ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Name: Mohamed Hussein  Mohamed Allam
Date and place of birth: January 5, 1953;  Monofia – Egypt.

Contact Information:
E-Mail: Mohamed.Allam@pme.suezuni.edu.eg
Phone :   Home     062-3511432
               Mobile:   01116508900 

التدرج العلمى

1. Ph.D. in Mining Engineering, 1990, {Channel system between Suez-Canal University (Egypt) and Mining University at Leoben (Austria)}.

2. M.Sc. in Mining Engineering, 1983, Suez-Canal University,

3. B.Sc. in Mining Engineering, 1976, Suez-Canal University.

التدرج الوظيفى

1. Demonstrator in Mining Engineering Dept., from 1976 to 1983;*
2. Assistant Lecturer in Mining Engineering Dept., from 1983 to 1990;* 
3. Lecturer in Mining Engineering Dept., from 1990 to 2000;* 
4. Associate Professor in Mining Engineering Dept., from October, 2000 to Nov., 2010;* 
    5. Vice Dean for education and students affairs, of the Faculty of Computers and    Informatics, Suez-Canal University for one year from Sept. 2005.
6. An academic staff member in the  Petroleum and Natural Gas Institute of Technology in Dammam, KSA, since Nov. 2006 till July 2008.* 
7. Professor of mining engineering from 24 Nov., 2009 and head of Mining Engineering department from 30 Nov., 2009* till 1 Nov, 2011.*
8. Vice Dean of the faculty for graduate studies and research from 2Nov., 2011 till now.*
*  These positions are in the Faculty of Petroleum & Mining Engineering of the Suez-Canal University- Egypt. 


دورات تدريبة

Training and awards:

- IAESTE programs for technical experience in mining engineering, at Mining Institute, Technical University of Aachen, Germany, during August and Sept. 1981;

- Peace fellowship for research in Mackey School of Mines, University of Nevada at Reno, U.S.A. from July 1994 to Feb. 1995.  

مجالات الاهتمام الرئيسية

Underground Mining and Rock Mechanics.

المهارات اللغوية

- Arabic: native language;
- English: Good speaking and writing;
- German: Little knowledge.


ابحاث علمية

1. Gomah, A.H., El-Gindi, M.A., Al-Ashkar, R.A. and Allam, M.H. “ Stabilization of Mine Roof by Stress Relief “ J. of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, No. 3, 1984, pp. 40-44.

2. Allam, M.H. “ Effect of Pillar Displacements in Successive Beds on Mine Stability” Journal of Eng. and Applied Sc., Faculty of Eng., Cairo University, vol. 14, No. 6, Dec. 1994, pp. 1263-1277.

3. Allam, M.H., “ Effect of Ore Recovery and Advance of Stopes in Successive Beds on Mine Stability” Proceedings of Al-Azhar Eng. 4th int. Conf., Cairo – Egypt, Dec. 16-19, 1995, Vol. 9, pp.45-54.

4. Allam, M.H. and Gomah, A.H. “Influence of Faults on the Stability of Openings in Stratified Rocks” Proceedings of the 5th int. Con. on Min., Pet. and Metal., Feb. 24-26, 1997, Suez, Egypt, Vol. II, pp. 374-382.

5. Abd Elrahmman, A.A., Allam, M.H. and Abd Elrahmman, A.A., 1998 ”Application of Room and Pillar Mining Method with Filling to Restore the Foundation of Old Buildings” Proceed. of Arabian Con. to Restore Structures, Sept. 16-19, Part 1, Cairo, pp. 605-628.

6. Allam, M.H., Attia, S.A. and Ismael, M.A., 1999 “ Correlation between Different Properties of Attaka Limestone” Proceedings of the 6th int. Conf. on Min., Pet. and Metal., Feb. 20-24, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo – Egypt, Vol. I-A, pp. 59-68.

7. Seif Elnasser, A.A. and Allam, M.H. “ Effect of Residual Stresses on the Mineral Grindability in Ball Mills” Journal of Eng. and Applied Science, Faculty of Eng., Cairo University, Vol. 47, No. 2, APR. 2000, pp. 387-402. 

8. Abd Elrahmman, A.A., Allam, M.H. and Ismael. M.A.” Employing Fine Rock Particles in Concrete Making Instead of Natural Sands” Proceedings of 7th int. Con. For Building & Construction (INTER BUILD 2000), Cairo - Egypt, June 22-26,  2000.

9. Attia, S.M., Ismael, M.A. and Allam, M.H. “Assessment of Dust Levels in a Dolomite Quarry at Attaka” Pet. & Min. Eng J., Suez Canal Univ., JPME, 5 (2), 2002, pp. 1-10.

10. Allam, M.H., Soliman, R.A. and Seifelnasser, A.S.S. “ Comminution of Mineral Mixture under Compressive Loads “ Journal of Petroleum and Mining Eng. JPME 6 (2) 2003.

11. Abd Elrahmman, A.A. and Allam, M.H. ”Drawbacks of Using Water for Extinguishing Masonry Structures on Fires” Proceedings of the 11th int. Con. for Building & Construction (INTER BUILD 2004), Cairo, Egypt, 17-21 June 2004, pp. 559-568. 

12. Mohamed, S.A., Allam, M.H., Ismael, M.A. and Mansour, A.S.S. “ A study on Air Pollution in El-Gedida Iron Ore Mine” Journal of Petroleum and Mining Eng. JPME 7 (1) 2004.

