Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Prof. Dr. Abdelaziem Mahmoud Abdelaal Mohammed

Mining Engineering Department - Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering

Chairman of mining Engineering Department (2013-2017)

​​​​​​Permanent Address: Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, El-Salam 1, Suez, Egypt

Present Address: No.15, block 1, Ibrahim Nafea St., El-Noor, Suez, Egypt.

​​​​​​​Telephone: Home:  +2   0623512728  -   Mob:    +2   01090164800

E-mail:   -   abdelaziem.abdelaal@pme.suezuni,






Academic Qualifications

Academic Qualifications



Field of Specialization


Dr. Eng.


 (Application of Mineral Processing Technology)

Oil and Gas State University- Moscow- Russia

M. Sc.


Mineral Processing Engineering

Suez-Canal University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering

B. Sc.


Mining Engineering

Suez-Canal University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering




Employment / Fellowships

Academic Position


From -To





Suez University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering


Associate Professor


Suez University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering


Assistant Professor


Suez-Canal University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering


Assistant Lecturer


Suez-Canal University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering




Suez-Canal University

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering



Language Skills

Languages/Special Skills


Mother tongue



Speaking      P


Reading         P


Writing      P



Speaking      P


Reading         P


Writing      P

Computer Skills

MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Graphics, V. B., Internet, and Software maintenance. 


...Courses taught by

Courses Taught

Undergraduate Courses

ME 465 A4

Planning and Design of Open Cast mining

Mining Engineering Dept.

ME 363

Technology of Surface Mines

ME 468

Mine Plant Design

MNE 464 A-3

Design of Open-pit mines

MNE 462

Mine Economics & Management

MNE464 B-4

Mineral Processing Plant Design.


Mineral Processing (1)

MNE464 A-4

Unit Operations in Mineral Processing

MNE 465

Mine Plant Design


Mineral Analysis and Evaluation (1)


Chemical Processing of Minerals


Computer Applications in Mining

MNE364 A-4

Environmental Engineering in Mineral Industry

MNE 468

Hazards in Mining Industry

MNE364 B-3

Fuel Engineering (Solid fuel).

MNE 364 B-4

Mining Laws

PTE 438

Oil Fields and Environmental Engineering

Petroleum Engineering Dept.


Safety & Health in Petroleum Industry


Environmental risk Assessment in Petroleum Industry

Petroleum Exploration and Production Eng. – Credit Hr. System


Safety and Labors Law

Supervision on graduation Projects of 4th year students

Black sand – Gold projects – Phosphate Project – Kaolin Projects – White Sand Projects….

Mining Engineering Dept.

Supervision on graduation Field Surveying Projects of 3rd year students

RPE 244

Industrial Water Treatment

Refining Engineering Dept.

Graduate Courses


Geostatistical application in mining engineering



Advanced Courses in Mineral Processing.

Mining Engineering Dept.


Theories of crushing and grinding.


Advanced Mineral Processing 2


Eco-Cement Technology.


Mine Technology and Economic


Risk Assessment in Mining Industry


Physical Methods in Mineral Separation



Water Chemistry

Petroleum Refining Engineering Dept.


Advanced Courses in Industrial Wastewater Treatment


Oil spill prevention and control






Membership Of Cultural, Education and Professional Societies:

Member of:

SME – SME Chapter Adviser

Egyptian Engineering Syndicate.

Environmental Protection Society (NGOs) in Suez, Egypt.

El-Montada El-Refe for The Environmental Protection Society (NGOs), Egypt.

Society of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Suez Canal University, Egypt.

