Students Affairs Sector

Documents required to register new students in the college:
Number of (2) copies of the nomination card.
Original computer birth certificate + copy of it.
Original high school diploma + copy of it.
Number (2) copy of the national ID card.
Number of (8) personal photos and write the name on them.
Number (2) plastic file.
Number of (1) stamp for medical examination.
Medical stamp for the issuance of the health card.
Form (2) Recruit and Military Card (6) Recruit for males from the department to which it belongs.
Tuition Fees: - Payment is made by Visa.

The Education and Student Affairs Sector at the College, headed by Prof. Adel Mohamed Amer, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, is responsible for students from their enrollment in the College until they obtain a bachelor's degree.
The Department of Education and Student Affairs shall have the following tasks:
Participate in the formulation of policy on the affairs of study, examinations, education and students.
Follow up the implementation of the decisions of the Supreme Council of Universities, the University Council and the Council of Education and Student Affairs.
Participate in setting the dates for the beginning and end of the academic year and the summer vacation in the light of the decisions of the University Council and communicate them to the colleges.
Prepare the statistics and data required to extract information and prepare periodic and annual reports.- Prepare the necessary schedules for teaching and determine the necessary hours for them.
Receiving new students and distributing them to different programs in accordance with the standards approved by the College Council.

Prepare a special file for each student, enter the data of students on the database of the university and record them in the records.
Extract students' carnivals after paying the prescribed tuition fees.
Prepare student lists and send them to the various scientific departments and follow up on the students' attendance in lectures and skasheen.
Participate in the summer training work for the students of the college.
Prepare the necessary cards for control, observation, observation and exam work.
Record and compile the results of the exams and record them in the records.

Editing medical examination forms for new students and preparing health insurance cards.
Student transfers to and from the college and transfer and suspension of enrollment.
Issuing enrollment certificates and filling out university city forms.
Follow up the performance of military education for male students.
Review the correction forms for faculty members as well as secondees. 

Conduct student affairs in the college and supervise the practical training of students.
Study the proposals of the departments regarding the assignment of teaching and examinations outside the college in preparation for submission to the College Council.
Supervise the welfare of social and sports affairs for students.
Supervise the affairs of international students.
Prepare what is presented to the annual scientific conference in the college in relation to it.