ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Curriculum Vitae







Shaker Rizk Taky ElDin


Date of Birth                    



Place of Birth                   

Baltim, Kafr El-Sheikh






53 Nozha Street, Flat# 51, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt



Mobile 00201283000099   Home 00202 24181310 


Current Address              

53 Nozha Street, Flat# 51, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt



shaker115@yahoo.com  or shaker115@gmail.com



-Professor of English (Linguistics and Translation)


Present Occupation

Previous Occupations     


- Professor Emeritus, Dept. of English, Suez Faculty of Arts, Suez University

- Member of the Permanent Promotion Committee of Professors - SCU

- Dean - Faculty of Fish Resources - Suez University 2013 -2014

- Deputy Dean for Post Graduate Studies and Research - Suez Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University - Chair, Department of English, Suez Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University - Director of Language Center, 1997 – 2005.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. in English Linguistics

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA, 1985

  • M.A. in  Applied Linguistics

American University in Cairo, Egypt, 1980

  • Diploma in TEFL 

Ain Shams University, Egypt, 1978 (Very Good with Honours)

  • B.A. in English

Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1976 (Very Good with Honours)


Administrative Experience

  • Dean Faculty of Fish Resources - Suez University 2013 - 2014
  • Deputy Dean for Post Graduate Studies and Research - Suez Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University 2011-2012
  • Chair - Department of English, Suez Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University 2011-2012.
  • Director of the ELT Program, College of Education Ittihad University, Ras Al Khaimah, September 2007-2010.
  • Director of Language Center, 1997 – 2005.
  • Chair, Department of English, Suez Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, 1989-1993 and 1997-2005.


Academic Consultations


  1. Reviewer for the National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment (NCAAA) - Saudi Arabia
  2. Consultant of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (UAE, Egypt, SA).
  3. Consultant in the office of the Minister of higher education to promote faculties of education in Egypt.
  4. Consultant of Assessment at the NCEEE (National Centre for Examinations and Educational Evaluation) Minister of Education Office, Cairo, Egypt.
  5. Consultant of Self-Assessment and EFL teaching at the IELP II (Integrated English Language Program II), USAID, Cairo, Egypt.
  6. Consultant at the Qarar Centre for ESP for Diplomats and Statesmen, Cairo, Egypt.
  7. Consultant of translation at AUC (American University in Cairo).
  8. Consultant of ESP and Coordinator of the SCU and the American Embassy teams to develop material for different colleges in the SCU.
  9. Referee and member of the Promotion Committee of Associate and Full Professors, King Saud University, King Abdul Aziz University, Imam University, Shaqraa University, Qasim University, King Khaled University, Saudi Arabia.
  10. Referee and member of the Promotion Committee of Associate and Full Professors in different Universities in Iraq.
  11. Referee and member of the Promotion Committee of Associate and Full Professors in different Universities in Jordan.
  12. Referee and member of the Promotion Committee of Associate and Full Professors, Ajman University, UAE.
  13. Consultant and Expert of training of trainers (TOT) for facilitators of Community Schools, ACED and UNESCO, Cairo, Egypt.


Academic Journals Reviewer


  1. Associate Editor for the English Literature and Language Review, Academic Research Publishing Group.
  2. Reviewer for Lingua, An International Review of General Linguistics
  3. Associate Editor and Reviewer for the International Journal of English Linguistics.
  4. Referee and editorial board advisor of Egyptian Journal English Language and Literature Studies. Ain Shams University, Egypt.
  5. Referee of the Journal of the Faculty of Education (Literary Section), Ain Shams University, Egypt.
  6. Referee and consultant of the Occasional Papers in the Development of English Language Learning, Ain Shams University, Egypt.
  7. Editor and Referee of the Journal of the Future of Education, Cairo, Egypt.
  8. Reviewer for Philology Journal, AlAlsun, Ain Shams University.
  9. Reviewer for the Journal for Scientific Research in Arts, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University.
  10. Reviewer for the Bohouth Journal, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University.
  11. Reviewer for the Journal of Languages and Translation, Faculty of Alsun, Menia University.