Training Courses

Technical Experience & Training

  • Attended the Training Course in Digital Transformation, July (2023).
  • Attended the Training Course in Decision-making and problem-solving, January 2023.
  • Attended the Training Course in Statistical methods in scientific research, January 2023.
  • Attended the Training Course in Management of the research team, January 2023.
  • Attended the Training Course in economical decentralization, October 2012.
  • Attended the Training Course in general economics, October 2012.
  • Attended the Training Course in local administration in Egypt, October 2012.
  • Attended the Training Course in The Art of the Decision-Making, Canadian Training Center of Human Development, October 2011.
  • Attended the First University Conference on Scientific Research Ethics, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, May 2009.
  • Attended the Training Course in Environmental Awareness, Praxis 42, e-learning on-demand, ALISON, August 2009.
  • Attended the Training Course in an Introduction to Behaviour-Based Safety, Praxis 42, e-learning on-demand, Certificate Number RTG-BBS-V1, ALISON, August 2009.
  • Attended the Training Course in Fire Safety Awareness Training, Praxis 42, e-learning on-demand, ALISON, August 2009.
  • Attended the Training Course in Peer Reviewer, Cairo University, 20-08- 2007.
  • Attended the Training Course in TOT, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 27-30 January 2007.
  • Attended the Training course in How to develop an online Course (E-learning), National Center for E-Learning, Egypt, 1-2/10/2005.
  • Attended the Training 5 courses in Developing Management Competencies, Faculty of Education, Suez - Egypt.
  • Attended the Training Course in Environmental Impact Assessment For the Industrial Projects, Egyptian Environmental NGO Federation, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 25-27 December 2004.
  • Practical training for one week in 1993 at the El- Magahra Coal Mine (Underground Mine), Egypt.
  • Practical training for one week in 1990 at the Abu-Tartor Phosphate Mine (Underground Mine), Egypt.
  • Practical training for Four weeks in 1988 at the Open Pit Iron Ore Mine, Egypt.




Scientific Conferences & Workshops


  1. 13th International Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Suez University, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez, Egypt, 20-22 October 2019.
  2. 12th International Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Suez University, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez, Egypt, 25-27 October 2014.
  3. National Conference of Technical Education Between Reality and Hope, TVET and Shoura Council, Cairo, Egypt, 17-18 October 2012.
  4. World Urban Forum 6, Naples, Italy, 1-7 September 2012.
  5. X ECOMINEX 2011, The Third International Forum and Exhibition on Economics of Mineral Resources in the Arab Countries, Al Azhar Conference Center, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, April 26-28/4/ 2011. 17.10-17.30.
  6. XI Century: Technologies, Design and Operation, International Water Association (IWA) Conference, Moscow, Russia, 2 – 4 June 2010.
  7. 5th International Conference and Exhibition for Oil and Gas, CICC, Cairo, Egypt, May 12-14, 2009.
  8. 1th Suez Canal University Conference on "Scientific Research Ethics", May 4, Ismailia, Egypt, 2009.
  9. 11th International Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Suez Canal University, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Sharm-Elshekh, Egypt, March 15-19, 2009.
  10. 7th Syrian Egyptian Conference In Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez, Egypt, 29 – 31 October 2007.
  11. 10th International Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Egypt, March 6-8, 2007.
  12. 6th Syrian Egyptian Conference in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Homs, Syria, 8 – 10 November 2005.
  13. 9th International Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, February 2005.
  14. Eighth International Water Technology Conference IWTC, Alexandria, Egypt, 26 – 28 March 2004.
  15. 5th Egyptian Syrian Conference In Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Vol. 1, Faculty of Pet. & Min. Eng., Suez, Egypt, 13 – 16 October 2003.
  16. 5th International Congress 'Water Ecology and Technology', ECWATECH, Moscow, Russia, 4-7 June 2002.
  17. International Con., New Technology to Treat Oily wastewater, Soils, Treatment and Utilization of Oily Sludge, Moscow, 10 – 11 December 2001
  18. 4th International Congress 'Water Ecology and Technology', ECWATECH, Moscow, Russia, 30 May -2 June 2000.


Main Fields of Interest

Areas of Interest:

  1. Mining Engineering
  2. Mineral Processing.
  3. Mine and reserve evaluation.
  4. Production lines design.
  5. Feasibility studies.
  6. Environmental Engineering and Management.
  7. Project Management and Economics.
  8. Water and Wastewater Treatment.
  9. Solid-Liquid Separations.
  10. Environmental Risk Assessment.
  11. Environmental Impact Assessment.
  12. Solid waste control.
  13. Waste Management.
  14. Environmental Engineering in the Oil and Gas Industry.
  15. HSE


Community & University Activities

Theses Supervision

Research Experience

Academic Supervision

Supervisors of Some Master Science Ph D. Degree Students in Mineral Processing and Environmental Engineering e.g.:

  1. Physico- Chemical Characterization and treatment of Egyptian Glauconite for Industrial Uses M. Sc.
  2. Study of some selected hybrid materials and their applications in water treatment, M. Sc.
  3. Preparation of Poly-Aluminum chloride (PAC), to be used as a substitute for aluminum sulfate in drinking water treatment processes, M. Sc.
  4. Characterization and Beneficiation of some Egyptian Silica Sand, M. Sc.
  5. Separation of values from the Egyptian sand placers, M. Sc.
  6. Egyptian Oil Shale – Characterization, Resource Potential and Trends of Beneficiation and Retorting Techniques M. Sc.
  7. Treatment of oily wastewater produced from refineries M. Sc.
  8. Wastewater treatment in chemical industries M. Sc.
  9. Study of Eco-cement technology: Influence of some local ingredients from different sources on mechanical and physical characteristics of concrete Ph.D. 




