtained x-ray
diffraction patterns and the Rietveld profile refinement of the
diffraction patterns by the Fullprof program.
• Magnetic measurements of materials. The analysis of the measured
characteristic magnetic curves corresponding to each class of
magnetic materials.
• Measurement of the electric resistivity by the four point probes
• The study of phase transitions (using the curves of temperature
dependence of coefficient of thermal expansion, and that of
differential thermal analysis (DTA)).
Teaching experiences:
• During my work as a demonstrator and assistant lecturer, I have
obtained very good experiences in teaching and preparing the student
laboratories, and also in teaching the problem-solving tutorials,
related to many topics of physics: mechanics (statics and dynamics),
optics, electricity and magnetism, heat and thermodynamics, waves
and modern physics.
• As a lecturer, I taught lectures of general physics and lectures of
engineering mechanics to the students of first year of engineering.
• I have sufficient scientific knowledge and experiences to teach
lectures in the following areas of physics: General physics, modern

physics, solid state physics, physics of magnetism and magnetic
Arabic Native language.
English Very good command of skills of English language (reading,
writing, speaking and listening)
In 2009 I have passed the TOEFL IBT exam with score 91
In 2011 I have passed the TOEFL ITP exam with score 583
Russian Good command of all skills of Russian language. I lived in
Russia for four years during my scholarship to obtain PhD
degree, including one year devoted for studying Russian
language. My PhD thesis were written and defended in Russian.
French Good ability to read and communicate in French language. I
have taken some French courses in the French center of culture
and civilization CFCC (Alexandria, Egypt), and have finished
level 8.
Personal interests:
I like reading a lot. I like travelling and meeting new people. I like
listening to classical and slow music. In my opinion, teaching is not just a
career, it is an art.