Mohamed Naguib Elkot
Möhlaustr. 1, 40468, Düsseldorf. +4917657751484
 2019 - Present
Ph.D. studies, RWTH Aachen, Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering
 2014 - 2017
Master’s Degree (M.Sc.)
Suez University, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department
Title: “Alloy Design, Production and Characterization of High Mn Steels with
Ultra-high Strength and Ductility”
 2008 - 2013
Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc.)
Suez University, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department
Final Grade: Very Good with an Honors Degree (81.52%), Ranked 1st
Graduation Project: Constitutive modeling for the plastic flow behavior of Al-5052
using the Norton-Hoff equation
Project Grade: Excellent
Professional Experience
 2019 - Present
Doctoral Researcher, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung MPIE, Düsseldorf, Germany
 2014 - 2019
Teaching Assistant/Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,
Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Egypt
- Provided mentorship to undergraduate students
- Laboratory supervision.
- Supervised bachelor students’ graduation projects.
Research projects experience
 RFCS-funded DELIGHTED project, “Design of lightweight steels for industrial applications”, (July
2020 – December 2023).
- Optimized the chemistries and aging strategies for the investigated alloys.
- Designed a high-Mn lightweight steel alloy with improved low-temperature toughness and
hydrogen embrittlement resistance.
- Characterized the investigated alloys via mechanical and microstructural techniques.
- Coordinated the analysis and modelling work package of the project.
 STDF-Egypt-funded project, “Production of high-Mn stainless steels with extremely attractive
combinations of ultra-high strength and ductility”, (September 2015 - March 2017).
- Designed the chemical composition of the produced alloys based on targeted active
secondary deformation mechanisms and replacing strategic elements.
- Supervised the production and thermomechanical treatment of the studied alloys.
- Performed mechanical and electrochemical testing.
Scholarships and Awards
 DAAD–GERLS scholarship, (April 2019 – March 2023)
 Department Top Student Award (August 2013)
Provided by the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and
Mining Engineering.
 Fellowship (September 2008 – July 2013)
Provided by Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Egypt.
 Elkot, M. N.; Sun, B.; Zhou, X.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.: Hydrogen-assisted decohesion
associated with nanosized grain boundary κ-carbides in a high-Mn lightweight steel. Acta
Materialia 241, 118392 (2022).
 Zhi, H.; Li, J.; Li, W.; Elkot, M.; Antonov, S.; Zhang, H.; Lai, M.: Simultaneously enhancing
strength-ductility synergy and strain hardenability via Si-alloying in medium-Al FeMnAlC
lightweight steels. Acta Materialia 245, 118611 (2023)
 Elkot, M. N.; Sun, B.; Zhou, X.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.: On the formation and growth of grain
boundary κ-carbides in austenitic high-Mn lightweight steels. Materials Research Letters 12(2024)
Conference Talks
 Elkot, M. N.; Sun, B.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.: Tackling hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity and poor
low-temperature toughness of austenitic high manganese lightweight steel. International Conference on
Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials Thermec, Vienna, Austria (2023)
 Elkot, M.; Sun, B.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.: The deceit of steel strength ductility diagrams: A case study
on high manganese lightweight steel. 7th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure
ICEAF, Spetses, Greece (2023)
 Elkot, M.; Sun, B.; Zhou, X.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.: Grain boundary κ-carbides in high manganese
lightweight steel: degradation assessment and potential solutions. 5th International High Manganese
Steel Conference, online, Linz, Austria (2022)