Name : Fawzy Ezzat Ali Abd Al-Azeem Daw

Current position : Retired professor of Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Education, Suez University.

Date of birth: 23/7/1940

Address:   Tower 4, Al-Manasterly Towers, Al-Bahr Al-Aazam Street, Nile Corniche, Giza

Telephone Number:023730437/0235699380          Mobile: 01005730437



Second, Qualifications:


_PhD of Philosophy in Education, specializing in Educational Psychology, in 1991 from Helwan University.

_Master’s degree in Education, specializing in Educational Psychology, 1987, Helwan University.

_ Special Diploma in Education, with a very good grade, 1974, Tanta University.

General Diploma in Education with a good general grade in 1973 from Al-Azhar University.

_Bachelor’s degree in social work in 1966, with a good grade, Helwan University.

PhD thesis title:


(Mental Abilities and Personality Traits which Contribute to Success in nursing profession).                                                                                                        .


 Master’s thesis title:                                                                                                                         


(A Comparative Study of Personally Traits Between Higher and Normal Achievers in Technical Secondary Schools for Nursing.) 










Third, Academic career progression (internal and external)



Year of enrollment


Faculty of Education, Suez, Suez Canal University

Faculty of Education, Suez, Suez Canal University

From 1/8/2000 until now

From 1996 until 2005

and from 2008 until 7/30/2010

Retired Professor of Educational Psychology, Head of the Department of Educational Psychology

The National Center for Educational Examinations and Evaluation and Suez Canal University

From 1995 to 2004

was assigned as an expert of evaluation for two days a week from university by decision of the minister of education, in addition to his work at the university

Faculty of Education, Suez, Suez Canal University

1997 until 2000

Vice Dean of the College of Education for Postgraduate Studies

National Center for Educational Examinations and Evaluation

1991 until 1995


General Office of the Ministry of Health in Cairo

1983 until 1992

Director of the Social Education Department Schools and Ministry of Health institutes,

Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

1975 until 1982

social researcher at the Institute of teachers’ preparation in Hail Educational District

Units of the Ministry of Health in Cairo

1974 until 6/30/1966

A social researcher


Fourth, Training courses in the field of quality management systems

  1. Attending all the courses prepared by the Colleges of Education Development Project for Quality, as well as all the courses prepared by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project from 2005 to 2008.

2 - Attending a workshop on developing the national calendar at the Educational Testing Services Center in New Jersey, USA, in 1994 for 21 days.











Fifth, Other scientific activities at the international level:


  1. The variables of the admission scale to colleges of education were presented to faculty members at the American University of Georgia during a Scientific mission in 1999.
  2.  Presentation of a study on the predictive value of the faculty of Education admission test at the 8th Asian Psychology Federation Conference in New Delhi in 2009.
  3.  A summary of the study was published in the publications of the International Conference of the East European Psychology Federation in 2009.
  4.  The German Publishers Union requested that the same study be printed in an internationally published book through the Union
  5.  participated in the International Conference of the American Psychological Association, which was held in Washington, United States of America from August 22 to 26, 2011, where two studies were presented. (The first is entitled: The relationship between the two hemispheres of the brain and anxiety /The Second is entitled: Factorial components of critical thinking and verification of Abu Hatab’s informational cognitive model.)
  6.  Participated in the work of the International Congress of Psychology by presenting a study entitled: Psychometric Properties of the Beta Scale for Intelligence, Third Edition, Using Factorial Components and Conflicting Groups. It was held in Cape Town, South Africa. Africa from 22 to 27 July 2012.
  7.  Participated in establishing the African Psychology Federation by attending a workshop organized by the International Federation Psychology within the proceedings of the International Congress of Psychology in 2012, mentioned above.
  8.  Participated in the 13th European Congress of Psychology by presenting a study entitled: The effect of neuro-linguistic programming techniques in reducing test anxiety and improving students’ academic performance. The congress was held in Stockholm in Sweden from 9 to 12 July 2013.
  9.  Participated in the work of the International Congress of Applied Psychology with a study entitled: The effect of a theatrical program in developing some linguistic creativity skills and personality traits for pre-school children. The Congress was held in Paris the French capital from July 8 to 13, 2014
  10.  Participated in the proceedings of the European Congress of Psychology No. 14 with a study entitled:  A training program for developing integrated brain functions for middle school students. It was held in Milan, Italy, in July 2015.
  11.  Based on the invitation of the International Federation of Psychology and the Lebanese Psychological Society to establish the Arab Federation of Psychology as a representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt and to attend the first Arab Congress for Mental Health in Beirut, Lebanon, I participated in Establishing the Arab Federation for Psychology, and I was chosen as a member of the Federation’s Executive Committee, in addition to participating in other activities in Arab Congress for Mental Health, from 10/8 to 8/12/2015.






