A New Cell for Production of Electrolytic Metal Powders

Publish Date

7/13/2011 12:00:00 AM



ِAshour Owais


Patent at the Egyptian patent office, with the number of 25040




The aim of this patent is to construct a new cell for production of electrolytic metal powders by both electrolytic refining and electrolytic winning techniques. The suggested cell consists of metallic basket contains a number of metallic champers. To test this cell, different basket materials (stainless steel, Al and Cu) were subjected to pure lead anodes for electrowinning process and/or pure or industrial Cu anode plates for electrorefining process. Aluminum cathode basket was found to be the best one for deposition of copper powder using both techniques. The main disadvantage of this material is the deposition of some Al with the deposited Cu powders beside the problem of corrosion of Al basket in the presence of an acidic electrolyte. The produced copper powder is highly pure as obtained from EDX and very fine with dispersive and semi spherodized shape as illustrated in SEM photomicrographs.
