SU mission & vision

The faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering looks forward to taking a prominent place among regional and global higher education institutions based on its contribution to the development of university education and its interaction with its community. This would be through the graduation of distinguished engineers who can compete locally, regionally, and internationally and provide pioneering research related to their specialties.

The Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering is a specialized faculty that aims at preparing engineers in the petroleum and mining industry to meet local and global requirements. This would be through taking care of the educational process in the engineering specialties the faculty as well as taking care of the basic sciences and basic engineering sciences, developing the skills of the graduates, and preparing them for post-graduate studies. Furthermore, the faculty is concerned with applied engineering sciences, research, technical consultations, field experiments, and tests in petroleum engineering and mining to serve the industrial community locally, regionally, and internationally, considering the environmental dimension and the development of environmental culture.