Teaching Experience

  • Professor of Linguistics, Suez University, Faculty of Arts, 2013- now
  • Professor of Linguistics, Faculty of Education Suez Canal University 2003-2013 
  • Professor of Linguistics, Ittihad University, Ras Al Khaimah, Sept. 2005- 2011.
  • Visiting Professor at Ittihad University, Ras Al-Khaimah, Feb. 2005 June 2005.
  • Professor of Linguistics July 2003 till Feb. 2005, Suez Canal University
  • Associate Professor of Linguistics 1998 to 2003 –Suez Canal University
  • Assistant Professor of Linguistics 1993 to 1997—Faculty of Women Makkah and Faculty of Arts in Dammam –Saudi Arabia
  • Assistant Professor of Linguistics 1988 to 1993--- Faculty of Education Suez Canal University
  • Assistant Professor of Linguistics 1986 to 1988--- Imam University –Saudi Arabia
  • Lecturer of English 1980 to 1985--- Ain Shams University
  • Demonstrator of English 1976 to 1980---FOE Ain Shams  University
  • Associate Professor of Linguistics 1998, Professor 2003 till now  American University in Cairo (AUC) –Part time
  • Associate Professor of Linguistics, Cairo University, Faculty of Arts, 1998-2000.
  • Associate Professor of Linguistics, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Arts, 1998-2003.
  • Professor of Linguistics, FOA, Ain Shams University, 2003-2005.


Courses Taught

  1. Undergraduate Courses

Phonetics and Phonology, Grammar, Pragmatics, Writing, Reading Comprehension, Listening, Speaking, Translation, ESP for different Disciplines (politics, science, medicine, humanities, commerce…), Error Analysis, CALL, Syntax, Educational Evaluation, Curriculum Development and Planning, TEFL

  1. Graduate Courses

Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Discourse analysis, Contrastive analysis, Theory of Translation, Lexicography, Testing and Evaluation, CALL, TEFL, Contrastive Rhetoric, Stylistics, Research Methodology, Statistics, Semantics, TGG, Phonology.  


Material Development Projects


  1. ESP for Science, Business, and Tourism        

IELP- II (2001-2004)

  1. Comprehensive Supervision Criteria             

NCEEE   (2002-2003)

  1. Online Writing Collaboration                         

SCU        (2001-2003)

  1. Primary Methodology Resources                    

IELP-II    (2001-2003)

  1. Self-Assessment Tasks/Criteria                      

IELP-II & SCU (2000-2001)

  1. Practical Phonetics “Intonation”                   

CDELT (1989-1991)

  1. TAFL Material for Americans                       

Fulbright (1980-1982)

  1. College Student Material (Phonetics, Grammar, Essay

CDELT (1978-1982)

  1. ESP for Hotels and Tourism                           

Fulbright (1978-1980)

  1. Listen and Read: Steps to English (ESP)     

CDELT (1977-1982)

Academic Activities:

Publications & conferences, seminars, training

A) Articles


  1. The Impact of Using Videos on ELT in the UAE” CDELT, November 2019.  
  2. “Echo-linguistics: Is it Necessary in EFL Contexts? CDELT, November 2018.
  3. “Gained in Discourse Lost in Translation: Multimodal Translation” AlAlsun Conference March 2018.
  4. “Beyond Text: Translating Multimodal Texts” CDELT 2017.
  5.  “Gained in Text: Lost in Translation”, Menoufyya University, 2017.
  6. “Some Modern Trends in Teaching Arabic to Non-Arabic Speakers. 2017. Sultan Sherif Islamic University. Indonesia.
  7.  "Sublimity and (Un) translatability: the case of the Qur'an" Al-Alsun College - Ain Shams University, March, 2016.
  8. “Treason of Text in Translation: Domestication or Foreignization, MIU, 2016.
  9. “Challenges in Conducting Research in Linguistics. Helwan University, 2016.
  10.  “Interdisciplinarity in Linguistic Studies: New Perspectives”, CDELT 2015.
  11. “New Trends in Teaching Arabic to Non-Arabic Speakers. 2014. King Saud University. Saudi Arabia.
  12. "Interdisciplinarity in Conducting Linguistic Research" CDELT, 2014.
  13. "Language and Rhetoric of Imam Shafei" Proceedings of the 4th international Scientific Conference: Imam Shafie, May, 2012. PP. 1056-1068.
  14.  “Utilizing KPIs in Evaluating Academic Programs" Proceedings of HEIC Conference, December, 2011.
  15.  “Improving Quality in Higher Education through Internal Benchmarking” Proceedings of INQAAHE Conference, April, 2011.
  16. “Utilizing KPIs in Evaluating Academic Programs”.(Forthcoming)
  17. Improving an ELT Program through Self-Assessment” Proceedings of HEIC Conference, April, 2010. 
  18. “Promoting a Quality Assurance Culture in Higher Education” Proceedings of HEIC Conference, April, 2009.
  19. A Continuous Improvement Cycle for Academic Programs: Ittihad University Case” Proceedings of INQAAHE Conference, March, 2009.
  20.  "Standardized Tests: Reality or Mirage", Proceedings of IATEFL Conference, October, 2007.
  21. “ESP for Business: A New Approach” Proceedings of Tesolarabia 11th Annual Conference, April, 2006.
  22. “Is Metadiscourse an Absent Topic in EFL Writing?” Irbid National University Conference, August, 2004.  
  23. “Code Switching in English and Arabic: A Review Article”, English Language and Literature Studies, Vol.2 (1), 1-55, 2003.
  24. “Self-Assessment Tasks and Enhancing Writing”, English Language and Literature Studies, Vol.1 (2), 1-31, 2002.
  25. “The Effectiveness of Online Writing Collaboration on EFL College Students”, English Language and Literature Studies, Vol.1 (1), 1-26, 2002.
  26. “Indirectness in Egyptian American Diplomatic Discourse”, Occasional Papers in the Development of English Language Learning, Vol.32, 73-105, 2001.
  27. “Cross-Cultural Variations among Egyptian and American Speakers”, Proceedings of the 2nd Egyptesol Annual Convention, 26-49, 2000.
  28. “Why Say ‘No’ when You Refuse?” Journal of the FOE, Vol.VI:2, 17-54, 2000.
  29. “Is Cooperative Writing Operative?” Proceedings of the 1st Egyptesol Annual Convention, 170-190, 1999.
  30. “Collocation: An Absent Topic in EFL”, Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on ELT, CDELT, 1-30, 1998.
  31. “Does Applied Contrastive Phonology Help?” Occasional Papers in the Development of English Language Learning, Vol.24, 151-189, 1997.
  32. “Apology in English among Arab Non-native Speakers of English”, Journal of the FOE, Vol.III:3, 27-55, 1997.
  33. “The Problem of Equivalence in the Translations of the Glorious Qur’an” Journal of the FOE, Vol.II:1, 111-165, 1996.
  34. “Autonomous Learning: Achieving Accuracy through Fluency”, Journal of the FOE, Vol.I:3, 31-53, 1995.
  35. “Stress Placement by EFL Arab Learners (Meccan Dialect), Philology, XXV, 153-193, and 1995.
  36. “Caution: Communicative Teaching May be Dangerous for your Linguistic Health”, Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on ELT, CDELT, 117-129, 1990.
  37.  “An Assessment of a Practical Course to Teach Intonation”, Occasional Papers in the Development of English Language Learning, Vol.11, 77-97, 1989.


B) Books

  1. Shaker Rizk (2014). The Writing Process (Two Parts).  Suez FOA. SU Press.
  2. Shaker Rizk (2012). English Phonetics: Segmental Phonemes. Suez FOE. SCU Press.
  3. Shaker Rizk (2012). Translation: Book1 & 2.  Suez FOE. SCU Press.
  4. Shaker Rizk (2004). Suprasegmentals in English and Arabic. Suez FOE. SCU Press.
  5. Shaker Rizk (2003). Practical Phonetics for Teachers of English. Egyptian International Publishing Company- Longman.
  6. Shaker Rizk (2002). Cotemporary Political Issues: An ESP Course for Diplomats. Qarar Centre.
  7. Shaker Rizk and Mohamad Tohamy (2002). Translation Passages. Books I and II. Suez Canal University: Suez.
  8. Shaker Rizk et. al (2001). English for Non-English Major Students. Books I, II, III, IV. Suez Canal University: Suez.
  9. Co-author (1994). A University Course in Practical Phonetics, Book Two, Suprasegmentals. Egyptian International Publishing Company- Longman.
  10. Co-author (1992). A University Course in Practical Phonetics, Book One, Consonants and Vowels. Egyptian International Publishing Company- Longman.