13. Allam, M.H., Room and Pillar as an Alternative for Longwall in Mining Maghara Coal., Journal of Eng. and Applied Science, Faculty of Eng., Cairo University. Vol.53, NO.1, Feb. 2006, pp. 145-163.

14. Mohamed, S.A., Allam, M.H., Ismael, M.A. and Mansour, A.S., Improving Efficiency of Blasting Operations in El-Gedida Iron Ore Mine.,  Proceedings of the 1oth Int. Min., Pet. and Metall. Eng. Conf. ,  March 6-8, 2007, Faculty of Eng., Assuit Univ., Assiut, Egypt.

15. Allam, M.H. “Improving Performance of Cutting Machines by Drilling Holes in Production Faces“  Journal of Petroleum and Mining Eng. JPME 6 (2) 2008.

16. Mesbah, M. A. and Allam, M.H., Geological and Radar Studies for Site Characterization at Toshka, Upper Egypt., 11th International Conf. on Mining, Pet. And Metallurgical Eng. (MPM11) , SharmEl-Sheikh, 15-19 March 2009, pp. 721-739.

المؤتمرات العلمية وورش العمل

Leoben Mining Conference 1987, Mining University at Leoben, Austria, Sept. 21-26, 1987,
- North-West American Mining Association, Spokane, Washington State, USA, Dec. 1994. 
-  Al-Azhar Engineering Fourth international Conference, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Dec. 16-19, 1995, Cairo – Egypt,
-  Fifth International Conference on Mining, Pet. and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum & Mining Engineering, Feb. 24-26, 1997, Suez- Egypt, 
- The Arabian Conference to Restore Structures, Sept. 16-19, 1998, Cairo, Egypt.
- Sixth International Conference on Mining, Pet. and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of   Engineering, Cairo University, Feb. 20-24, 1999, Cairo – Egypt, 
- Seventh Conference For building & Construction (INTER BUILD 2000), 22-26 June, 2000, Cairo, Egypt,.
-  The 8th International Conference on Mining, Pet. and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum & Mining Engineering, Feb. 24-26, 2003, Suez- Egypt, 
- The 11th International Conference for Building & Construction (INTER BUILD 2004),  Cairo - Egypt, 17-21 June 2004. 
- The 10th International Conference on Mining, Pet. and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mar. 6-8, 2007, Assiut, Egypt, 
- The 11th International Conference on Mining, petroleum & Metallurgical Engineering (MPM11), March 15-19, 2009, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
- Attending of numerous workshops and seminars concerning:
     * Environment pollution, its sources and reduction of its impatcs,
     * Future of mineral resources industries;
    *  Renewable energy resources. 


الأنشطة العلمية

أنشطة علمية أخرى:                        

1. المشاركة فى الإشراف علي رسالة الماجستير فى تخصص هندسة المناجم للمهندسة/ أمل فهمى علي حسن- والتي تمت مناقشتها فى 25/12/1996.

   2. المشاركة فى فحص رسالة الدكتوراه الخاصة بالدكتور/ خالد مرسى محمد –  هندسة مناجم – 9/ 2004.  

3. المشاركة فى الإشراف علي رسالة الماجستير فى تخصص هندسة المناجم للمهندس/ عبد المنعم سليم سليمان منصور والتي تمت مناقشتها فى 30/11/2004.

4. المشاركة فى الإشراف علي رسالة الماجستير فى تخصص هندسة المناجم للمهندس/ أحمد جمعة محمد جبارة - والتي تمت مناقشتها فى 2015.

5. المشاركة فى الإشراف والحكم علي رسالة الماجستير فى تخصص الهندسة المدنية من كلية الهندسة بالمطرية جامعة حلوان للمهندسة/ إنجي محمد حسن السخيلي - والتي تمت مناقشتها فى 2022

6. المشاركة في وضع المناهج الدراسية في إطار تطوير اللوائح الداخلية لكلية هندسة البترول والتعدين. 


 المشاركة في الأنشطة التطبيقية التالية:

1. الإشراف على تطوير معمل ميكانيكا الصخور بالكلية والممول من مشروع تطوير التعليم الهندسى,

2. لجان البت وفحص الأجهزة لقسم هندسة المناجم بالكلية.

3. الإشراف على مشروع المساحة لطلبة قسمى هندسة المناجم والهندسة الجيولوجية بالكلية.

4.    الإشراف على التدريب الصيفى الميدانى والرحلات العلمية لطلاب قسم هندسة المناجم.

5.    الإشراف علي مشاريع البكالوريوس في هندسة المناجم  من عام 1978حتي الأن والتي تتضمن تقييم   وإستخراج وتجهيز وإستخدامات الخامات المختلفة الموجودة بجمهورية مصر العربية (مثل فحم المغارة بسيناء - فوسفات أبو طرطور بالوادي الجديد- حديد الواحات البحرية- رواسب الدهب بمنجم السكري بالصحراء الشرقية).وأيضا مشاريع صناعات الأسمنت والسيراميك. 


 Applied activities for socity development:

- Engineering consultants for mining and construction organizations;

- Carrying out tests on rock blocks, aggregates and building materials as:

* Determination of physical and mechanical properties as well as size  analysis;

* Crushing, grinding and determination of work index of the rocks;

* Determination of water absorbition ratio, slake durability, uniformity and index  of wear and toughness index,  

* Determination of total dissolved solids and percentage of clay and organic matter;