1. Full name:    Ahmed ahmed Arafat Abo Ghanem        
    2. Nationality:      Egyptian                                                       



Married:        YesP     

    1. Religion:         Muslim
    2. Nationality:    Egyptian
    3. Birth date:    Feb. 04. 1972
    4. Permanent Address:

                       Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt

    1. Present Address:

                                   Mit Habeb, Samanoud, Al Gharbia, Egypt.

    1. Telephone:

                     Mob:  EGY:-  +2 010 14 19 27 98   KSA (STC): +966 532 196 846

                                KSA (Mobily): +966 543 686 008

                     Office & Fax:-   EGY: +2 06 920 33 20

                             E-mail:- ahmed.arafatt@yahoo.com, aaarafat@tu.edu.sa




Field of Specialization


Dr. Eng.



 (Geotechnical Sciences)

Baku State University- Baku- Azerbaijan

M. Sc.


Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

(Applications of GIS in Mining)

Suez University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering

B. Sc.


Mining & Mineral Resources

Suez University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering

















(mother tongue)
















Speaking     P




Reading      P




Writing     P





Speaking     P




Reading      P 




Writing      P


Computer Skills

Windows, MS Ward, Excel, Power Point, Graphics, Contour programms such as (Surfer and Global Mapper and Civil 3D), AutoCAD, (2D, 3D), and ArcGIS, Internet, coordinates transformation programes, Google earth pro, Erdas and Software maintenance. 


  • Quantity calculation (areas, volumes of cut, fill, and replacement calculation), as-built surveying, Feasibility studies, preparation of extracts and projects management.
  • Working with different programs of total stations, normal and electronic theodolite, different types of levelling machines and Global Positioning System (GPS).




  • From 01.12.1996 to 10.08.1997 worked at Five Angles Office for surveying and mapping and this period included the following activities:                          
  1. The field surveying and staking out the roads and the axises of the buildings of Sunset Hills Co. site at El-Haram.
  2.  Staked out axises of the new interring of Taba city for Tourism Development Authority.
  3. The field surveying of the Kleobatra Group site at Dahab city, South Sinai.
  4. The field surveying of the Gallala Construction Co. site at El-Ain El-Sokhna region.
  5. The field surveying of site at El Mansouria (Abu Roash) for Sabbor office.


Experience in the field of petroleum and Gas projects

    • From 10.08.1997 to 18.04.2000 worked at Petroleum Projects and Technical Consultation Company (PETROJET) and this period included the following activities:                
  • From 10.08.1997 to 30.08.1998 worked at Nafta Isomarization plant project at Cairo Oil Refining Co. (CORC) at Mustorod region.
  1. Made a net levelling map of the site and calculating drilling and replacement quantities of the project.
  2. Staked out the pile’s paths by total station machine.
  3. Staked out axises and levels of unites (heaters, air coolers, compressors, towers, pipe racks, heat exchangers, control room, substation, underground networks (open, closed drain and fire water lines) electric trenches, roads, MS supports, paving, Etc.).
  • From 01.09.1998 to 31.01.1999 worked at construction of Butagas Filling Station Project at the Petroleum Gases Company (Petrogas Mostoroad).
  1. Staked out axises and levels of walls, columns, telescopes and the electric rooms.
  2. The paving and the asphalt road around the station.
  •  From 01.02.1999 to 30.04.1999 worked at the West Desert Gases Collection Station (Obayed Field) Badr El Din Petroleum Company (BABETICO).
  1. Staked out the pipeline paths from the station to the gas wells and its MS supports.
  2. Staked out the automatic fiber cable from automatic control room to the gas wells.
  • From 01.05.1999 to 31.12.1999 worked at:
  1. The construction of Nafta Tanks Net at Asuit Refining Company. (ASORC).
  2. The construction of water tanks, butagas & fire water net and pump rooms at Petrogas Asuit Company.
  3. The asphalt road around the petroleum companies region.
  • From 01.01.2000 to 18.04.2000 worked at (36) Inch Pipe Line path El Kantra - El Aresh, (for Petrobel Co.).                         
  • Staked out the pipe line path.
  • Surveying the levelling of the path to determine the fill and cut locations and quantities.





From -To



Assistant Professor

November 2018- up till now

Taif University

College of Engineering

Civil Engineering department.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Assistant Professor

July 2011- November 2018

Suez University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering.