Sixth, Other various activities related to the educational process and community service:

  1. Participated in preparing admission tests for nursing colleges at Cairo, Ain Shams, and Assiut universities.
  2. The main researcher to study the psychological variables of child labor in Suez Governorate in 2014.
  3.  Participation, whether in lectures, seminars, or training, for civil society organizations in Suez in many Occasions.
  4.  Member of the Egyptian Society of Psychology.
  5.  Founder and member of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Society for Adolescent Sciences and managing editor of the scientific journal of the Society.
  6. Member of the American psychological association (APA) American Psychological Association
  7.  Member of the International Pragmatic Association (IPRA) in Belgium
  8.  Member of the International Association of Applied Psychology (ICAP).





  1. He has 34 research papers published in Arab journals and international conferences.
  2.  He attended more than 25 psychology conferences at the national and international levels.
  3.  He supervised and discussed 41 master’s and doctoral theses at Egyptian universities.



Eighth, Scientific missions abroad:


1 - A scientific mission for 1 month in the United States of America in 1994 at the headquarters of the Educational Testing Center in New Jersey (ETC) and attending a workshop on developing the national evaluation

 2 - A 6-month scientific mission at the University of Georgia in the United States of America in 1999 and attending a conference organized by the same university to improve the learning climate for students in October 1999.

3- Attending the Asian Psychological Association conference, which was held in New Delhi, India, from 11 to 14 October. December 2009, where he presented a study on the predictive value of admission tests at the Faculty of Education in Suez.

  1. - He participated in a study entitled kindergarten teachers’ attitudes toward parental care and children’s play Nursery within the symposium held at the European International Conference held in Serbia in 2010
  2. -Attending the 119th Annual International Conference of the American Psychological Association, which was held in Washington, D.C during the period from August 22 to 26, 2011, he presented two studies, the first on the relationship between the state of anxiety and the two halves (The spherical ones) of the brain and the second is the structure of critical thinking.
  3. - Attending the 30th International Congress of Psychology, which was held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 22 to 27 July 2012, where he presented a study on the psychometric properties of the Beta Scale for Intelligence, third edition. He also participated in establishing the African Federation of Psychology among the representatives of African countries, and Egypt was considered one of the founding countries of this union.
  4. - Attending the 13th European Congress of Psychology, which was held in Stockholm, Sweden, from 9 to 12 July 2013, where he presented a study on the effect of neuro-linguistic programming techniques in reducing examination anxiety and improving students’ achievement performance.
  5.  - Attending the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, which was held in Paris, the French capital, from July 8 to 13, 2014, where a study was presented on the effect of a theater program in developing some linguistic creativity skills and personality traits for pre-school children.
  6.  - Attending the 14th European Congress of Psychology, which was held in Milan, Italy, from July 6 to 10, 2015, where he presented a study on a training program to develop the functions of the integrated brain pattern for middle school students.
  7.  - I participated in establishing the Arab Federation of Psychology at the invitation of the International Federation of Psychology, representing Egypt. I was chosen as a member of the Executive Committee of the Federation and attended the activities of the first Arab Congress of Psychology in Beirut, the Lebanese capital, from 10/8 to 12/8/2015.