Technical Consultancy

  1. The study and technical presentation for limited bidding No. (1) for the year 2024 include research, exploration, extraction, and production of gold ore and associated minerals from the host rocks through a private mining system in Block (29) in the area: North of Elmansory Mountain (2024).
  2. The study and technical presentation for limited bidding No. (1) for the year 2024 include research, exploration, extraction, and production of gold ore and associated minerals from the host rocks through a private mining system in Block (26) in the area: East of Deniba Elqolab Mountain (2024).
  3. The study and technical presentation for limited bidding No. (1) for the year 2024 include research, exploration, extraction, and production of gold ore and associated minerals from the host rocks through a private mining system in Block (13) in the area: West of Kood Rawab Mountain (2024).
  4. The study and technical presentation for limited bidding No. (1) for the year 2024 include research, exploration, extraction, and production of gold ore and associated minerals from the host rocks through a private mining system in Block (3) in the area: Northeast of Lower Um Al-Tuyour Mountain (2024).
  5. The study and technical presentation for limited bidding No. (1) for the year 2024 include research, exploration, extraction, and production of gold ore and associated minerals from the host rocks through private mining system in Block (2) in the area: North of Upper Um Al-Tuyour Mountain (2024).
  6. Market study for an industrial white silica sand mining project in the Teima region - KSA (2023).
  7. The technical study for an industrial white silica sand mining project in the Teima region – KSA (2023).
  8. The financial study and cash flows for an industrial white silica sand mining project in the Teima region – KSA (2023).
  9. Technical and economic study for El-Beida Gold area– South-Eastern Desert – Egypt (2022).
  10. Consultant to Sami Rock mining company (KSA).
  11. Consultant to Dexpro company.
  12. An economic feasibility study for a pyrophyllite ore mining and treatment project (2020)
  13. An economic Feasibility study for crushing and grinding mineral ores project to produce calcium carbonate - feldspar - talc – kaolin (2020).
  14. An economic feasibility study for a silica sand treatment project (2019)
  15. Evaluation of Egyptian Manganese of Abu Ramad – eastern desert, Egypt (2018).
  16. Evaluation of Gold ore reserve of El-Gerf area – South-Eastern Desert – Egypt (2018).
  17. Consultant to several mining companies.
  18. Limited Environmental Impact Assessment for CANCON Tourist Village Sea beach, Egypt, 2009.
  19. Environmental Impact Assessment for the Industrial Solid Waste Landfill of Suez Co. for Industrial development, Suez (fall study), Egypt, 2008.
  20. Environmental Impact Assessment for the extension of El-Nasr Petroleum Company (potages branch), Revision, 2007.
  21. Environmental Impact Assessment for the extension of El-Nasr Petroleum Company (Naphtha branch), Revision, 2007.
  22. Environmental Impact Assessment for the extension of Suez Steel company-Suez (fall study), Egypt, 2007.
  23. Environmental and Economical Evaluation of Fertilizer Project of MOPCO Company, MOPCO, Suez, 2005.
  24. National Program of Action (NPA) for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activity within the Red Sea Area in Egypt, Suez Area, North Gulf of Suez and Southern Part of the Suez Canal, Suez, 2004, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, Ministry of Environmental Affairs.

Mobile Number

Mob: 01090164800

Refereed Scientific Papers in Foreign Languages


عنوان البحث

الدورية المنشور بها البحث

سنة النشر

بيانات العدد (الشهر/السنة)



Treatment of Refinery Industrial Wastewater Using a Hybrid Aluminum Sulfate/Kaolin Coagulant

Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering,


Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University



December, 2022

Vol. 24

Issue 2

Paper # 4



Enhancing Ordinary Portland Cement Mortar Engineering Specifications using Pumice Stone 

Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering,


Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University



December, 2022

Vol. 24

Issue 2

Paper # 5



Characterization and Iron Removal Enhancement of El-Zaafarana

White Sand

Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration




October, 2022

Vol. 39

Issue 5

Paper # 24



Characterization of Calcium Carbonate Rocks, East El Minya Deposits for Possibility Uses as Industrial Raw Materials

Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering,


Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University



December, 2017.