Assistant Lecturer

March 2005 – July 2011

Suez University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering.



April 2000 – March 2005

Suez University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering.





Member of

Egyptian Engineering Syndicate, Egypt.

Society of Egyptian Engineering, Egypt.

Society of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Suez University, Egypt.



Undergraduate Courses

    1. Planning and topographical surveying (Survey1 and Survey2).
    2. Aerial photogrammetric surveying.
    3. Geodetic surveying.
    4. Quantity surveying and calculation.
    5. Ore sampling and evaluation.
    6. Topographic and Contour maps.
    7. Underground and Tunnel surveying.
    8. Economics and projects management.
    9. Engineering applications of surveying.
    10. Special topics in public works.
    11. Sustainable infrastructure projects.
    12. Engineering drawing by using AutoCAD.
    13. Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
    14. Global Positioning System (GPS), Navigation and RTK.
    15. Computer Applications in Surveying and Mining.
    16. Supervision on graduation Project of 4th year students.
    17. Supervision on graduation Field Surveying Project of 3rd year students.


Graduate Courses

  1. Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
  2. Advanced surveying courses.
  3. Advanced surveying instruments.
  4. Navigation surveying (Global positioning systems (GPS)).


Training Courses

  1. AutoCAD software package program.
  2. Surfer software package program.
  3. Civil 3D software package program.
  4. Total station training.
  5. ArcGIS course.
  6. GPS training.
  7. Levelling, area, volume, and quantity calculations.
  8. Cadastral surveying.
  9. Studying and monitoring the falling and the tendency of tanks and installations.
  10.  Scientific research methods.


  1. Survey 1.
  2. Survey 2.
  3. Survey (Architecture Engineering program).
  4. Engineering applications of surveying.
  5. Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
  6. Photogrammetric surveying.
  7. Engineering Drawing  by using AutoCAD package software.
  8. Special Topics in Public Works Engineering.
  9.  Sustainable Infrastructure Projects.
  10.  Special Topics in construction engineering.
  11.  Engineering Ethics.




  1. Lecturer a training course titled (introduction in engineering drawing by using AUTOCAD) under supervision of Deanship of Community Service and Sustainable Development, Taif university from 26.06. 1442 to 29.06.1442.
  2. Lecturer titled (Introduction to engineering sciences and its specializations) under supervision of Deanship of Community Service and Sustainable Development, Taif university from 02.01. 1443.
  3. The boundary surveying of a lot of land pieces by using Navigation GPS and setting out them on Google Earth and maps with scale 1:25000 for submission to Suez Governorate 2018.
  4. Head of surveying sector and consultant at Albaraqawy consulting engineering office 2014 to end of 2017.
  5. Consultant of surveying works at DEGLA, consultant & facility management (CFM) in the construction of Ein-Bay hotel, Ein-Bay village El- Ain El-Sokhna, 2017 - 2018.
  6.  Made the field surveying of a parcel (25 acres) at Biyala city, kafer Elshiekh, Egypt for determining its boundary and staking out its urban planning, 2014.
  7. Lecturer a training course in scaling, levelling, theodolite and how to monitor the falling of tanks in the El-Nasr Petroleum Company training center, El-Nasr Petroleum Company, Suez, Egypt, 2013.
  8. Made the field surveying of the all the area of Suez University and produced a contour map for making the extension of constructions of the University, 2013.
  9.  Member of committee from the faculty to Suez Governorate of for determining the area and volume of Dolomite Quarries at Ataqah Mountain for quarrying companies, Egypt, 2012.
  10.  Staked out the locations of villas in District El-Werood (COMPOUND), 6 October City, Egypt, 2005.
  11.  Made as built surveying of Sand Beach Tourist Village for marketing, El Ain El Sokhna, Egypt, 2004.


  1. Attended the 13th international geological conference, (SSG 2020), 03-05 march 2020, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  
  2. Attended the 12th international conference on Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering Suez University, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez, Egypt (Organization Committee), (MPM12), October 20-22, 2014.
  3. Attended the International Conference on the Geographical Society of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and presented a paper. Baku, Azerbaijan, 2010.
  4. Attended the International Scientific Conference on the Geographical Society of Azerbaijan, Baku State University and presented a paper. Baku, Azerbaijan, 2009.
  5. Attended the International Conference on the Geographical Society of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and presented a paper. Baku, Azerbaijan, 2009.
  6. Attended the 11th international conference on Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering Suez Canal University, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt and presented a paper, (MPM11), March 15-19, 2009.
  7. Attended the 9th international conference on Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering in Cairo University and presented a paper, (MPM9), Feb. 21-24, 2005.
  8. Attended a lot of scientific seminars and workshops during the time of the mission at Baku State University and other Universities. Baku, Azerbaijan.