Ninth, Scientific awards:

 1 - He received the award for the best researcher in psychology at the level of Egyptian universities in 1988 at the Egyptian and Arab Psychology Conference, which was held by the Egyptian Society for Psychological Studies at Ain Shams University in 1988. .1988

 2 - He won first place for Professor Dr. Ahmed Askar’s award for the best research presented for environmental service at the level of Suez Canal University in 2003. He also received a certificate of appreciation from the Major General, Governor of Suez. He won the Environmental Distinction Cup in Suez.

 3 - He received a certificate of appreciation and a letter of thanks from the University of Georgia for his performance during the scientific mission he spent at the university in 1999

4 - He received the Suez Canal University shield and a certificate of appreciation in his honor on the university’s Science Day in 2005.

 5 - He was nominated for the Scientific Excellence Award for Social Sciences in 2008.

6 - His biography was published in the international encyclopedia “Who is who in the world” in 2006.

 7 - His autobiography was published in the International Encyclopedia Britannica in Cambridge in 2007.

8 - He received the Suez Canal University gold medal and a certificate of appreciation in his honor on the Loyalty Day that the university held on 10/31/2012

9 - He received a certificate of thanks and appreciation from the Council of the Faculty of Education at Suez University on the occasion of his selection by The International Federation of Psychology, representing Egypt, to establish the Arab Federation of Psychology and select him as a member of the committee Executive of the Union.



Scientific research carried out by Dr. Fawzi Ezzat Ali Abdel Azim



List of research

1-The predictive value of the admission test at the Higher Institute of Nursing at Cairo University, Egyptian Journal of Educational Evaluation, Volume One, Issue The first, 1994. (solo)


  1. Difference between aptitude tests and the traditional method of student 's selection at the high institute of Nursing Cairo University Egyptian Journal of Educational Evaluation, Volume One, Issue One, 1994 (joint).
  2.  The relationship between learning and thinking styles and performance on admission tests at the Higher Institute of Nursing at Cairo University. Faculty of Education Journal of Mansoura University, Issue 26 September 1994 (joint).
  3.   The relationship between internal residency in military and civilian schools and some personality traits of female students in technical nursing schools. Magazine of Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, Issue 26 September 1994. (Single).
  4.  The difference in academic programs and its relationship to some personality variables for both nursing and social work students. Egyptian magazine of Psychological Studies, Issue 12, 1995 (single).
  5.  Analysis of the results of the high school exam in the Arab Republic of Egypt in the period from 1991 to 1993, publications of the National Center For examinations and educational evaluation, filing number 1981, March 1995 (joint).
  6. Evaluation of the fourth-grade teacher in basic education (field study in Gharbia Governorate). Publications of the National Center for Educational Examinations and Evaluation, Deposit No. 1981, March 1995 (joint).
  7.  The educational performance of double batch students in high school, a comparative study between students who spent (5/6) years in education Primary Publications of the National Center for Educational Examinations and Evaluation, Deposit No. 4305, April 1995 (joint).
  8.  Psychological pressures of primary school teachers and their relationship to some personality variables. Egyptian Journal of Psychological Studies, No. 16, 1997 (joint)
  9.   The global structure of admission tests to faculties of education, Egyptian Journal of Psychological Studies, No. 19 1998 (single).
  10.  A study on the subjects that predict academic success in some colleges at the Egyptian Universities. Publications of the National Center for Educational Examinations and Evaluation, Deposit No. 4917, March 1999 (joint).
  11.  The relationship between learning styles, thinking, and anxiety among final-year social work students. Egyptian Journal of Psychological Studies Issue 26, 2000 (single).
  12.  Evaluating the faculties programs of teacher preparation in Egypt “A national study”. Publications of the National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, deposit number. (4304, September 1996) (joint).
  13.  Analysis of the general secondary school results in the Arab Republic of Egypt for the year 1994, publications of the National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation. File No. 13723, September 1999 (joint).




