ملخص السيرة الذاتية

الإسم: محمد عرفات الرفاعي العشماوي

الوظيفة: أستاذ الهندسة الميكانيكية بكلية الهندسة - جامعة السويس

مواليد القاهرة 14/6/1969

التواصل: 01104176841 (واتساب)

01004563848 (أتصال)





Mohamed Elashmawy and Mohammad Alnais. "SAFETY MANUAL", UoH, KSA, 2010.

Mohamed Elashmawy. "An Introduction to Compressors and Pumps", Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt, 2009.

Mobile Number

002 01104176841

دورات تدريبة

  • دورة المتقدمين لشغل وظيفة عمداء الكليات
  • التحول الرقمي
  • إتخاذ القرارات وحل المشكلات
  • إدارة الفريق البحثي
  • أخلاقيات البحث العلمي
  • مهارات العرض الفعال



  • Best poster award of the research projects in the University of Hail, Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2017.
  • Appreciation award for academic supervision of talented students in Hail region and their achievement of the golden medal in ITEX, 2016, awarded by Prince Saud Abdelmohsen Abdulaziz, prince of Hail region, UoH Deputyship for Academic Development and Community Services, 2016.
  • Many awards for students’ academic supervision of scientific participations in the student’s conferences competition in the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia and achieving many positions in the Kingdom. 2nd position in scientific research (6th conference, 2015), 8th position in invention and 8th position smart idea competition (5th conference, 2014), 5th position in invention competition (4th conference, 2013), Students deanship, UoH, KSA.

الخبرات الاكاديمية

(2023-Present),      Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.

(2022- Present),    Representative of Suez University in the national project of enhancing the energy efficiency of the Egyptian Universities, SCU, Egypt.

(2021-2023),         Head of Mechanical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.

(2020-2021),         Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Engineering College, University of Hail, Hail, KSA.

                            Supervisor of talented student's club in Engineering college, UoH, Saudi Arabia.

(2015-2020),           Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Engineering College, University of Hail, Hail, KSA.

                                   Supervisor of student's activities in Faculty of Engineering, UoH, Saudi Arabia.

(2010-2015),           Assistant Professor and supervisor of workshop and Labs in mechanical Engineering Department.

                                   Supervisor of Entrepreneurship unit of Hail University.

                            Supervisor of student's activities in Faculty of Engineering.

                            Engineering College Coordinator of the Scientific Conference of Higher Education Students in KSA.

(2009-Present),      Lecturer, Basic Science Engineering Dept., Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez Canal University, Egypt.

(2006-Present),      3D-CAD SolidWorks, 3D-ANSYS and 3D-COMSOL Simulation and student education.

(2003-2020),           Engineering Consultant in rubber technology in the Scientific Center of Polymer Technology, (Part Time), "Products & Presses,                                                                             “especially hydraulic circuits and structure design for presses".

(2006-2008),        Researcher in the research group of hydraulic pumps and motors group, Pumps and Motors Technology in IFAS, RWTH Aachen,                                                                          Germany. (Ph. D. Scholarship holder).

(1999-2009),     Demonstrator, Lecturer Assistant, Basic Science Engineering Dept., Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez Canal University, Egypt.

(1997-1999),     Seawater desalination (Operation and Maintenance Engineer), Taba Plant, Egypt.

(1996-1997),      Regional Center of Research (RCRD)& Development, STSU, Small Technical Support Unit, Dakahlia governorate, Egypt. (Parallel with fluid                           mechanics Lab.).

(1995-1997),     Fluid mechanics Lab., Mansoura University, Egypt.

(1986-2001),     Wire drawing (private business), parallel with study.

المشاريع البحثية والزيارات الميدانية

المشاريع الممولة
باحث رئيس

  • ”A new nano-composite high thermal conductive material for a tubular solar still integrated with a parabolic concentrator solar tracking system, Research Group (RG-0191324), Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2019.
  • ”Experimental study on saline water desalination using solar energy in the climatic conditions of Hail Region, KSA”, Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2016.
  • ”Using of solar energy for integrated system of greenhouse, water desalination and self-irrigation”, Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2015.
  • "Experimental Study of Forced Convection over Equilateral Triangle Helical Coiled Tubes", Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2014.
  • ”Performance Study of Water Treatment Injection Pump-VDRIP_IP7”, Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2014.
  • ”SAFETY MANUAL”, Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2012.
  • ”New Design for Axial Piston Pump”, Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2012.
  • ”Injection Pump for Water Treatment”, (Cooperative Project Between UoH,& IFAS RWTH-AACHEN University), Aachen , Germany & KSA, 2012.