  1. Abd Elrahim E.A., Hamama M.A., El-manadili Y.S., Arafat A.A., “Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Mine Works and Open Cast Mining”, proceeding of 9th international conference on Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering (MPM9), February 21-24, 2005, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, PP. 
  2. Arafat A.A., Gojamanov M.H., “Creating Information Systems for Leading Cadastre of Mining Industry in Egypt", proceeding of 11th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering (MPM11) 15-19 March 2009. Suez Canal University - Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, PP. 682-693.  
  3. Arafat A.A., Gojamanov M.H., “Gold mining in Egypt (From ancient to present times)”. International «Science and global engineering education» forum proceeding. Almaty, Kazakhstan. KazNTU named after K.I. Satbayev, V.1. 2009. PP. 334-337. 
  4. Gojamanov M.H., Arafat A.A., “Creating data base for iron ore reserves evaluation in Egypt by utilizing GIS technology”, proceeding of the Kazakh National Technical University journal, Almaty, Kazakhstan. November, № 6 (76). 2009. pp. 59-65. 
  5. Arafat А.А., “Towards creating GIS for leading a cadastre for mining industry of Egypt”, in Russian language, proceeding of International Scientific Conference on the Geographical Society of Azerbaijan, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan.  Vol. II. 2009. PP. 755-759.
  6. Arafat А.А., “The capabilities of using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as an organization tool for mine industry in Egypt”, in Russian language, proceeding of Journal of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan.  Vol. XV. 2010. PP. 313-317.
  7. Arafat А.А., “The role of Arc GIS 3D analyst and Arc GIS spatial analyst in building 3D maps”, in Russian language, proceeding of International Conference on the Geographical Society of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan.  Vol. XIV. 2009. PP. 447-449.
  8. Arafat A.A., “Application of GIS for optimizing kaolin ore deposit in paper industry in Egypt”, in Russian language, News of Baku State University. ISSN 1609-0586. (Natural sciences series). Baku, Azerbaijan.  №1. 2010. PP. 187-191.
  9. Gojamanov M.H., Arafat A.A., “Application of GIS technology to create the data database of mine Umm Gieg, Egypt”, in Russian language, proceeding of 40th geodesy and cartography department conference, (Scientific practical conference). Baku State University. ISSN 1609-0586. Baku, Azerbaijan.  Vol. IV. 2012. PP. 30 – 39.
  10.  A.M. Abdelaal, S Sameah, A. Ahmed,” Characterization of Calcium Carbonate Rocks, East El Minya Deposits for Possibility Uses as Industrial Raw Materials”, proceeding of Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 19 (1) 2017, Suez University, Egypt, 2017. PP. 81 – 89.
  11.  Gomaa E., Arafat A.A., El-Nagdy K.A., ”Fuzzy Logic-Based Analytic Hierarchy Process and Principal Component Analyses for Optimal Surface Mining Techniques”, proceeding of Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 23 (2) 2021, DOI:10.21608/jpme.2021.98758.1097, Suez University, Egypt, 2021. PP. 92 – 101.
  12.  Arafat A.A., Gomaa E., Khaled A. El-nagdy, “A Preliminary Study in Creating a Digital Contour Map Using Google Earth as a Data Source”, proceeding of Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Department of Geodesy and Cartography, "XXI century: Infrastructure of Geospatial data and space in-formation. Innovations, ways of effective use”, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan, 6-7 December 2022, PP 74 -80.
  13.  Hua Zhang, Zhenyu Wu, Qingliang Shi, Awais Khan, Saeed Rad, Asfandyar Shahab, Habib Ullah, Enas Ali, Ahmed A. Arafat, Honghu Zeng, Liudan Luo, “Fabrication and characterization of magnetic eucalyptus carbon for efficient Cr(VI) removal in aqueous solution and its mechanisms”, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 16, Issue 9, September 2023, 105047, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2023.105047.
  15. Ahmed Al-Mukhtar, Ahmed Arafat, Mohammed Mnozool, Ehab Gomaa,” Simulation of the Flow in a Fractured Rock”, 27th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity (IGF27), ELSEVIER, ScienceDirect, Procedia Structural Integrity, Volume 47, 2023, Pages 938-944, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prostr.2023.07.025.
  16. El Sayed A. Saber, Ashraf Ismael, Abdelrahem Embaby, Yehia Z. Darwish, Samir M. Selim, Ehab Gomaa, and Ahmed. A. Arafat, “Geological and geostatistical analysis for equivalent uranium and thorium mineralization, Gattar-V Eastern Desert, Egypt” Mining of Mineral Deposits Journal, ISSN 2415-3443 (Online) / ISSN 2415-3435 (Print), Volume 17, Issue 4, 2023, https://doi.org/10.33271/mining.