  1. A comparative study of the academic performance of dual batch students at the university level. The first volume of the second scientific conference for Helwan Education 2000, July.
  2.   An exploratory study of aspects of the educational process in primary schools and nursery classes in Fayoum Governorate. Center publications National Examinations and Educational Evaluation 2001.
  3.   A study of some psychological and social variables of the phenomenon of child labor in Suez Governorate. Deposit No. 11277 June 2004.
  4.  The effectiveness of training programs in improving the performance of basic education teachers. Publications of the National Center for Educational Examinations and Evaluation, No Deposit 15076 August 2003 (single).
  5. The impact of improving education on the development of critical thinking for basic education students. National Center for Educational Examinations and Evaluation, December (2004)
  6.   Tests to test readiness for admission to faculties of education and to predict some of the values ​​required to work in the teaching profession. It was presented at the National Conference for Moral Education, February 2006 (single).
  7.  Admission of secondary education graduates to higher education institutions, a study presented to the National Conference for the Development of Secondary Education and Policies Admission to higher education, Cairo, May 2008 (single).
  8. The effect of developing cognitive processes on developing visual perception among a sample of deaf people in Suez Governorate, Egyptian Journal of Science Adolescence, Issue 2, 2008 (joint).
  9.  Empirical verification of some hypotheses of Abu Hatab’s informational cognitive model of mental abilities associated with critical thinking. The magazine of  Egyptian Psychological Studies, Volume 18, Issue 61, October 2008 (joint).
  10. Verifying the effectiveness of study programs in developing critical thinking among adolescents, Egyptian Journal of Adolescence Second issue, September 2009
  11.  The structure of psychological quality of life according to Ryff’s model, Egyptian Journal of Psychological Studies, Volume 19, Issue Ryff ww 62 February 2009. (joint).
  12. The societal effects of media awareness of the dangers of addiction. A study presented to the joint scientific symposium between the Faculty of Education in Suez Canal University and the Center for Studies and Research at Naif Arab University for Security Sciences in the period from 3/30 to 4/1/2009.
  13. A comparative study between the emotional intelligence of gifted and ordinary adolescents in secondary school. Egyptian Journal of Adolescence, No April 3, 2009 (joint).



28- Prediction value of Suez Faculty of Education Aptitude Test. This research has the acceptance from Europe & Asian Associations of Psychology The presentation at New Delhi Dec. 2009.

29- Critical Thinking Factorial components within Abu Hattab's informational cognitive model. presented at 119 the annual convention of the American psychological association at Washington DC, August 2011.

30- The relationship between cerebral hemispheres and anxiety. presented at 119 the annual convention of the American psychological association at Washington DC, August 2011.

31- Psychometric characteristics of Beta III intelligence Scale within contrasted Groups and factorial components. Presented at 30th international congress of psychology, at the Cape Town,  South Africa ,22-27 July 2012

32-Neuro Linguistic Techniques Effectiveness in Reducing Test Anxiety and Improving Students Achievement Performance. Presented at the 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, 9 – 12 July 2013.

33- Effectiveness of Theatrical Program on Developing Some Creative Linguistic Skills and Personality Traits for Pre-School Children. Presented at the 28th {international Congress of Applied Psychology Paris, France, 8 -13 July 2014.

34- " Effectiveness of Computer Training Program in Developing the Integrate Brain Function."   Presented at the 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milano Italy 6-10 July 2015.






A list of the master’s and PhD’s theses supervised by and the theses discussed by Dr. Fawzi Ezzat Ali Abdel Azim


