



Field of



Kyoto University



Mineral Processing

M. Sc.

Suez                  Canal




Mining Engineering

B. Sc.

Suez                  Canal




Mining Engineering

Excellent with  Honor

Arabic (mother tongue)











Writing    Fair


From – To



Emeritus Professor



Vice Dean for Environmental


and Community Services

August 2016 till now


August 2014  to August


November 2009 -2012

January 2013 to Nov. 2013

Suez University



Suez University)


Suez-Canal University









Chair of Mining Engineering Dept.

November 2006 –Nov. 2009

January 2013 to Oct. 2013

Suez-Canal University



Since June 2004 to date

Suez-Canal University


Associate Professor

1999- June 2004

Suez Canal University




Suez-Canal University


Assistant Lecturer


Suez-Canal University




Suez-Canal University


·    Resources Processing Society, Japan-

·    Chairman of Scientific Society of Mining Engineering, Suez University, Egy

·    General Secretary of Journal of Petroleum &Mining Eng., Suez Canal Unive

(Mining Engineering Section in the period 2009-2012)

·    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Alumni Egypt (Cairo-Egy

·    Egyptian Engineers Syndicate-


Undergraduate Courses

  • MNE 156 Introduction to Mining Engineering

·    MNE 362N Surface Chemistry and Colloid Science-

·    MNE 463 Mineral Processing (II)

·    MNE 496N Processing of raw materials for non –metallic minerals

(Ceramic Technology-Cement Technology)-

·    MNE 161 Introduction to Mining Engineering-

·    MEC 46 Environmental Engineering (Kafr EL Sheikh University)

·    MNE 464B       Recycling and solid waste management

·    HUM 182 B     Society and Environment (1syear all faculty Departments)

·    HUM  290          Technical English III

·    RPE 244 waste water treatment in Petrochemical Unit Operations

·    RPE 345 Safety in Chemical Engineering

·    Supervision on graduation Project of 4th   year student.

·     Supervision on graduation Field Surveying Project of 3rd year Students.







Graduate Courses

  • Mineral Processing III
  • Advanced Courses in Mineral Processing
  • Solvent properties of surfactants Surface
  • Chemistry in Industrial wastewater treatment
  • Mine Evaluation-
  • Eco-cement Technology.
  • Chemistry of Cement & Eco-cement
  • Applications of Surface Phenomena and Colloid Science in Minerals Technology
  • Theory of Crushing and Grinding
  • Attending Ceramic group meeting at advanced ceramic research center, Tajimi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, December, 2018


  • Chairman of “Biotechnology in Petroleum and Mining technology Session” JSPS

Annual Assembly Meeting of JSPS Alumni Association in Egypt, Cairo, February 27, 2016


  • Attending Ceramic group meeting at advanced ceramic research center, Tajimi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, June 25-29 June, 2014


  • 12th  International Conference in Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering, Suez University, Egypt, February 2014



  • 26th  International Mineral Processing Congress, New Delhi, India, September, 2012
  • Attending  Workshop  of ICSU-UNESCO  Regional  Science  and Technology Workshop  for  the  Arab  States,12-14  October  2011,  Egypt    contribute  to prepare joint  positions and  concerted input   into the Rio+20
  • Sharing  by  attending  and  as  inviting  speaker  in  the  event  of  "Egypt-Italy

             Projects –success Stories"-under the Umbrella of Egypt-Italy Scientific Year,

             2009-July 2009, Rome Italy.

  • Initiating,  Motivating,  communicating  and  sharing  in  the  organization  of Egypt-Japan Joint Symposium on "Sustainable Chemical and Minerals Engineering" under the umbrella of Egypt-Japan Scientific Year 2008 at Sharm El Sheikh –Egypt, March 2009.
  • 124th International Mineral Processing Congress, Beijing, China, 2008
  • 8h   Syrian  –Egyptian  Conference  on  Chemical  and  Petroleum  Engineering, Homes, Syria, 2009
  •  4th Syrian-Egyptian Conference on Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Homes

                      Syria, 2003

 6th Syrian-Egyptian Conference on Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Homes

Syria, 2001

·    20th International Mineral Processing Congress (20th IMPC), Rome, Italy, 2000

·    2nd Hungarian-Egyptian Conference on Environmental, Budapest, 31 October-

6 November, 1998

·     18th   International   Mineral   Processing   Congress   (18th    IMPC),   Aachen, Germany, 1997


From – To



Emeritus Professor



Vice Dean for Environmental


and Community Services

August 2016 till now


August 2014  to August


November 2009 -2012

January 2013 to Nov. 2013

Suez University



Suez University)


Suez-Canal University









Chair of Mining Engineering Dept.