Grants and Fellowships

  1. Fulbright Grant to Develop English Language Teaching in Egypt (NCSP 2005).
  2. TESOLARABIA Grant (March, 2005), Tesolarabia 11th Conf., Dubai
  3. TESOLARABIA Grant (March, 2004), Tesolarabia 10th Conf., Dubai
  4. USAID Grant (March, 2003), TESOL Convention, Baltimore, USA
  5. TESOLARABIA Grant (April, 2003), Tesolarabia 9th Conf., Dubai
  6. ESP Damascus University Grant(May, 2002), EFL Conference
  7. TESOLARABIA Grant(April, 2002), Tesolarabia 8th Conf., Abu Dhabi
  8. Research Grant (SCU), IUP, USA (March, 2001-Sept.2001)
  9. IELP-II Grant, SCU Self-Assessment (2000-2001)
  10. IELP-II Grant (CALSULA), ELITE, 2000, LA (July-Sept.2000)
  11. USAID Grant Post Doctorate, Univ.of Pennsylvania, USA
  12. AUC Fellowship (M.A. in TEFL0, TEFL degree, Cairo, 1978-1980



Member of different organizations:

  • HEIC (Higher Education International Conference)
  • TESOL international,
  • EGYPTESOL in Egypt,
  • CDELT Ain Shams University.
  • APETAU (Association of Professors of English Teaching in the Arab Universities (Amman, Jordan).
  • ACED (Arabic Centre for Education and Development), Cairo, Egypt.

Conferences, workshops, seminars, and training


Conferences (Presenter in the following conferences)


  • CDELT 37International Annual Conference, Ain Shams University, 2019.
  • Second  International Conference - Al-Alsun Faculty, Ain Shams University, 2018
  • CDELT 36International Annual Conference, Ain Shams University, 2018.
  • First International Conference - Faculty of Arts, Menoufyya University, 2017.
  • First International Conference - Al-Alsun Faculty, Ain Shams University, 2017
  • CDELT 35International Annual Conference, Ain Shams University, 2017.
  • First International Conference - Al-Alsun Faculty, Ain Shams University, 2016.
  • CDELT 34 International Annual Conference, Ain Shams University, 2015.
  • CDELT 33 International Annual Conference, Ain Shams University, 2014.
  • 4th International Scientific Conference: Imam Shafie, Islamic University - Gaza - Palestine, May, 2012.
  • First International Conference for Deans for Higher studies and Scientific Research - Al-Aqsa University - Gaza - Palestine. 2012.
  • HEIC Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, December, 2011.
  • INQAAHEE Conference, Madrid, April, 2011.
  • HEIC Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, April, 2010.
  • IATEFL Annual Conference, Dubai, February, 2010
  • HEIC Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, April, 2009.
  • INQAAHEE Conference, Abu Dhabi, March, 2009.
  • IATEFL Annual Conference, Croatia, October, 2007.
  • Tesolarabia 12th Annual Conference, Dubai, March 29-31, 2006.
  • Tesolarabia 11th Annual Conference, Dubai, March 9-11, 2005.
  • Irbid National University Conference, Irbid, 2-5 August, 2004.
  • Tesolarabia 10th Annual Conference, Dubai, March 10-12, 2004.
  • American University in Cairo 9th EFL Skills Conference, Cairo, January 21-23, 2004.
  • ESP Conference, Damascus University, Syria, September13-16, 2003.
  • APETAU 2nd International Conference, Amman, Jordan, August26-28, 2003.
  • ESP Conference, IELP-II, Alexandria, Egypt, July, 2003.
  • TESOL International Convention, Baltimore, USA, March 24-29, 2003.
  • Tesolarabia 9th Annual Conference, Dubai, March 12-14, 2003.
  • Integrating EFL Skills: Learning, Assessment and Technology 8th EFL Skills Conference, AUC, Jan. 22-24, 2003.
  • Tesolarabia 8th Annual Conference, Abu Dhabi, March 20-22, 2002.
  • TESOL International Convention, Salt Lake, Utah, USA, April 9-12, 2002.
  • The 4th Cairo Conference for Returned Participants, Cairo, April 29-30, 2002.
  • TEFL Conference 2002, ESP, Damascus University, May 28-30, 2002.
  • The 2001 Pennsylvania English Conference, IUP, March 29-30, 2001.
  • National Conference for Translation, Cairo, Ain Shams University, Sep. 25-26, 2000.
  • Egyptesol 2nd Annual Convention, Cairo, Nov. 3-5, 2000.
  • Egyptesol 1st Annual Convention, Cairo, Oct. 29-31, 1999.