Prof. Dr. / Mohamed A. Algendy

Head of Mining Engineering Dept. Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering


Prof. Dr. / Mohamed H. Allam

Professor- Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering


Prof. Dr. / Ahmed A. Sedek

Professor- Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering



  1. Geographic Information Systems applications (GIS).
  2. Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
  3. Surveying Field Works.
  4. Maps Production.
  5. Ore Evaluation.
  6. Ore Sampling.
  7. Earth Works (Quantity Surveying)
  8. Projects Management.
  9. Writing Scientific Reports.
  10. Teamwork.
  11. Scientific and field Trips.
  12. Site Selection Criteria.


        1. Scientific trip with students of graduation project, Civil Engineering Department, Taif University for one day to Taif Municipality, (KSA), January. 2022.
        2. Scientific trip with students of water resources engineering, Civil Engineering Department, Taif University for one day to perform a surveying 3D coordinates points of an area in Wadi Al Qaim district using RTK GPS, Taif City, (KSA), Dec. 2018.
        3. Scientific trip with students of water resources engineering, Civil Engineering Department, Taif University for one day to perform a surveying 3D coordinates points of an area in Al What and Al Wuhait district using RTK GPS, Taif City, (KSA), Nov. 2019.
        4. Scientific field trip with students for one day at TITAN Cement Company, limestone Quarry (Open Pit), El- Ain El-Sokhna, Egypt 2016.
        5. Practical training and scientific trip with students for one week at the Abu-Tartor Phosphate Mining company (Open Pit mine), Egypt 2012.
        6. Attended the Training 5 courses in Developing Management Competencies and teaching, Training center, Suez Canal University – Ismailia – Egypt, 2011.
        7. Supervision on summer training of undergraduate students in many years at different mining companies, Egypt.
        8. Practical training for two weeks at the Open Pit Iron Ore Mine, Egypation iron and steel company, Egypt 2004, 2005.
        9. Practical training for six weeks in Field Surveying Project at Ataqah Mountain, Egypt, 1994.
        10. Practical training for one month at the El- Magahra Coal Mine (Underground Mine), Egypt, 1993.
        11. Practical training for one month at Sinai Magnesium Company, Egypt, 1993.


  1. Member of committee department council from (2011 to 2018)
  2. Member of committee of buying devices in the faculty (2012-2013, 2016 -2017).
  3. Member of committee of environment in the faculty (2014-2015).
  4. Lecturer for more than 8 General Lectures in Total station (its components and capabilities with field training).
  5. Examining Committee in the Faculty.
  6. Member of committee of control works in the faculty from 2012 till now.
  7. Instructor of educational program and timetables.
  8. Full description of the department educational courses.
  9. Member of the Faculty Annual Report Implementation Team.
  10.  Member of committee of Curriculum Plan for postgraduate in the faculty (2015-2016).




        1. 1. Member of Committee of Civil Engineering Department Council from (2019 till now).
        2. 2. Member of committee of student’s summer training in the department from 2019 till now.
        3. 3. Member of the Committee for Discussing Graduation Projects 2019 till now.
        4. 4. Member of committee of control works in Civil Engineering department from 2021till now.
        5. 5. Member of committee of Exit Exam in Civil Engineering department from 2021 till now.
        6. 6. Member of committee of laboratories in Civil Engineering department from 2022 till now.



Best Regards

Date de publication

26/02/2024 00:00:00