First: PhD’s theses


  1. Hoda Ezzat Abdel Raouf the effect of a designed orientation program on the level of practical performance and anxiety for first-year female students At the Higher Institute of Nursing, Cairo University Cairo University awarded in 1997
  2. Sherine Muhammad Ahmed Desouki: The times of relapse and their relationship to some personality traits, Zagazig Education, awarded in 2003.
  3. Mona Abdel Fadil Abdel Fattah: Capacities and skills necessary for a university student in the era of globalization. Faculty of Education in Suez, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2004
  4.  Haniyah Al-Sayyid Muhammad Al-Jamal: The effectiveness of a program for artistic and motor expression in developing children’s imagination in kindergarten. Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2005
  5.  Nadia Desouky Mahmoud Hassan: The effect of using metacognitive strategies in studying the available alternatives when making a decision. Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2006
  6.  Nima Abdel Salam Mohamed Hassan: The structure of critical thinking within the framework of the informational cognitive model of mental abilities and its relationship to the attitude towards risk. Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University Granted in 2008
  7.  Ahmed Fawzi Junaidi: The effectiveness of a counseling program for developing emotional intelligence in the quality of psychological life of gifted students, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2009.
  8. Amal Suleiman Hafez: The effectiveness of a training program for working memory components in improving reading comprehension skills among people with learning difficulties among primary school students. Suez Education. Granted in 2010
  9.  Reda Abdel Qader El-Sawy: Verifying the Luria-Das theory of intelligence and its applications in diagnosing some disorders. Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University Granted in 2010
  10. El Sayed Saad Hussein Hassan: The working components of social intelligence within the framework of the Abu Hatab and Al-Baresht models that predict academic success among students in faculties of education, Faculty of Education in Suez, granted in 2010.
  11. Suleiman Abdel Wahed Youssef Ibrahim: The effect of developing the functions of the integrated pattern of the two spherical hemispheres of the brain for people with learning difficulties on achievement in science within the framework of the sequential and simultaneous cognitive processing model for integrating information in the brain for middle school students, Faculty of Education in Suez granted in 2011.
  12. Abeer Al-Sayed Azab Al-Zoghbi: The effect of some theory of mind tasks on improving cognitive deficits and social skills among autistic children. Faculty of Education, Suez University, not yet awarded
  13. Asma Abdel Khaleq Kamel Ahmed: Verifying the Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory of mental abilities in the Egyptian environment. Faculty of Education, Suez University, awarded in 2016 .
  14.  Samar Samir Al-Senussi: The global components of spiritual intelligence that predict creative thinking and academic achievement among university students. Faculty of Education Suez University Registration in 2014 Not yet granted
  15. Rania Abdel Karim Mahmoud Sayed Amer: Emotional aspects of thinking about cognitive performance among secondary school students. Registration 2015, Faculty of Education, Suez University Awarded in 2018.



