...Courses taught by

Teaching at the Faculty of Education Port Said

  • History of education.
  • Research Methods (Postgraduate).
  • Planning and its basics.
  • The economics of education.
  • Social Origins (Postgraduate).
  • Education and community problems.
  • Adult education and community service.
  • Special education.

Teaching at the College of Education, King Faisal University

  • Educational and school administration and the education system in the Kingdom.
  • Educational administration.
  • Principles of breeding.
  • Educational media.

Teaching at Sadat Academy

  • Management & Information Systems

Teaching at the Faculty of Specific Education

  • For Media, Computers, Technology, Economics

Teaching at the Faculty of Education in Suez

  • The teacher and the teaching profession.
  • School administration.
  • Educational administration.
  • Educational planning.
  • Sustainable development.
  • Education and community issues.
  • Social origins of education.
  • Adult education.
  • Principles of breeding.

Theses Supervision

  • He supervised several messages on topics.
  • The role of universities in the cultural development of society
  • Drawing an educational map of Port Said Governorate in the light of comprehensive development.
  • The role of universities in confronting the intellectual invasion of the Arab world
  • Time management is an introduction to improving the performance of faculty members in the faculties of education, Suez Canal University, a field study 2007
  • Financing education in the Ayyubid period
  • An analytical study of some educational values in Surat Al-Baqarah and its role in raising a primary school student
  • School accreditation standards in the schools of the Royal Commission in Jubail from the point of view of educational leaders
  • The training needs of educational leaders in the light of some comprehensive quality standards
  • Requirements for the management of school relations with the principals of the administration of Dammam
  • Administrative organization

Training Courses

  • Management Skills Development Course (20, 22/12/2004)
  • Thinking Skills Development Course (26, 29/9/2005)
  • Comprehensive Assessment Development Course in Schools (2005)
  • Effective Presentation Skills Course (2: 4/1/2006)
  • Teaching Evaluation Skills Course (1: 4/2/2006)
  • Professional Ethics Course (1: 3/4/2006)
  • Credit Hours Course (26: 27/6/2006)
  • Quality Course in Education (Quality Assurance and Accreditation) (19: 20/6/2006)
  • Technology in Teaching (16: 18/7/2006)
  • Course on Legal Aspects in Universities (10: 14/8/2006)
  • External Accreditation Course from the Accreditation Body
  • Course on external auditors of pre-university education institutions (10: 14/8/2008)
  • Training Program for Faculty Members at King Faisal University (15-17/10/1430)
  • Windows XP Course (2-6/1431)
  • Word Processor Course (9-11/1431)
  • Progressive Presentations Course (16-19/1/1431)
  • Internet Course (13-16/1431)
  • Training methods for university professor (20-22/3/2010-4-6/1431)
  • Islamic Communication and Dialogue Skills Course (11/3/2010)
  • Building University Evaluation Skills among Faculty Members (13-14/4/1430)
  • Measuring educational objectives (17-18/5/1431)
  • Students' patterns in education and ways to deal with them (24-26/5/1431)
  • Strategic Planning (3-4/6/143)
  • Time Management (17-18/6/1431)
  • Dialogue and the Art of Persuasion (23-24/6/1431)
  • Design of electronic educational bags (26-27/11/1432)
  • Communication Skills (28-29/3/1433)
  • Scientific Publishing Skills (12-13/4/1433)
  • Using Publisher (2-3/6/1433)
  • Student and faculty member between rights and duties (1437)
  • Training of Trainers Course (TOT1437)
  • Community Partnership
  • Applications of Strategic Planning in Higher Education
  • Continuing Education
  • The road to invention step by step
  • Quantitative Research and SPSS Program
  • Arbitration of scientific articles submitted for publication
  • Our Assessment Skills

Employment / Fellowships

Assistant Lecturer
Emeritus Professor

Scientific Committees

  • Member of the Board of the Department of Fundamentals of Education
  • Member of the Environmental Affairs Committee
  • Member of the Library Committee
  • Member of the Education and Student Affairs Committee
  • Member of the Laboratories Committee
  • Member of the Graduate Studies Committee, Coordinator of Cultural Activity, College of Education, King Faisal University
  • Member of the control and examination work
  • A pioneer for some families for many years

