Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Working at Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Egypt                                (March 2013 - present)

        • Providing mentorship to the undergraduate students in various courses: – Materials Science and Engineering 1 – Technology of Heat Treatment – Steel and iron making - Corrosion engineering - Material destructive testing - Nondestructive testing.
        • Laboratory supervision for the undergraduate students: Destructive Testing Lab. – Heat Treatment Lab. – Microstructural Investigations Lab.
        • Supervising bachelor students’ graduation projects.
        • Supervising of Ph.D. thesis
        • Exams invigilation.
        • Grading Exams.

Training Courses


  • Ph.D. Degree                                                     (2022)

Title: Corrosion prevention of mild steel by environmentally friendly inhibitors – paint   combinations by self-healing action


  • Master’s Degree (M.Sc.)                                          (2017)

           Title: “Production of Electrolytic Manganese Powder from Mn-Bearing Materials in Sinai Manganese Company


  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc.)                                      (2011)

Suez University - Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering.

Metallurgy and Materials Engineering department.

Final Grade: Very Good.

Project Grade: Excellent

Scientific Papers

Improving Performance of epoxy Painting by adding some organic inhibitors to decrease corrosion of AISI- 1020 carbon  steel

Corrosion Inhibition of AISI 1020 Steel in 3 % nacl Solution Using Some Environmentally Friendly Inhibitors

“Production of electrolytic manganese powder from Egyptian low-grade                         manganese ore”.


Publish Date

10/10/2021 12:00:00 AM

