Curriculum Vitae (CV)


•    Louisiana State University – College of Engineering 
PhD in Petroleum Engineering (currently pursuing)     2020 - Present

o    Dissertation Topic
Pressure and Rate Transient Analysis for Plume Characterization and Storage Capacity Estimation of CO2 Storage Projects.
o    Area of Research
Performing analytical and numerical modeling to investigate and assess the potential of target storage formations for Geological Storage of CO2 (GCS) projects. The purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of both conceptual and practical issues related to GCS projects. 

•    Suez University – Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering    2018
o    Thesis Topic 
Estimation of Natural Gas Pseudo-pressure.
o    Total Grade: Excellent 

•    Suez University – Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering    2014
o    Total Grade: Excellent  (Graduation Project Grade: Excellent)
o    Graduation Project: Full Oil-Field Development Plan (Western Desert – Egypt.)

Relevant Skills

•    Software & Programming    MS Office, Matlab, Saphir-Kappa, Rubis-Kappa, CMG-IMEX, CMG-GEM, CMG-STARS, Petrel and Surfer.
•    Functional Expertise    Numerical reservoir simulation, analytical/numerical modeling of fluid flow, reservoir characterization, advanced well testing analysis, pressure and rate transient analyses for plume characterization and storage capacity estimation related to geological CO2 storage projects, characterization of shale/tight reservoirs, reserve estimation and reservoir management, programming using Matlab, mathematics and statistical analysis, technical writing, 
•    Courses    Advanced petroleum engineering (drilling, completion, reservoir, and production), statistics, linear algebra, calculus, differential equations (ODE and PDE), Matlab, mathematical methods for engineers, numerical analysis, heat and mass transport phenomena.  

Work Experience

•    Graduate Research Assistant – Louisiana State University    2020- Present
o    A full-time Graduate Research Assistant working on different aspects of GCS at Craft and Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering, Louisiana State University.
o    Performing analytical and numerical modeling of multi-phase fluid flow in porous media; and conducting reservoir characterization using various data analysis (e.g., pressure and rate transient analyses). 
o    Writing manuscripts resulting from the research.

•    Assistant Lecturer – Suez University    2018- 2020
o    Supporting undergraduate students for graduation project activities.
o    Assisting professors with lectures on petroleum engineering courses.

•    Demonstrator – Suez University    2016-2018
o    Teaching undergraduate-level courses (e.g., enhanced oil recovery, well design and completion, reservoir fluid properties, and reservoir rock properties).

Summer Internships
•    Sustainability Intern (3 months)    Summer 2023
o    Location 
Lhoist North America (LNA) Lime Mining Company, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
o    Project Description
An initial geologic assessment is completed for three LNA plant sites to determine which, if any, could be considered a potential CO2 storage location for future GCS. Project includes internal and purchased well data, research of electrical logs, core samples and regional geology and stratigraphy to determine presence of potential reservoir facies necessary for geologic storage of CO2. Sites under consideration are Clifton, Ste. Genevieve, and Marble Falls plants targeting the Cambrian Sandstone section known to occur at depth under these sites. The deliverable is a report and a presentation to Lhoist Leadership. 
o    Additional Tasks and Sites Visited 
     Established connection with the University of Illinois and investigated the geological features of proposed injection site for the CO2 from Holcim Cement plant near Lhoist plant at Ste. Genevieve. The site is located at Prairie Sate, Illinois, and it is a part of the DOE CarbonSAFE Phase III project.
     Established connection with Premier Corex laboratory to test core samples for potential reservoir and caprock for GCS at Ste. Genevieve plant site. The core samples were retrieved from shallow wells drilled near St. Francois Mountains, and they are expected to represent the formations at a depth suitable for GCS under Ste. Genevieve plant site. 
     Visited Lhoist Clifton Mining Site in Bosque County, Texas and Laboratory at Irving, Texas. 

•    Drilling Engineering Intern (2 weeks)    Summer 2012
o    Location 
Belayim Petroleum Company (PetroBel), Abo-Rudeis Oil Field, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt.
o    Project Description
Contribute and collaborate with the drilling and mud engineering teams in the process of cementing the production casing of a well drilled in PetroBel Oil field, Abo-Rudeis, Sinai Peninsula. 

•    Production Engineering Intern (2 weeks)    Summer 2013
o    Location 
Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company (GUPCO), Ras-Shouqeir, Red Sea Governorate, Egypt.
o    Project Description
     Understand the production facilities and processes implemented in GUPCO production plant. 
     Visited an offshore jack-up rig in the red sea to visualize the process of drilling a deep section. 


•    Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers    
o    Abdelaal, Mohamed, Mehdi Zeidouni, and Ian J. Duncan. "Effects of injection well operation conditions on CO2 storage capacity in deep saline aquifers." Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 11.4 (2021): 734-749.  
o    Abdelaal, Mohamed, and Mehdi Zeidouni. "Pressure falloff testing to characterize CO2 plume and dry-out zone during CO2 injection in saline aquifers." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 103 (2020): 103160. 
o    Abdelaal, Mohamed, and Mehdi Zeidouni. "Injection data analysis using material balance time for CO2 storage capacity estimation in deep closed saline aquifers." Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 208 (2022): 109385.
o    Abdelaal, Mohamed, and Mehdi Zeidouni. "Coupled Wellbore-Reservoir Modeling to Evaluate CO2 Injection Rate Distribution over Multi-Layer Thick Storage Complex." The International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 129 (2023): 103987.
o    Abdelaal, Mohamed, and Mehdi Zeidouni. "CO2-Brine Interface Evolution and Corresponding Overpressure in High-Gravity CO2 Storage Complex."  Journal of Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 234 (2024): 212592.
•    Presentations
o    Abdelaal, Mohamed, Adel Salem, Ahmed Gawish, and Mohamed Soliman "Developing a New Correlation for Real Gas Pseudo-pressure Determination", The 21th International Conference on Petroleum and Mineral Resources and Development, 20-22 February 2018, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt.
•    Posters
o    Abdelaal, Mohamed, and Mehdi Zeidouni. "Using Injection Pressure and Rate Data Analysis to Estimate CO2 Storage Capacity of Closed Saline Aquifers." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2021. 
•    Meetings and Talks
o    Abdelaal, Mohamed "Rate-Transient Analysis for CO2 Storage Capacity Estimation" Gulf-of Mexico (GoM) SECARB Offshore Annual Joint Meeting. May 15-17, 2022. 
o    Abdelaal, Mohamed "Coupled Wellbore-Reservoir Modeling to Evaluate CO2 Injection Rate Distribution over Multi-Layer Thick Storage Complex." Gulf-of Mexico (GoM) SECARB Offshore Annual Joint Meeting. April 5-7, 2023.