باحث مشارك

  • New hybrid solar water system aided by nanotechnology”, Research Group (RG-20 051), Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2020.
  • Enhancing tubular solar still performance using phase change materials”, Badi Project (BA-2004), Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2020.
  • Numerical analysis of the key parameters affecting the performance of tubular solar still”, Badi Project (BA-1920), Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2019.
  • Novel design of double effect tubular solar still powered by a parabolic concentrator system”, Badi Project (BA-1918), Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2019.
  • ”Application of Failure Mode Effect and Critical Analysis (FMECA) to Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)”, Research Deanship, Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2014.
  • ”Improving the Quality of Construction Project Execution at University of Hail”, Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2012.
  • ”Novel Design of Injection Pump for Sea Water Desalination Plants”, Research Deanship, UoH, Saudi Arabia, 2012.

المهارات اللغوية

عربي: اللغة الأم
ألماني: مستوى متوسط

التحكيم فى الدوريات العلمية

أكثر من 240 مراجعة علمية لأبحاث منشورة في مجلات دولية مرموقة في التخصص وذات معامل تأثير عالي

  • Reviewer, Desalination
  • Reviewer, Journal of Cleaner Production
  • Reviewer, Energy Conversion and Management
  • Reviewer, Applied Thermal Engineering
  • Reviewer, Solar Energy
  • Reviewer, Process Safety & Environmental Engineering
  • Reviewer, Process Safety and Environmental Protection
  • Reviewer, Results in Engineering
  • Reviewer, Journal of Energy Storage
  • Reviewer, Desalination and Water Treatment
  • Reviewer, Solar Energy Materials and Solar cells
  • Reviewer, Solar Energy Engineering, ASME
  • Reviewer, Energy Research & Social Science
  • Reviewer, Energy Sources, Part A Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
  • Reviewer, Cleaner Engineering and Technology
  • Reviewer, Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  • Reviewer, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Springer
  • Reviewer, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal
  • Reviewer, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
  • Reviewer, Environmental Science Water Research & Technology, Royal Society and Chemistry
  • Reviewer, International Journal of Energy Research, Wiley
  • Reviewer, International Journal of Heat and Technology (IJHT), IIETA
  • Reviewer, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ETASR
  • Reviewer, American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT) International Journal of Water Science and Engineering, USA
  • Reviewer, in Pearl Research Journals, USA
  • Reviewer, and Editor in 3-journals in the Science Publishing Group, USA
  • Reviewer, for more than 20 different scientific research projects in the field of Mechanical Engineering

أبحاث علمية محكمة بلغات أجنبية

2024 (1 paper)

  1. Elashmawy M., Nafey AS., Sharshir SW., Abdelaziz GB., Ahmed MMZ., Experimental investigation of developed tubular solar still using multi-evaporator design. Journal of Cleaner Production (2024) under revision.
  2. Elashmawy M., Sharshir SW., Abdelaziz GB., Alshammari F., Ahmed MMZ., Soliman, AM.  Novel solar still design using transparent waste bottles. Journal of Cleaner Production 434 (2024) 140090.


2023 (2 papers)

  1. Soliman AM., Alatawi I., Alshammari S., Khaliq A., Mahdy A., Ahmed MMZ., Elashmawy M. Numerical study on improving the performance of a parabolic concentrator solar tracking-tubular solar still (PCST-TSS) using negative static pressure. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 45 (2023) 6655–6677.
  2. Sharshir SW., Omara MA., Joseph A., Kandeal AW., Elsaid AM., El-Said EMS., Alatawi I., Elashmawy M., Abdelaziz GB. Thermoenviroeconomic performance augmentation of solar desalination unit integrated with wick, nanofluid, and different nano-based energy storage materials. Solar Energy 262 (2023) 111896.


2022 (6 papers)

  1. Ahmed MMZ., Alshammari F., Alqsair UF., Alhadri M., Abdullah AS., Elashmawy M. Experimental study on the effect of the black wick on tubular solar still performance. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2022; 38: 102333.
  2. Alatawi I., Alshammari S., Ahmed MMZ., Alqsair UF., Abdullah AS., Elashmawy M. Experimental study on the inclined solar still with single-axis solar tracking: thermo-economic approach. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2022; 44 (3): 6942–6956.
  3. Alhadri M., Alatawi I., Alshammari F., Haleem M.A., Heniegal A.M.A., Abdelaziz GB., Ahmed MMZ., Alqsair UF., Kabeel AE., Elashmawy M. Design of a low cost parabolic concentrator solar tracking system: Tubular solar still application. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering: Including Wind Energy and Building Energy Conservation. 2022; 144 (5): 051006.
  4. Ahmed MMZ., Alshammari F., Alatawia I., Alhadri M., Elashmawy M. A novel solar desalination system integrating inclined and tubular solar still with parabolic concentrator. Applied Thermal Engineering 2022; 213:118665.
  5. Alatawi I., Subhani T., Ahmed MMZ., Alqsair UF., Abdullah AS., Elashmawy M. Experimental investigation of a developed tubular solar still with longitudinal wicked fins. Renewable Energy 2022; 193:1074-1081.
  6. Alatawia I., Khaliq A., Heniegal AMA., Abdelazizc GB., Elashmawy M. Tubular solar stills: Recent developments and future. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2022; 242:111785.