November 2006 –Nov. 2009

January 2013 to Oct. 2013

Suez-Canal University



Since June 2004 to date

Suez-Canal University


Associate Professor

1999- June 2004

Suez Canal University




Suez-Canal University


Assistant Lecturer


Suez-Canal University




Suez-Canal University


  1. Refereed International and local Journals




W. Suthabanditpong, C. Takai, H. Razavi-Khosroshahi, Y. Okada , M.S. El-Salmawy, and M. Fuji “Influence of CaCO3 pore-forming agent on porosity and thermal conductivity of cellulose acetate materials prepared by non-solvent induced phase separation”, Advanced Powder Technology, 2019, Vol.30, pp.2017-2013


A.Abbaker,  E.M.Moslim and M.S.El Salmawy " Mineralogical and Chemical Characterization of Bajrawia Iron Ore, Sudan", FES Journal of Engineering Science, March 2019, pp.8-14



A.Abbaker,  E.M.Moslim and M.S.El Salmawy "Beneficiation of  Low Grade and High Phosphorus Iron Ore of Bajrawia, Sudan by Reverse Anionic Flotation: potential of Microwave Treatment ", FES Journal of Engineering Science, May 2019, pp.29-39.



Bo Peng, Chika Takai, Hadi Razavi-Khosroshahi, M S EL Salmawy, and Masayoshi Fuji “Effect of CNTs on morphology and electromagnetic properties of non-firing CNTs/silica composite ceramics” , Advanced Powder Technology, 2018, Vol.29, pp. 1865-1870.



C.Takai-Yamashita, I.Shinkai, M.Fuji and M.S.EL Salmawy, “Effect of water soluble polymers on formation of Na2SO4 contained SiO2 microcapsules by W/O emulsion for latent heat storage”, Advanced Powder Technology, 2016, Vol.27, pp. 2032-2038.



A.F. Muhammad,  M. S. EL Salmawy,  A. Abdelaal, and S. Sameh “Potential for

Upgrading EL-Nakheil Oil Shale by Froth Flotation” Oil Shale, 2013, Vol. 30, No.

1, pp. 48–59


A.F. Muhammad, M. S. EL Salmawy, A. Abdelaal, and S. Sameh,  “EL-Nakheil Oil Shale: Material Characterization and Effect of Acid Leaching”, Oil Shale, 2011, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 528–547


M. S. EL Salmawy, A. Abdelaal, S. Sameh and A.F. Muhammad " EL Nakheil Oil Shale: Material Characterization and Effect of Acid digestion" Journal of Engineering Sciences (JES), Assiut University,     Vol. 38,   NO.5,   1325-1343 (2010).


M.S. El Salmawy, Abdelaal, A. M., E. Gomaa and Abdelrahman, A. A., “Study of the Flotation Behavior  of Some Black Sand Minerals  at Northern  Coast of Egypt” Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Vol.9   No.2 pp.35-49,

2006, Suez Canal University, Suez-Egypt.


M.S,. El Salmawy, E. Kusaka and T. Wakamatsu " Electrokinetic Behavior of EL Maghara Coal: Effect of Some Inorganic Ions" J. of Resources Processing Society of, Japan, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp.175-181, 2003, Nakanishi Press Ltd, Japan (English)


M.S. EL Salmawy "Comparative Study of Collecting and Electrokinetic Behavior of a Conventional  Nonionic  surfactant  Triton X-100 and of its Oligomer,  Tyloxapol (Triton WR-1339)" Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp.11-25, 2003, Suez Canal University, Suez-Egypt.


Abdelrahman,  A. A., El  Salmawy,  M.  S., and Seifelnassr,  A. A. S., “ Effect  of Physical  and  Chemical  Properties  of  Binders  on  Agglomeration   of  Coal  “, Alexandria  Engineering Journal, Faculty of Engineering,  Vo.37, No. 4, D1-D10,

1998, Alexandria University, Egypt .


EL Salmawy, M.S., “Adsorption of Gold from Acid Thiourea and Chloride Solutions by  Ion  Exchange  Resins”,  Mansoura  Engineering  Journal,  Vol.  23,  No.  3, pp.M.79-M.95, 1998, Faculty of Engineering,    Mansoura University, Egypt.