Second: Master’s theses


  1.  Hisham Habib Al-Husseini Muhammad: The role of emotional characteristics in the stages of acquiring motor skills, faculty of Education Ain-Shams University Granted in 1998.
  2. Hanan Muhammad Abdel Hamid Al-Khouly :The effectiveness of the attention focus strategy in modifying impulsive behavior among students at Faculty of Education in Al-Arish, Suez Canal University.
  3. Heba Ali Farahat: A study of some abilities associated with success among industrial education students. Faculty of Education in Suez Granted in 2001 Suez Canal University Granted in 2003
  4.  Ahmed Fawzi Muhammad Junaidi: The effectiveness of a counseling program for developing moral judgment among a sample of the hearing-impaired in schools. Hope for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2003
  5. Reda Abdel Khaleq El-Sawy :Measuring communication skills among university students in light of the item response theory. Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2004.
  6. Sahar Ahmed Hussein: Anorexia nervosa and its relationship to both parental treatment methods and academic achievement among... Basic education stage) Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University Students.
  7.  Neama Abdul Salam Muhammad Hassan: Metacognition and its relationship to some personality traits among university students. Granted in 2004 Faculty of Education, Suez, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2004.
  8. El Sayed Saad Hussein: Psychometric properties of the Abbreviated Wechsler Intelligence Scale, 1999 edition. Faculty of Education, Suez, Suez Canal University Faculty of Medicine in 2004.
  9. Nihal Lotfy Hamed: Psychometric verification of the tripartite classification of Sternberg’s theory of intelligence and its relationship to test anxiety. Faculty of Education, Ismailia, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2004
  10.  Khaled Muhammad Jamal Bahjat Al-Azizi: School motivation and learning methods among technical secondary school students. faculty of Education, Zagazig University, awarded in 2004
  11. Suad Muhammad Ahmed Al-Junaidi: A proposed vision for the integration system between mentally retarded children (able to learn) and ordinary students in the primary stage as an introduction to human development in Egypt (faculty of Education at Suez university). granted 2006
  12. Ayman Helmy Awaida: Citizenship skills among students of the faculties of education at Suez Canal University. Faculty of Education in Suez, granted in 2005
  13.  Dawlat Abdel Maqsoud: Anxiety in learning the English language and its impact on language achievement among fourth-grade primary school students. granted in2005. Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University 
  14. Hind Mohamed Ahmed: Giftedness among fourth-grade primary school students with difficulties in learning to read and write. Faculty of Education, Suez, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2006.
  15.  Ranwa Muhammad Taha Al-Hafnawy: Effectiveness of a proposed guidance program to reduce attention disorder for people with hearing needs (Special Primary School Students) Faculty of Education in Suez, awarded in 2009.
  16.  Ghurair Al-Sayyid Azab Al-Zoghbi: (The effectiveness of the CORT program in developing sensory perception among a sample of deaf groups in the primary stage) Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2009
  17. Wafa Fikry Ali Farghaly: (The effectiveness of modeling combined with suggestion and persuasion in reducing the intensity of turmoil among primary school students, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University) Granted in 2010.
  18.  Asmaa Taha Ali Ibrahim: (Dimensions of cognitive structure and levels of processing and processing information among pragmatic students in the first year of secondary school) (Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, awarded in 2010.
  19. Rania Abdel Karim Mahmoud Al-Sayed Amer: (The global components of the quality of emotional life among university students) Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University Granted in 2011
  20.  Samar Samir Al-Senussi Muhammad Hassan (The effectiveness of some neuro-linguistic programming techniques in reducing test anxiety among people Preparatory school students, Faculty of Education, Suez University Granted in 2012.
  21.  Sarah Magdy Amin: (The factorial structure of natural intelligence among a sample of university students) College of Education Suez Canal University Granted in 2012
  22. Intisar Ahmed Radwan: (The effect of developing positive thinking in reducing psychological pressures for people with learning difficulties from... Preparatory school students (Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, scholarships in 2012.
  23.  Abeer Antar Eid: (The effect of the Portage program for developing some cognitive and social skills on reducing the severity of a disorder Attention among kindergarten children with attention disorder .faculty of education at Suez. Awarded in 2013
  24. Marwa Wagdy Lotfy: (The effectiveness of a program in thinking skills on acquiring some mathematical concepts for pre-school children School (Faculty of Education, Suez University, awarded in 2016
  25. Dalia Sayed Ali Shehata: (Developing deductive thinking among fifth-grade primary school students who were awarded in 2016 ( Learning Difficulties) Faculty of Education, Suez University 2016
  26.  Nourhan Hamdy Ibrahim: (The effectiveness of training on some social skills in improving the linguistic development of pre-school children) Faculty of Education, Suez University Not yet awarded
  27.  Joseph Samir Wahib, cognitive load and its relationship to the strength of cognitive control and academic achievement among university students Faculty of Education, Suez University
  28.  Shaima Jaber Qasim Ahmed: Learning methods according to Kolb and their relationship to the Hermann model of cerebral control among students Granted in 2016 Awarded February 2018 Secondary stage Faculty of Education, Suez University.



A list of books under publication for the teaching distances that I taught and prepared individually or in collaboration with others:


  1. Fawzi Ezzat Ali: Theories of mental organization, a lesson for fourth-year students in the Faculties of Education and Industrial Education General Diploma in Education, Suez Canal University.
  2. Salah Murad, Fawzi Ezzat Ali: Evaluation, psychological and educational measurement, and principles of statistics, a lesson for fourth-year students (primary education) and general diploma in education (faculty of Education in Suez).
  3.  Fawzi Ezzat Ali: School and psychological health for children, a lesson for fourth-year students (primary education). (faculty of Education in Suez).
  4. Fawzi Ezzat Ali: Personality Psychology, a lesson for fourth-year students (kindergarten department), faculty of Education, University of 6th October in Cairo.
  5. Salah Murad, Fawzi Ezzat: learning theories, a lesson for third-year students in the Faculties of Education and Industrial Education And general diploma (Suez)
  6. Fawzi Ezzat Ali: Industrial Psychology, a lesson for third-year students at the Faculty of Industrial Education in Suez, and the Higher Institute of Social Service in Kafr El-Sheikh.
  7. Fawzy Ezzat Aly: ENGLISH READINGS: A lesson for students of the special diploma in education at faculty of education.