A Mathematical Model with Memory for Propagation of Computer Virus Under Human Intervention

Publish Date

4/11/2016 12:00:00 AM



Dr.Mohammed Dagher, Pro.Dr.Saad ZaglolRida, Pro.Dr.Anas Arfaa ,Ahmed Hassan, Prof.Dr Hamed Elsherbin


In this paper, we propose a fractional order model for the propagation behavior of computer virus under human intervention to study the spread of computer virus across the internet. Numerical simulations are used to show the behavior of the solutions of the proposed fractional order system





In this paper, we introduced a study of propagation of computer virus under the impact of human intervention. We modified the ODE model proposed in [6] into a system of fractional-order (SIR) model. The possibility that an infected computer becomes susceptible as well as the possibility that a susceptible computer becomes recovered is considered here in the proposed model. The results show that the solution continuously depends on the time-fractional derivative. When α → 1 the solution of the fractional models reduce to the standard solution of the integer order models. According to the results of the simulation experiments figures (1-6) it is observed that R0 is increasing with β, and it is decreasing with γ1, γ2 and ω respectively Figures 1 and 4.. This implies that prevention is more important than cure, and higher disconnecting rate from the Internet contributes to the suppression of virus diffusion.


Fractional calculus, computer virus, numerical solution, predictor-corrector method.