Employment / Fellowships

Petroleum Engineer at Egyptian General Petroleum Corp.(EGPC) from Nov. 1967 to October 1977.
Lecturer at Petroleum Engineering Dept., Faculty of Petroleum and Min. Engineering, Suez Canal University from October 1977 till June 1982.
Ass. Prof. at Petroleum Engineering Dept. From June 1982 to October 1987.
Associated Prof. at Bright Star University, Libya, from October 1987 till Sept. 1990.
Consultant at Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company (GUPCO) from April 1992 till April 1993.
Ass. Prof. at Petroleum Engineering Dept., from April 1993 till May 1998.
Prof. at Petroleum Engineering Dept., from May 1998.
Head of Petroleum Engineering Dept., Nov. 2003.
Prof. at Hadramout University from 2004 till 2010.
Emeritus Prof. at Suez University from 2010 till now.

Main Fields of Interest

Petroleum Production Engineering
Natural Gas Engineering
Reservoir Engineering

Scientific Papers

1- Improving of water Flooding Management Through Facies Remodeling and the Use of Streamlines and Finite Difference Simulators, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 65, Issue 5, May 2022.
2- Improving of water Flooding Management Through Facies Remodeling and the Use of Streamlines and Finite Difference Simulators, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry,  October 2021.
3- Laboratory' Study of The Effect of Crude Oil Properties, Water Salinity and Alkaline Concentration on Interfacial Tension. Fifth International Conf. on Pet., Min. & Metallurgical Engineering. Faculty of Petroleum &. Mining Engineering, Suez, 1997.
4- Study of Formation Damage Caused by Workover Fluids. ALAZHAR Engineering Fifth International Conference, Dec. 1997.
5- Determination Of Static Bottom-Hole Pressure in Gas Wells. Fifth International Conf. on Pet., Min . & Metallurgical Engineering. Faculty of Petroleum & Mining Engineering, Suez, 1997.
6- A more Practical and Reliable Bean Performance Equation , J of the Egyptian Society of Engineering, No. 3, 1994.
7- An Alternative Method for the Determination of Water Influx to Oil Formations Produced by Horizontal Wells, J. of the Egyptian Society of Engineering, No.2 1994.
8- New Method for Calculation Three Phase Relative Permeability for Petroleum Reservoir., J. of Tech. Studies of Bright Star University, Libya, March 1990.
9- Comparative Investigation on Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods with Special Reference to Hot Water Flooding and Alcohol Slug Injection. Pakistan Journal of Hydrocarbon Research, Vol. 2, No.2 July 1990.
10- Effect Of Variation of Temperature on Properties of Drilling Fluid System, J . of the Egyptian Society of Engineering, No. 3, 1987.
11- Effect of Alkaline Additives on Oil Recovery, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineering, No. 3, 1986.
12- Microemulsion Flooding for Razzak Oil Field, J. of the Egyptian Society of Engineering, No. 4, 1985.
13- Laboratory Study of the Effect of Mobility Control Slug Viscosity on Oil Recovery of Ramadan Oil Field, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineering, No. 1, 1984.
14- The Effect of Surfactant Slug Volume and Concentration on Oil Recovery for Low Tension Flooding, J . of The Egyptian Society of Eng., No . 4, 1984.
15- Removal of Scale Deposits in Producing Oil Wells, J. of the Egyptian Society of Engineering, No. 1, 1984.
16- How to Increase Acid Penetration Distance by Using Ammonium Chloride?, J . of the Egyptian Society of Engineering, No. 1, 1983.
17- The Comparison Between Correlations in Predicting Flow Patterns, Liquid Hold-up and Pressure Losses Occurring During Continuous Two- Phase Flow in A horizontal Pipeline, 6th Symposium for production E.G .P.C ., Nov ., 1980.
18- The Effect of Dimensionless Geometrical Parameters on W.O.R. Of Oil Wells, 6th Symposium 

Mobile Number



1- Ph.D. Dnegree in Petroleum Production Engineering, Title of Thesis :”Improvement of Formation Productivity by Means of Acidizing”, in Romanian Petroleum and Gas Institute, April 1977.
2- B.Sc. Degree in Petroleum Engineering in Faculty of Petroleum and Min. Engineering, Suez University, May 1967.