2021 (10 papers)

  1. Ahmed MMZ., Alshammari F., Abdullah AS., Elashmawy M. Experimental investigation of a low cost inclined wick solar still with forced continuous flow. Renewable Energy 2021; 179: 319-326.
  2. Ahmed MMZ., Alshammari F., Abdullah AS. Elashmawy M., Enhancing tubular solar still performance using double effect with direct sunrays concentration. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 2021; 230: 111214.
  3. Malinda, Y., Pushpika, D., Haleem, M., Saja, A., Kariapper, S., Juhaniya, S., Elashmawy, M., Alshammari, F., 2021, “Precision Dual Axis Tracker for Solar Concentrator,” YMS2021, IESL Young Members’ Technical Conference, 9th October 2021; Proceeding, pp. 87-91. https://iesl.lk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=194&Itemid=391&lang=en
  4. Ahmed MMZ., Alshammari F., Abdullah AS., Elashmawy M. Basin and tubular solar distillation systems: A review. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 2021; 150: 157-178.
  5. Alshammari F., Elashmawy M., Ben Hamida MB. Effects of working fluid type on power train performance and turbine design using experimental data of a 7.25ℓ heavy-duty diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management 2021; 231: 113828.
  6. Alshammari F., Pesyridis A., Elashmawy M. Turbine optimization potential to improve automotive Rankine cycle performance. Applied Thermal Engineering 2021; 186: 116559.
  7. Alshammari F., Pesyridis A., Elashmawy M. Generation of 3D Turbine Blades for Automotive Organic Rankine Cycles: Mathematical and Computational Perspectives. Mathematics, MDPI 2021; 9 (1): 50.
  8. Elashmawy M., Alhadri M., Ahmed MMZ. Enhancing tubular solar still performance using novel PCM-tubes. Desalination 2021; 500: 114880.
  9. Elashmawy M., Ahmed, MMZ. Enhancing tubular solar still productivity using composite aluminum/copper/sand sensible energy storage tubes. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 2021; 221: 110882.
  10. Alshammari F., Elashmawy M., Ahmed MMZ. Cleaner production of freshwater using multi-effect tubular solar still. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021; 281: 125301.


2020 (5 papers)

  1. Alghamdi A., Elashmawy M., Aichouni M. Effects of dwell time and loading/unloading rate on the nanoindentation behavior of polyethylene-based nanocomposites. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences 2020; 7(6): 1-5.
  2. Elashmawy M., Alatawi I. Atmospheric Water Harvesting from Low-Humid Regions of Hail City in Saudi Arabia. Natural Resources Research, Springer 2020; 29 (6): 3689-3700.
  3. Elashmawy M., Alshammari F. Atmospheric water harvesting from low humid regions using tubular solar still powered by a parabolic concentrator system. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020; 256: 120329.
  4. Elashmawy M. Experimental study on water extraction from atmospheric air using tubular solar still. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020; 249: 119322.
  5. Elashmawy M. Improving the performance of a parabolic concentrator solar tracking-tubular solar still (PCST-TSS) using gravel as a sensible heat storage material. Desalination 2020; 473: 114182.


2019 (1 paper)

  1. Elashmawy M. Effect of surface cooling and tube thickness on the performance of a high temperature standalone tubular solar still. Applied Thermal Engineering 2019; 156(25): 276-286.


2018 (2 papers)

  1. Elashmawy M. Experimental Study on Variable Displacement Radial Piston Pump Performance: Injection Application in Round Pipe Cross-Flow. J. Hydraul. Eng., ASCE 2018; 144(3): 06018001.
  2. Elbadawi I., Elashmawy M., Yusmawiza W., Chaudhry I., Ben Ali N., Ahmad A. Application of Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) to a Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Conveyor Belt. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ETASR 2018; 8(3): 2023-2027.