  • "Interdisciplinarity in Linguistic Research" Alexandria University, Feb. 2016.
  • "Conducting Research in Linguistics", Benha University, December, 2015.
  • "Interdisciplinarity in Linguistic Research" FOE, CDELT, December, 2014.
  • "Publishing Internationally" FOE, CDELT, November, 2014.
  • "Credit-hour System in Graduate Studies. FOE, SCU, April, 2012.
  • “Benchmarking and Planning In Higher Education” CAA, January 21, 2011.
  •  “Preparing your institution for Self-Assessment Workshop” CAA, May 28, 2009.
  •  “Primary Methodology Resources Workshop” IELP II, Sep. 15-19, 2002.
  • “Primary Methodology Resources Workshop” IELP II, June 29-July 11, 2002.
  • “Youth as a National Natural Resource” Fulbright Commission, Sep. 25-27, 2000.
  • “Pre-Service Assessment Institute Workshop” IELP II, May, 7-11, 2000.
  • “RFA Workshop” Amideast, Feb. 23-24, 2000.


Seminars and Speeches

  • “Treason of Text in Translation: Domestication or Foreignization, 2016.
  • “Sublimity and (Un) Translatability: The Case of the Qur'an, 2016.
  • "Interdisciplinarity in Linguistic Research" FOE, CDELT, December, 2014.
  • "Publishing Internationally" FOE, CDELT, November, 2014.
  • "Effective Tips in Conducting Linguistic Research" Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University, October, 2014.
  • “Reading the Literary Text in Light of Modern Theories of Criticism”, Mansoura University, Faculty of Arts, 13 April, 2014.
  • “Translation Gaps and the Arab Translator”, Speech delivered at Kuwait University, March, 2006.
  • Standardized Tests; Mirage or Reality”, Speech delivered at Kuwait University, March, 2006.
  • “Egypt in Transition: From Ancient Tradition to Modern Society”, Fulbright- Hays Summer Seminar Abroad, Aug. 15, 2002.
  • “Developing Secondary Education in Egypt”, Ministry of Education, Cairo, Feb. 7, 2001.
  • “Developing Secondary Education in Egypt”, Ministry of Education, Cairo, Jan. 24, 2001.
  • “Developing Secondary Education in Egypt”, Ministry of Education, Cairo, Dec.3, 2000.
  • “ESP Survey”, Amideast, Jan. 30, 2000.

Academic Training

  • Assessment and Test Validation, ELITE 2000, CALSTATE University, July 31 – Sep. 1, 2000. (Certificate obtained GPA = A+)
  • ELT Methodology, University of PA, Summer Enrichment Program, June 25 – Aug. 12, 1991. ( Certificate obtained GPA = A+)

