Academic Qualifications

10/2009-  10/2013

PhD at Institute of Geoscience, Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Science, University of Eberhard Karls Tübingen, Germany.

Graduation: Dr. rer. nat. (Very Good - Magna Cum Laude)

Topic of PhD thesis: Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing in Water Resource Management at Arid Area


07/2002- 08/2006

M.Sc. at Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt. Special Hydrogeology

Graduation: Master of Science

Topic of M.Sc.: Geoenvironmental studies of Northwestern Gulf of Suez Region


09/1995- 06/1999

B.Sc. in Geology at Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

Graduation: Bachelor of Science (Very Good)

Bachelor Project: The importance of rare earth elements in the industry

Academic Post

08/2001 – 10/2006

Demonstrator at the faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez- University, Suez, Egypt

Teaching Seminars in Sedimentology, Petrology, Geological Mapping, Hydrogeology.

10/2006 – 03/2009

Assistant Lecturer

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez- University, Suez, Egypt

Teaching Seminars in Sedimentology, Petrology, Geological Mapping, Hydrogeology

09/2009 – 10/2013

PhD Student

 Institute of Geoscience, Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Science, University of Eberhard Karls Tubingen, Germany.

01/2012 – 06/2012

Research Assistant (within PhD work)

Hochschule für Technik in Stuttgart Germany. 

  • Analysis of Hyperspectral satellite imagery (ASTER, Landsat).
  • Calibration of GIS models and Data preparation for mapping with ArcGIS.


Researcher & Lecturer

 Institute of Geography, Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Science, University of Eberhard Karls Tubingen, Germany.


  • Data preparation, correction and analysis of Satellite Images
  • Analysis of radar and hyperspectral satellite imagery using ERDAS Image und Envi
  • Derivation and preparation of lithological maps by applying mineral indices on hyperspectral Data
  • Structural lineaments extraction from satellite Images and their Analysis.



Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez- University, Suez, Egypt



08/2022 unitil now

Associated Professor

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez- University, Suez, Egypt

Remote Sening - GIS Modelling

Publish Date

6/27/2022 12:00:00 AM



Omran, A.; Schröder, D; Sommer,C; Hochschild, V. ; Märker, M

Publish Date

6/27/2023 12:00:00 AM



Khan, S., Omran, A., Schröder, D