M.S. El Salmawy,., Seifelnassr, A.A.S., Abdelaal, A. M., and Abdelrahman, A. A., “Mechanism of Fine Coal Flotation Using Oily Collectors in the Presence of Frother “,  J. of Resources Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 44, No. 4, 173-180, 1997, Nakanishi Press Ltd, Japan (English)


M. S. EL Salmawy, Y. Nakahiro, and T. Wakamatsu: “The Role of Alkaline Earth Cations in Flotation Separation  of Quartz from Feldspar”,  Minerals Engineering, Vol.6, No.12, pp.12311243, 1993, Pergamon Press Ltd., Great Britain.


M.S.: EL Salmawy, “General Survey of Mineral Resources in Egypt” J. of Resources Processing Society of Japan. 34 (4), pp.223-230, 1987, Nakanishi Press Ltd, Japan (English).




II-Papers Published in Refereed International Conference Proceedings


M.S. El Salmawy, E. Kusaka, " Electrokinetic behavior of Egyptian coal in the presence of some nonionic surfactants , the proceedings 27th International Congress on Mineral Processing, Vo.1, Ch. 2, pp. 73-82, Santiago, Chile, October,



M. S. EL Salmawy, A.Abdelaal, S.Sameeh and A.F. Mohammed, " El Nakheil Oil Shale

– Material Characterisation and Resource Potential "26th IMPC, New Delhi, India, September, 2012.


M. S. EL Salmawy, A.Abdelaal, A.Abdelrahman and E.Gommaa: "Effect of Sodium Lignin  Sulfonate,  Polyoxyethylene  Glycol  and  Carbonate  Alkalinity  on  Oleate Flotation of Zircon, Ilmenite and Rutile", Proceedings of 24tIMPC, Beijing, China, Vol.1, 1291-1296, (2008) Science Press, China.


Nishiyama,  T., EL Salmawy,  M.S., and Adachi, T    “Resources Consumption  VS.

Economic  Growth” The   10th International Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering  Conference,  March  6 – 8, 2007;  Mining,  Code  No.  M 37,  Assuit

University, Egypt.


M. S. EL Salmawy, T. Wakamatsu and M. Ichidate: “State-of the-Art: Recent Developments and New Applications of Nonionic Surfactants Used in Froth Flotation” The 9th Inter. Conf. on Pet., Min. and Met. Engineering. (MPM 9), pp.

1-23, Feb., (2005), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.


Wakamatsu,T. and EL Salmawy, M.S., Selective flotation of quartz and feldspar using non-ionic surfactant, Proceedings of Centenary of Flotation Symposium, AusIMM, Brisbane, Australia, pp.803-805   (2005).


M.S. El Salmawy, E. Kusaka and T. Wakamatsu "The Electrokinetic Properties and

Flotation Behavior of Quartz and Feldspar in the presence of polymeric Surfactants"

22nd  International  Mineral  Processing  Congress  (IMPC),  pp.1053-1062,  (2003),

South African Institute of Mining &Metallurgy,. Cape Town, South Africa.



M.S. EL Salmawy, A. A. Abdelrahman, F.A.Bassiuny and K.F. Mossallam " Concentration of Iron Oxides from their Associated Barite by Flotation" The 8th International Conference on Mining Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering (MPM 8), pp. 265-275, (2003), Suez-Canal University, Suez, Egypt.


M.S. El Salmawy "The Role of Some Organic and Inorganic Additives in Agglomeration Flotation of Fine Coal", 7tInternational Symposium on Agglomeration,  Albi-France,  Vol. 2, pp. 627-636 (2001), 624th  Event of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. France .


El Salmawy, M. S., Kusaka, E. and Wakamatsu, T. “Polyoxyetylenic Nonionic Surfactants as Collectors in Floatation of Quartz and Feldspar: Effects Induced by the Addition of Cationic Surfactants“21st International Mineral Processing Congress (Development in Mineral Processing, 13), pp.B8b-160- 167, (2000), ELSEVIER, Rome, Italy.


M.S.  El Salmawy.  “The Synergistic  Effect of Alkyldiamines  and Sodium Oleate Collectors  on Quartz  Flotation,  “The  7th  International  Conference  on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering (MPM 7), pp. 265-275, Feb., (2001). Assiut University, Assuit, Egypt.