Scientific Conferences & Workshops

  • The world of education and work in the Arab world, Mansoura University
  • The role of universities in community development
  • Women and their role in political participation
  • Youth Reluctance to Express Opinion in Local Elections
  • Special Education in the Twenty-first Century (Challenges of Reality in Future Prospects)
  • Symposium of the Union of Arab Historians entitled "Cultural and Scientific Centers in the Arab World through the Ages" November 2001
  • Symposium of the Union of Arab Historians entitled "Islamic civilization in the Middle Ages and its role in building world civilization "November 2002 as an interlocutor"
  • Conference on Developing the Capabilities of Faculty Members Leaders (Reality and the Future, November 19, 2005)
  • Conference on the Scientific Research System in Egypt, Challenges, Standards and Future Visions
  • Fulbright Commission Special Education Workshop
  • Globalization and the education system in the Arab world - a vision for the future
  • Education and children's rights in the Arab world between legislation and application (March 2006)
  • Education, peace and the environment between upbringing and culture (24-25 November 2007)
  • Distance Education in the Arab World – Reality and the Commissioner (2008)
  • The role of popular participation in developing population awareness
  • Population awareness among imams and preachers
  • The role of popular participation in developing the political awareness of members of society
  • The importance of belonging in developing environmental awareness
  • The role of NGOs in developing environmental awareness
  • How to face the population problem and family planning
  • Giving lectures on adolescence, its problems and how to face it in light of global changes and globalization
  • Multimedia in changing the values of youth and how they can be modified under the religious perspective
  • How to manage your lifestyle in light of globalization
  • Contribute to the development of the skills of employees in Port Said Participant in the programs of the fourth channel
  • And programs to prepare young people in summer work camps in Port Said and Suez
  • Participation in giving lectures on addiction and developing environmental awareness in the community
  • Participation in political, social and health awareness campaigns
  • Seminars in NGOs on political participation
  • Seminars at the Al-Azhar administration on the role of youth in social, economic and political development
  • Seminars on the art of communication and dialogue
  • Seminars on Intellectual Security
  • Seminars on fourth and fifth generation wars and how to confront them
  • Seminars on political participation 2019
  • Seminars on Sustainable Development and the Role of Cultural Identity in Sustainable Development Nile Media Center
  • Suez Cultural Salon on the ambition of the stage between challenges and confrontation 2019
  • Seminars on the phenomenon of bullying in society and how to confront it
  • Seminars on student and family violence in society
  • Suez Canal between the past and the present
  • Participation in simulation and small parliament
  • Seminars on rumors and how to confront them
  • Seminars on terrorism, its types and confronting it
  • Seminars on unemployment for graduates
  • Values of citizenship and belonging
  • Participation of the local community, NGOs and the media in seminars and community problems

Refereed Scientific Papers in Arabic

  • Problems facing the application of the academic accreditation system in the faculties of education Publication (World of Education 2005)
  • The role of the secondary school in confronting student violence: A case study of Port Said Governorate, published in the Journal of the Faculty of Education in Ismailia, 2007
  • Problems of private university education in Egypt.
  • Obstacles to time management as perceived by King Faisal University students 2012
  • Obstacles to educational supervision from the point of view of educational supervisors in the directorates of education of the governorates of Qurayyat and Tabuk, February 2011
  • Obstacles to practicing student activities among students of King Faisal University
  • Requirements for activating intellectual security among university students
  • Developing students' political awareness

Curriculum Vitae (CV)


  • Dr. Adel Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Sharkawy


  • adel.abd.allah.3112@gmail.com
  • 01225988818
  • Suez-Port Tawfik-Basin El-derse 234


Suez Canal University: 1983

  • Bachelor of Science and Education with a very good grade

Suez Canal University: 1991

  • Master of Education: Social Education Estimation of Excellence

Suez Canal University: 2000

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Economics and Planning Education Honors


  • Student Violence 
  • External and Internal Competence of the Faculties of Education, Suez Canal University
  • Principles of education 
  • Education and community issues 
  • Parental education 
  • adult education

TV Interviews

  • Family, education and youth
  • Constitutional amendments 
  • Rumors and how to confront them 
  • Terrorism and how to confront it 
  • Intellectual awareness 
  • Supporting the presidential elections and President Sisi

Academic Qualifications

Suez Canal University: 1983

  • Bachelor of Science and Education with a very good grade

Suez Canal University: 1991

  • Master of Education: Social Education Estimation of Excellence

Suez Canal University: 2000

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Economics and Planning Education Honors

Community & University Activities

Environment and Community Service

  • Teaching at the Islamic Cultural Center in Port Said since 1996
  • To participate in the courses of the adult education program in Port Said
  • Participation in youth awareness seminars at the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Ismailia and Port Said
  • Participation in cultural seminars held by the Suez and Port Said Media Center
  • Regular participation in national and national radio
  • Regular participation in television at national and national events
  • Program about the Virtual University in Television
  • A program on violence among students, a program on belonging and citizenship in television
  • Participation in seminars and conferences of the Environmental Affairs Agency in Suez
  • Participation in seminars in Alwafd party in Ismailia

Activity outside the university

  • Member of the Association of Educational and Comparative Administration
  • Member of the Community Development Association
  • Member of the Egyptian Adolescence Association
  • Member of the Arab Economists Association
  • Member of the Education and Quality Development Committee
  • Secretary of Information for Suez Governorate
  • Responsible for the evaluation and follow-up committee
  • Assistant Secretary of the Free Egyptians Party in Suez