2017 (4 papers)

  1. Elashmawy M. An experimental investigation of a parabolic concentrator solar tracking system integrated with a tubular solar still. Desalination. Elsevier 2017: 411: 1-8.
  2. Mohamed Elashmawy, 3D-CFD simulation of confined cross-flow injection process using single piston pump, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ETASR, 7(6), pp. 2308-2312, (2017).
  3. Isam Badawy, Mohammad Alnais, Mohamed Elashmawy, Improving the quality of constructing project execution at university of Hail, International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, IJAAS,4(7), pp. 173-178, (2017).
  4. Mohamed Elashmawy, Abdullah Al-Rashed, Lioua Kolsi, Isam Badawy, Naim Ben Ali, Shamas Shoukat Ali, Heat transfer and fluid flow in naturally ventilated greenhouses, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ETASR,7(4), pp. 1850-1854 (2017).


2016 (2 papers)

  1. Elashmawy M., Kolsi L. Turbulent Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Triangular Cross Sectioned Helically Coiled Tube. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences IJAAS 2016; 3(7): 18-23.
  2. Elashmawy M., Alghamdi A., Elbadawi I. Investigation of the Effect of Pipeline Size on the Cross Flow Injection Process. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 2016; 6(3): 1023-1028.


2015 (5 papers)

  1. Wasel M., Abdelrahim AA., El-Gohary H., Elashmawy M. Theoretical Study of the Parameters Affecting Vane Tip Friction in Oil Vane Pumps Using Simplified TEHL-Model, The International Journal of Science & Technoledge 2015; 3(3): 60-70.
  2. Elashmawy M., Alghonamy A., Elbadawi I. Computer Aided Design of Axial Piston Machines Having a Roller Piston Bearing. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications. Special Issue: Advanced Fluid Power Sciences and Technology 2015; 3(1-2): 24-29.
  3. Elashmawy M. Design of Swashplate Axial Piston Machines Having Low Piston Transverse Forces. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications. Special Issue: Advanced Fluid Power Sciences and Technology 2015; 3(1-2): 17-23.
  4. Elashmawy M., Alghamdi A. Vane Geometry Effect on Lubrication Conditions between Vane Tip and Cam-Ring in Hydraulic Vane Machines. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications. Special Issue: Advanced Fluid Power Sciences and Technology 2015; 3(5): 1-10.
  5. Elashmawy M., Alnais M. Developed Design for Line Bleeding Injection Pump: Double-Act LBIP. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications. Special Issue: Advanced Fluid Power Sciences and Technology 2015; 3(5): 11-16.


2014 (5 papers)

  1. Elashmawy M., Alnais M., Gels S., Murrenhoff H. Novel Design of Variable Displacement Reciprocating Injection Pump. Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola 2014; 29(12): 165-181.
  2. Elbadwi I., Elashmawy M. Utilizing a 3D-CAD SolidWorks Model for Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle Assembly in Engineering Education. SYLWAN journal 2014; 158(12): 232-247.
  3. Elashmawy M. Novel Injection Concept: Line Bleeding Injection Pump (LBIP). Science Innovation 2014; 2(4): 37-42.
  4. Elashmawy M. Theoretical Investigation of Friction Forces between Vane Tip and Cam-Ring in Oil Vane Pumps. International Journal of Science. Technology and Society 2014; 2(5): 121-128.
  5. Chandramouli M., Badawi I., Ziller M., Elashmawy M., Zahraee M. Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle Manufacturing Assembly and Training using X3D/Virtual Reality Modeling Language. 2014 IAJC/ISAM International Conference, Orlando, Florida, September 2014; 25-27.


2009 (2 papers)

  1. Elashmawy M., Murrenhoff H. Experimental Investigation of friction force between vane tip and cam-ring in oil vane pumps. International Journal of Fluid Power 2009; 10 (1).
  2. Wasel M., Abdel-Rahim A., El-Gohary H., Elashmawy M. Thermal and Isothermal comparison of vane tip lubricant oil film in oil vane pumps. Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering (JPME), Suez, Egypt 2009; 11(1): 47-57.


2001 (2 papers)

  1. Abdel-Rahim A., Elashamwy M., Abu-Zaied G. Jet Pumps for Axial Water Content Adjustment Using Internal Bundle Bypass Region in BWRS. 12th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference, IMPEC 12, Mansoura, Egypt, Nov. 2001; F29-F42.
  2. El-Awadi A., Abdel-Rahim A., Elashamwy M., Abu-Zaied G. An Analysis of a BWR Bundle with Internal Jet Pumps Using Coupled Two-Phase and Diffusion Theory Integral Model, 12th International Mechanical Power Engineering Conference, IMPEC 12, Mansoura, Egypt, Nov. 2001; F43-F53.

