Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Dr. Eng. Khaled Fayez Mossallam Mahmoud
Ph.D on chemistry in specialty Petro-chemistry

Birth Date:19-5-1969 at Cairo, Egypt
Mobile number:   00201155680249
6 Amin Foud str., Ezbet El-Shaal (behind El-Minaa), El-Mansoura, Egypt.
6 شارع أمين فؤاد عزبة الشال (خلف الميناء) المنصورة - مصر  


Educational Background (Scientific Qualifications)
Bachelor: Mining Engineering, Very Good, Cairo University at July 1994.

M.Sc. in Mineral engineering, Faculty of petroleum and mining engineering at 21/7/2004. 
Title of  M.Sc. Research:“Fundamental studies on upgrading iron ores in Egypt”

Ph.D on chemistry in specialty Petro-chemistry (from Faculty of chemical technology, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Baky, Azerbaijan, from 20/9/2007 to 10/12/2010) 
Title of Ph.D. Research: “Development of purification method for industrial waste waters”

Employment / Fellowships

Employment History 
Mining Engineer at Abu Tartur phosphate, from 1/11/1995 to 12/1/1999 
Demonstrator: Faculty of petroleum and mining engineering, from 12/1/1999 to 21/7/2004.
Lecturer assistant: from 21/7/2004 to 30/5/2011
Lecturer at Faculty of Petroleum and mining engineering, Suez, Egypt, from 30/5/2011 till now


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Scientific Activities

تصميم و عمل نماذج خشبية للطلبة عن طرق التعدين المختلفة
1-wood model of sublevel stoping 
2- wood model of surface mining - 
3-wood model of room and pillar mining method of thick  deposit  with multiple benches 
4-wood model of room and pillar mining method - 
5-wood model of square set mining method - 
6- wood model of mine development - overhand stoping - underhand stoping –
7-wood model of  longwall mining method 
8-wood model of hydraulic support and armored  conveyor at longwall mining method 


Language Skills

Languages: Arabic, English, Russian

Scientific Papers

1- Khaled F. Mossallam, Farida M. Sultanova, Nigar A. Salimova. Peroxidase-peroxide system for the treatment of synthetic waste water. PETROTECH – 2009, 11-15 January 2009, New Delhi, India.

2- Khaled F. Mossallam, Farida M. Sultanova, Nigar A. Salimova. Peroxidase- peroxide system catalyzed the removal of phenol and total hardness from produced water. FILTECH 2009, October 13-15, 2009, Wiesbaden, Germany.

3- Khaled F. Mossallam, Farida M. Sultanova, Nigar A. Salimova. Peroxidase catalyzed the removal of phenol from synthetic waste water. 2009 FILTECH 2009, October 13-15, 2009, Wiesbaden, Germany.

4- Khaled F. Mossallam, Farida M. Sultanova, Nigar A. Salimova. Effect of petroleum oil content on the enzymatic treatment of produced water. FILTECH 2011, March 22-24, 2011, Wiesbaden, Germany.

5- Khaled F. Mossallam, Farida M. Sultanova, Nigar A. Salimova. Enzymatic treatment reduces the total hardness of produced water. 2009, Thirteenth International Water Technology conference (IWTC13 – 2009), Hurghada, Egypt.

6- Khaled F. Mossallam, Farida M. Sultanova, Nigar A. Salimova. Enzymatic removal of phenol from produced water and the effect of petroleum oil content. 2009, Thirteenth International Water Technology conference (IWTC13), Hurghada, Egypt.

7- Khaled F. Mossallam, Farida M. Sultanova, Nigar A. Salimova. Enzymatic treatment of synthetic waste water. 2009, MPM11, (Mining, Petoleum and Metallurgy Conference, Sharm El-Sheikh- Egypt . 

8- Khaled F. Mossallam, Farida M. Sultanova, Nigar A. Salimova. Research in a field of purification of industial sewage. EAGE 2008, (Petroleum geology and the hydrocarbon potential of the caspian and black sea region-2008), Baku, Azerbaijan.

9- Khaled F. Mossallam, Co-author, "Flotation of iron oxides from their associated barite " Proceeding of petroleum & mining Engineering, 17-19 March, 2003, Suez Canal University. 

10- Khaled F. Mossallam, Single author, "Analysis of first longwall shearer drum used for cutting hard phosphorite at abu-tartur mine, Proceeding of petroleum & mining Engineering, Cairo University, 21-24 Feb. 2005, Cairo university.