Dissertations and Theses Supervised


  1. Nancy Afifi (2024). Decoding Power Dynamic Evaluative Language: An Interdisciplinary approach. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, & Alexandria University, Egypt.
  2. ElZayyat, Mohammad (2024). Investigating the Internal Voice of Palestine in some of AlAreer’s Works: A Sociopragmatic Approach. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, & Alexandria University, Egypt.
  3. Khaled Zaki (2023). Stylistic Study of Foregrounding in Royal Speeches of Charles III from Princehood to Monarchy. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt.
  4.   Menna, Hosni (2023). Semantic Loss in the Translation of Surah An-Nisa’ (The Women): A Comparative Study. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt.
  5. Rasha, Amer (2023). Strategies of Subtitling Extralinguistic Cultural References in the Egyptian Comedy Assal Eswed Assel Asoud. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt.
  6. Sara, Ghazi (2023). The Representation of Multiple Personality and Psychopathy in Split Movie: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University.
  7. Afnan, Ali (2023). A Genre-Based Linguistic Analysis of Selected Self-help Books. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University.   
  8. Ayatalla Mahmoud Moheb Ali (2023). A Multimodal Cognitive Analysis of Gibran Khalil Gibran’s “The Prophet”. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University.
  9. Tawfik, Afnan (2023). Translation Quality Assessment of Naguib Mahfouz’s Midaq Alley with Reference to the Shift Theory: A Pragma-linguistic Study. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Assiut University.
  10. Abou Zeid, Shahenda (2023). Gender, Power and Ideology in ELT Textbooks: A Corpus- based study. Faculty of Arts, Suez University.    
  11. Ezz ElDin, Yara (2022). Translation Quality Assessment of Labels in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization: A Functional Linguistic Model. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt.
  12. Ashraf, Aya (2022). Investigating Five English Translations of Some Ecological Qura’anic Verses: A Critical-Pragmatic Study. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt.
  13. Amr, Mai (2022). A Socio-narrative Analysis of the Translation of Selected Articles on Egypt’s Mediation in the 2021 Palestinian -Israeli Conflict. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt.
  14. Heba Awny (2022). The Russia – Ukraine Crisis in the Worldwide Political News: A Critical Discourse Analysis. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University.
  15. Dalia Kamal (2022). A Socio-Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Females’ Representation in Selected Eastern and Western Memoirs: A Contrastive Study. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University.
  16. Heba A. Aleem (2022). Gender Representation and Power Relation in Reem Bassiouny’s “Professor Hanaa”: A Socio-Cognitive Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University.   
  17. Mahitab Mohamad (2022). A Conceptual Metaphor Analysis of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Memoirs: A Socio-cognitive Linguistic Approach. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University.
  18. Mahitab Ihab (2022). The Representation of Women and Men in Facebook: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Linguistic Sexism in Memes. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt.
  19. Sarhan, Basma (2022). Opposition Discourse in Theresa May’s Parliament Members’ Resignations: A Critical Discourse Pragmatic Approach. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University.
  20. Morsy, Gehad (2022). A Corpus-Based Study of Syntactic Complexity and Lexical Density in English Dissertation Abstracts. MA Thesis - Faculty of Arts, Suez University.
  21. Hassan, Reem (2022). A Socio-Cognitive Feminist CDA of Women Self Presentation: A Study of Two Memoirs. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt. (Degree obtained)
  22. Yasmeen Rizk (2021). Persuasion Strategies in some debates in the Holy Qur'an with Reference to the Argumentation theory. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University.
  23. Noura Naguib (2021). A Cognitive Critical Discourse Analysis of John Osborne’s Look Back In Anger & Dejavu. MA Thesis- Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  24. Ghada Hassan Nour (2021). A Semiotic Approach to the Translation of Culture-based Signs in Bahaa Taher’s Novels Last Night I Dreamed of You, Love in Exile and Sunset Oasis, PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  25. Esraa Bahaa (2020). A Cognitive Semantic Analysis of Some Vloggers’ Health-Related Narratives. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University.
  26. Sayed, Reham (2020). A Multimodal Analysis of Some Selected English and Arabic Coronavirus Awareness Posters. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University. (Degree obtained)
  27. Ayatalla Mahmoud Moheb Ali (2022). Explicitation as a Universal Translation Technique in some Arabic Translations of Gibran Khalil Gibran’s “The Prophet”. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt. (Degree obtained)