الأنشطة العلمية

  • Accredited Educator by SolidWorks Company since 2017.
  • Applications of Creation and Invention Using 3D-CAD SolidWorks.
  • 3D-CAD SolidWorks for Beginners.
  • 3D-CAD SolidWorks.
  • Digital Simulation Using 3D-CAD SolidWorks.
  • SolidWorks Design, Simulation and Sustainability.
  • Creativity and Invention Skills for Entrepreneurship.
  • Basics of scientific Research.
  • Ethics of scientific Research.
  • Rules of scientific Research Edition.
  • Potential of University of Hail as an Entrepreneurs Makers.
  • International Engineering Skills, Creation, and Invention.
  • Recycling: Way toward Businesses.
  • Creative Entrepreneurship.
  • Start: My Talent is MY Business.
  • Basic skills for Entrepreneurs.

المؤتمرات العلمية وورش العمل

  • المئتمر العلمي IESL بماليزيا 2021
  • المؤتمر العلمي لكلية الهندسة بجامعة حائل بالمملكة العربية السعودية 2020
  • مؤتمر ومعرض ITEX بماليزيا 2016
  • المؤتمر العلمي الطلابي السادس بالمملكة العربية السعودية 2015
  • المؤتمر العلمي الطلابي الخامس بالمملكة العربية السعودية 2014
  • المؤتمر العلمي الطلابي الرابع بالمملكة العربية السعودية 2013
  • المسابقة الدولية للغواصات ذات التحكم عن يعد بالولايات المتجدة الأمريكية 2013

Scopus ID for author


Google Scholar ID


Web of Science for Author

Web of Science ID


تاريخ النشر

01/01/2024 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy, Swellam W. Sharshir, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Fuhaid Alshammari, Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed, A.M. Soliman

تاريخ النشر

01/03/2024 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy, A.S. Nafey, Swellam W. Sharshir, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed

تاريخ النشر

24/05/2023 12:00:00 ص



Ahmed M. Soliman, Ibrahim Alatawi, Shaher Alshammari, Abdul Khaliq, Araby Mahdy, Mohamed M. Z. Ahmedd, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

15/09/2023 12:00:00 ص



Swellam W. Sharshir, M.A. Omara, Abanob Joseph, A.W. Kandeal, Ashraf Mimi Elsaid, Emad M.S. El-Said, Ibrahim Alatawi, Mohamed Elashmawy, Gamal B. Abdelaziz

تاريخ النشر

01/06/2022 12:00:00 ص



Ibrahim Alatawi, Tayyab Subhani, Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed, Umar F. Alqsair, A.S. Abdullah, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

27/07/2022 12:00:00 ص



Ibrahim Alatawi, Shaher Alshammari, Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed, Umar F. Alqsair, A.S. Abdullah & Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

01/08/2022 12:00:00 ص



Ibrahim Alatawi, Abdul Khaliq, Ashraf Mohamed Ahmed Heniegal, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

01/08/2022 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed, Fuhaid Alshammari, Ibrahim Alatawi, Muapper Alhadri, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

01/04/2022 12:00:00 ص



Muapper Alhadri, Ibrahim Alatawi, F. Alshammari, Mohamed A. Haleem, A. Heniegal, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, M. Ahmed, U. Alqsair, Dr. Abd Elnaby Kabeel, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

01/10/2022 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed, Fuhaid Alshammari, Umar F. Alqsair, Muapper Alhadri, A.S. Abdullah, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

01/06/2021 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed, Fuhaid Alshammari, A.S. Abdullah, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

25/01/2021 12:00:00 ص



Fuhaid Alshammari, Mohamed Elashmawy, Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed

تاريخ النشر

01/03/2021 12:00:00 ص



Fuhaid Alshammari, Mohamed Elashmawy, Mohamed Bechir Ben Hamida

تاريخ النشر

15/09/2021 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed, Fuhaid Alshammari, A.S. Abdullah, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

15/03/2021 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy, Muapper Alhadri, Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed

تاريخ النشر

01/03/2021 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy, Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed

تاريخ النشر

01/12/2021 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed M.Z. Ahmed, Fuhaid Alshammari, A.S. Abdullah, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

29/12/2020 12:00:00 ص



Fuhaid Alshammari, Apostolos Pesyridis, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

05/03/2021 12:00:00 ص



Fuhaid Alshammari, Apostolos Pesyridis, Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

20/05/2020 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy, Fuhaid Alshammari

تاريخ النشر

27/03/2020 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy, Ibrahim Alatawi

تاريخ النشر

10/03/2020 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

25/06/2019 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy

تاريخ النشر

01/06/2017 12:00:00 ص



Mohamed Elashmawy