Improving the perception of technology-supported learning situations: What are the factors affecting the adoption of technology in Egypt?

تاريخ النشر

05/01/2014 12:00:00 ص



متولي صابر خلاف معبد؛ توماس كولر


Mabed, M. S., & Köhler, T. (2014). Improving the perception of technology-supported learning situations: What are the factors affecting the adoption of technology in Egypt?. In M. Thomas (Ed.), Pedagogical Considerations and Opportunities for Teaching and Learning on the Web (pp. 89-108). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. DOI:10.4018/978-1-4666-4611-7.ch006





The majority of educational institutes have adopted some kind of technology, especially a Learning Management System (LMS), to facilitate the ways of learning in classrooms. Indeed, the investment in technology with the expectation of fostering learning relies on students’ response toward such technology. Therefore, it is essential not only to predict students’ behavior toward a LMS but also to grasp how students make a decision to use a particular system. This chapter explores the potential factors that have the most significant influence on the adoption of LMSs in Egypt as well as the relationships between these factors. .

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