Vol. 19

Issue 1

Paper # 11



COD, BOD, Oil Content and Heavy Metals Removal from Wastewater Effluents by Coagulation - Flocculation Process

Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering,


Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University



December, 2017.

Vol. 19

Issue 1

Paper # 8



Washability Study on El-Maghara Coal Mine Reject

12th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering


Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University


20-22 October, 2014

MIN 06-2014


Potential for Upgrading El-Nakheil Oil Shale by Froth Flotation

Oil Shale Journal,


Estonian Academy Publishers


January, 2013.

Vol. 30

Issue 1

Paper # 5



El-Nakheil Oil Shale: Material Characterization and Effect of Acid Leaching

Oil Shale Journal,


Estonian Academy Publishers


December, 2011.

Vol. 28

Issue 4

Paper # 6


Scientific Papers

  1. Abdelaziem M. Abdelaal, Fatema. K. Gad, Shazly. M. Salem, Abdelsameia A. Abdelsameia, Amr F. Muhammad, Treatment of Refinery Industrial Wastewater Using a Hybrid Aluminum Sulfate/Kaolin Coagulant, Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, 2022.  
  2. Abdelaziem M. Abdelaal, A. A. Abdelrahman, Amr F. Muhammad, Enhancing Ordinary Portland Cement Mortar Engineering Specifications using Pumice Stone, Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, 2022.
  3. Amr F. M. Ibrahim, Ahmed A. S. Seifelnassr, Ahmed Al-Abady, Montaser S. El-Salmawy, Abdelaziem M. Abdelaal, Characterization and Iron Removal Enhancement of El-Zaafarana White Sand, Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, Springer, 2022.
  4. A.M Abdelaal, S. Sameah, and A. Ahmed, Characterization of Calcium Carbonate Rocks, East El Minya Deposits for Possibility Uses as Industrial Raw Materials, , Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, 2017.
  5. A.M Abdelaal, COD, BOD, Oil Content and Heavy Metals Removal from Wastewater Effluents by Coagulation - Flocculation Process, Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, 2017.
  6. A.M Abdelaal, Washability Study on El-Maghara Coal Mine Reject, 12th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering (MPM12), 2014.
  7. Amr Fatehy Muhammad, Montaser S. EL Salmawy, Abdelaziem M. Abdelaal, Potential for Upgrading El-Nakheil Oil Shale by Froth Flotation, Oil Shale Journal, Estonian Academy Publishers, 2013.  
  8. M S EL Salmawy, A M Abdelaal, S. Sameah, A F Muhammad, El-Nakheil Oil Shale: Material Characterization and Effect of Acid Leaching, XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) 2012 Proceedings / New Delhi, India / 24 - 28 September 2012.
  9. Amr Fatehy Muhammad, Montaser S. El, Salmawy, Abdelaziem M. Abdelaal, S. Sameah, El-Nakheil Oil Shale: Material Characterization and Effect of Acid Leaching, Oil Shale Journal, Estonian Academy Publishers, 2011.
  10. Abdelaal, A. M., Environmental Impact of Industrial Activities on the Suez Bay- (Problem and solution), 11th International Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Suez Canal University, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Sharm-Elshekh, Egypt, March 15-19, 2009.
  11. EL Salmawy M.S., Abdelaal A.M., Abdelrahman A.A and Gommaa E., Effect of Sodium Lignin Sulfonate, Polyoxyethylene Glycol and Carbonate Alkalinity on Oleate Flotation of Zircon, Ilmenite and Rutile, 24th International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Beijing, China, 24-28 September, 2008.    
  12. Abdelaal, A. M., Abdelrahman, A. A. and Mohamed, O., Using the Physical Methods to Process Very Fine Black Sands, 10th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt, Match 6-8, 2007.
  13. EL Salmawy M.S., Abdelaal A.M., Abdelrahman A.A and Gommaa E., A Study on the flotation behavior of black sand minerals at northern coastal in Egypt, 10th International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt, Match 6-8, 2007.
  14. EL Salmawy M.S., Abdelaal A.M., Abdelrahman A.A and Gommaa E., Study on the Flotation Behavior of some Black Sand Minerals at Northern Coastal in Egypt, Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering (JPME), Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez, Egypt, December, 2006.
