The effect of the interaction between locus of control (internal/ external) and virtual classrooms (synchronous/ asynchronous/ hybrid) on the attitude toward it, achievement, and learning efficiency among students of the Faculty of Technology and Education in Suez

Publish Date

1/1/2022 12:00:00 AM



Mabed, M.


Mabed, M. (2021). The effect of instructional scaffoldings (direct / indirect) in digital learning platforms on the development of knowledge and skills of managing and organizing e-citations for postgraduate students at the faculty of education. Faculty of Education Journal – Banha University, 32(128), 215-312. DOI: 10.21608/JFEB.2021.240159





The aim of the current research is to explore the impact of different patterns of locus of control among students and its interaction with the types of virtual classrooms and its impact on the attitudes, achievement, and learning efficiency. The experimental design in the research depended on factorial design (2x3). The research sample consisted of (223) students at the Faculty of Technology and Education in Suez. The results related to the main effect of the difference in the locus of control revealed that there is an improvement in the internal control students than the external control students.


Locus of control, synchronous virtual classrooms, asynchronous virtual classrooms, blended virtual classrooms, attitude towards the learning environment, learning efficiency.