M. S. EL Salmawy, and T. Wakamatsu: "Amine Flotation of Quartz and Feldspar" The

6th Inter. Conf. on Pet., Min. and Met. Engineering, pp. 92-98, Feb., (1999), Cairo

University, Cairo, Egypt.


Abdelrahman, A. A., El Salmawy, M. S., and Seifelnassr, A. A. S., “Removal of Oil from Petroleum Refinery Waste Water by Hydrophobic Solid “, Proceedings of International Conference on Energy Research & Development, Vol. 2 pp. 797 –808, November (1998), Organized by Kuwait University, Institute for scientific Research, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department,  College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait- State of Kuwait.


M.S. El Salmawy, , Solution Chemistry of Anionic/Nonionic Surfactants and its Role in Flotation Separation of Quartz from Feldspar”, Proceedings of 20th International Mineral Processing  Congress  (IMPC),  Vol. 3, pp 617-625.  Dec, 1997, Aachen, Germany.


Seifelnassr,  A.A.S., El Salmawy,  M.S., Abdelaal,  A. M., and Abdelrahman,  A. A., “ Influence of pH on Retrieving Combustible Matters from Coal Wastes by Flotation “ The 5th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering (MPM 5), pp. 158-173, (1997) Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.


M.S.  EL  Salmawy,  Y.  Nakahiro,  and  T.  Wakamatsu:  “New  Reagent  System  in Flotation   Separation   of   Quartz   from   Feldspar”,   Proceedings   of   the   19th International  Mineral Processing  Congress  (IMPC,),  Vol.3, pp.285-289,  (1995). The Society for Mining, Metallurgical,  and Exploration,  Inc., (SME), Littleton, Colorado, USA.


Seifelnassr, A.A.S., El Salmawy, M.S., and Abdelrahman, A. A, “ Selective Oil Agglomeration-Flotation of Rich Ash Fine Coal “, Al-Azhar Engineering Fourth Int. Conference, Vol. 9, Faculty of Al-Azhar Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, Cairo, 16 - 19 December, 1995


M.S. EL Salmawy, Y. Nakahiro, and T. Wakamatsu: “The Role of Silanol Group in Flotation Separation of Quartz from Feldspar Using Nonionic Surfactants”, Proceedings, 18th IMPC, Sydney-Australia, 845-849, (1993), The Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering.


M. S. EL Salmawy, Y. Nakahiro, and T. Wakamatsu :”Activation of Quartz and Feldspar With Metal Ions in Flotation”, IV International  Mineral Processing Symposium, pp.179-188, October 20-22 (1992), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.



IV-Papers Published in Refereed Local Conference Proceedings

M.S, El Salmawy, "Effect of Some Polymeric Nonionic surfactants on Zeta Potential of El Maghara Coal-Egypt"  8th  Syrian - Egyptian Conference on Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Homes, Syria, 2009



Abdelaal, A.M., M.S. El Salmawy and Abdelrahman, A. A., “Using Small Dosage of Coagulant to Improve the Efficiency of Flocculation Process” The proceedings of 5th Egyptian  Syrian  Conference  on Chemical  and Petroleum  Engineering,  October, (2003), Suez Canal University, Suez-Egypt.


M.S. EL Salmawy " Separation of Fine Coal Particles from Coal Waste Using Chemically Emulsified Oils" 4th Syrian-Egyptian Conference on Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, pp.166-175, Homes, Syria, October, (2001).


M.S. EL Salmawy "Separation of Silica from Silicate Minerals by Flotation-a Critical Review" 6th Syrian- Egyptian  Conference on Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, pp.243-272, Homes, Syria, October, (2005).



S. A. Mohammed,  A. Gomaa, and M.S.EL  Salmawy: “Application  of Evaporative Cooling for the Improvement of the Climatic Conditions in Egyptian Mines”, Transaction of the Arab Mining & Petroleum Association, Conference of Mineral Resources of Egypt, Vol. 39 Cairo, (1983).

·    Prize of Scientific Distinguished the first order, from Suez Canal University

for the academic Year 2010-2011.

 جائزة التميز العلمي المركز الأول   جامعة قناة السويس   2010-2011

·    International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England (IBC) member of IBC

in 2011 Top 100 Educator.

  • Publication Awards, certificate of appreciation for high publication activity in scientific journals ,2016-2018, Suez University.
  • Publication Awards, certificate of appreciation for high publication activity in scientific journals 2019, Suez University.

Emeritus professor of Mineral Processing