  15. Abdelaal A. M., Salem S. M. and El-Nagdy K. A., A Study of Solidification of Oily Sludge Produced from API Separator, 6th Syrian Egyptian Conference in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Hemas, Syria, 8 – 10 November, 2005.
  16. Abdelaal A. M, Salem S. M., Gad F. K., and Abdelsamea A. A., Coagulation Optimization of Clay Dispersions with Al+3 Salts, 6th Syrian Egyptian Conference in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Hemas, Syria, 8 – 10 November, 2005.
  17. Khaled A. El-Nagdy and Abdelaziem M. Abdelaal, Dispersion of Fugitive Dust from Blasting in Surface Coal Mines, 6th Syrian Egyptian Conference in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Hemas, Syria, 8 – 10 November, 2005.
  18. Abdelaal A.M., Treatment of Collieries Waste Dumps by Using Froth Flotation, (Using cleaner method), 9th International Conference on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, February, 2005.
  19. Abdelaal A.M., Using a Natural Coagulant for Treating Wastewater, Eighth International Water Technology Conference IWTC, Alexandria, Egypt, 26 – 28 March, 2004.
  20. Abdelaal A. M., EL-Salmawy M.S. and Abdelrahman A. A, Using a Small Dosage of Coagulant to Improve the Efficiency of Flocculation Process, The Fifth Egyptian Syrian Conference In Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Vol. 1, Faculty of Pet. & Min. Eng., Suez, Egypt, 13 – 16 October, 2003.
  21. Abdelaal A.M., Estimate the Best Technological Method to Treat the Oily wastewater and Oily Sludge, Ph D Thesis, State University for Oil and Gas, Moscow-Russia, 2002.
  22. Mazlova Е.А., Mescheriakov S.V., Abdelaal A.M., Studying the Coagulants Hydrolysis Number and Their Dosages Affects on The Degree of Water Clarity by Using a Model of Bentonite, 5th International Congress 'Water Ecology and Technology', ECWATECH, Moscow, Russia, 4-7 June, 2002.
  23. Mazlova Е.А., Mescheriakov S.V., Abdelaal A.M., Determination the Optimum Parameters for The Coagulation Flocculation Process Used in Wastewater Treatment Using a Model of Bentonite, 5th International Congress 'Water Ecology and Technology', ECWATECH, Moscow, Russia, 4-7 June, 2002.
  24. Mazlova Е.А., Mescheriakov S.V., Abdelaal A.M., Determination the Optimum Parameters for The Coagulation Process Using a Model of Bentonite, Russian Journal of Water supply and Sanitary Technology, No. 3, Moscow, Russia, 2002. (In Russian).
  25. Maslova E.A., Mescheriakov S.V., Abdelaal A.M., Oily Wastewater treatments by using Bentonite and flocculants, International Con., New Technology to Treat Oily wastewater, Soils, Treatment and Utilization of Oily Sludge, Moscow, 10 – 11 December, 2001, pp. (65-66).
  26. Maslova E.A., Mescheriakov S.V., Abdelaal A.M., Prevention Oily Sludge from Wasting the Environment using Solidification methods, International Con., New Technology to Treat Oily wastewater, Soils, Treatment and Utilization of Oily Sludge, Moscow, 10 – 11 December, 2001, pp. (231-232).
  27. Maslova E.A., Mescheriakov S.V., Abdelaal A.M., Separation of Solids and Sludge of Oil Refining using Coagulants and flocculants, International Con., New Technology to Treat Oily wastewater, Soils, Treatment and Utilization of Oily Sludge, Moscow, 10 – 11 December, 2001, pp. (233-234).
  28. Abdelaal A.M., Jamal M.M., Protection of Underground Water Resources by Reducing Hydrocarbon from the Collieries Waste Dumps, 4th International Congress 'Water Ecology and Technology', ECWATECH, Moscow, Russia, 30 May -2 June, 2000.
  29. EL-Salmawy M.S., Seifelnassr A.A., Abdelaal A. M., and Abdelrahman A. A, Mechanism of Fine Coal Flotation Using Insoluble Collectors in The Presence of Frothers, Resources Processing, J. of the Research Society, Japan, Vol. 44, No. 4, 1997.
  30. Seifelnassr A.A., EL-Salmawy M.S., Abdelrahman A. A. and Abdelaal A. M., Influence of pH on Retrieving Combustible Matters from Coal Wastes by Flotation, The Fifth International Conference on Petroleum, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Pet. & Min. Eng., Suez, Egypt, 24-26 February, 1997.
  31. Abdelaal A. M., Cleaning of Coal Fines Produced from EL Maghara Colliery, M. Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Sues Canal University, 1996.

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