  28. Mahitab Mohamed Ahmed (2021). A Discursive Analysis of American 2020 Protests Representation in Some Electronic Newspapers. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt. (Degree obtained)
  29. Heba Abdelalim Abdelaziz Ahmed Mourad (2022). Discourse of Hostility: A Corpus Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of China in Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conferences. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt. (Degree obtained)  
  30. Rizk, Kholoud (2020). Ideology in Trump’s Speeches and Tweets: a Cognitive Linguistic Analysis. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University.
  31. Sedki, Hala (2021). A Political Discourse Analysis of Some Speeches by Michelle Obama and Melania Trump. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt. (Degree obtained)
  32. Sobhy, Nouran (2022). A Contrastive Analysis of Arabic Translation of Some American Songs in Dubbed and Subtitled Fairy-tale Animations. Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt. (Degree obtained)
  33. Maher, Ahmed (2022). A Lexico-cognitive Study of the Translation of the Lexemes of quwwah and dhaaf in the Holy Quran. Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt. (Degree obtained)
  34. Mohammad, Maisa (2020). A Narrative Approach to Burton's Translation of The Arabian Nights. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Suez University.
  35. Sayed, Mai Ashraf (2020). A linguistic Analysis of Research Article Introduction Sections in Dentistry and Linguistics: A Comparative Genre-Based Study. PhD dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University. (Degree obtained)
  36. Gomaa, Amal Saleh (2019). Foreignization and Domestication in translating the Economic Terms in the Holy Qur’an: A Socio-Pragmatic Approach.  PhD dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University.
  37. A. Hamid, Nagwa, Saleh (2019). A Multimodal Cognitive Analysis of Selected American and Egyptian Cartoons. PhD dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University.
  38. Khedr, Wael (2019). Syntactic and Lexico-Semantic Manipulative Devices in 2016 U.S Second Presidential Debate. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University. (Degree obtained)
  39. A. Allah, Nadia Elsayed (2019). Fostering Metacognition in Countering the Dunning-Kruger Effect in EFL University Students’ Writing. PhD, SCU. (Degree obtained)
  40. Kamal, Dalia (2019). A CDA of the language variation between Gender in Selected Public political Speeches: A Corpus-based Study. MA Thesis, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University. (Degree obtained)
  41. Gamal ElDin, Somaya (2019). Crossing Linguistic and Cultural Barriers in Translation: A Comparative Study between Subtitling and Dubbing in Translating Humor in Animated Movies. MA thesis, Faculty of AlAlsun, Ain Shams University.(Degree obtained)
  42. Eissa, Amel Ahmad (2019). Conceptual Metaphors in Slave-Narratives: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University. (Degree obtained)
  43. Ahmad, Magdy (2019). A Cognitive analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in the Holy Quran and Prophetic Teachings. Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Suez University. Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Suez University. (Degree obtained).
  44. El-Ghalban, Safwat (2018). Translatability of Selected Arabic Rhetorical Features in some Suras of the Qur'an. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University. (Degree obtained).
  45. Mahmoud, Mahitab Alaa El-Din (2018).A Semiotic Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Women’s Representation in TV Commercials from 2011 to 2016. MA thesis, Faculty of AlAlsun, Ain Shams University. (Degree obtained).
  46. Khedr, Wael (2018). Persuasive Strategies in Religious Oratory in Selected Debates and Speeches by Ahmed Deedat. MA thesis, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University. (Degree obtained).
  47. Zahran, Hend (2019). Examining Identity Options in Governmental and International English Language Textbooks in Egypt: A Multi-modal Analysis. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University. (Degree obtained)
  48. Kamal, Rami (2021). A Multimodal Analysis of Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump Portrayal in the US 2016 Campaign Advertisements. MA thesis, Faculty of AlAlsun, Ain Shams University. (Degree obtained).
  49. Osama, Yasmeen (2017). The Other Voice in Translation: A multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis and Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Viewpoint in Palestine and its Arabic Translation. MA thesis, Faculty of AlAlsun, Ain Shams University. (Degree obtained)
  50. Al Dawwody, Mohammad (2016). Speech Errors and Body Language in some of George W. Bush’s Speeches: A Psycholinguistic Study. Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University. (Degree obtained).
  51. Salah ElDin, AlShaimaa (2016). Disagreement Strategies in Egyptian and American Political Debates: A Sociolinguistic Study. Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University. (Degree obtained).
  52. Fahmy, Asmaa (2016). Foreignization and Domestication in Enani’s translation of Dave Eggers’ Zeitoun (2009). Ph.D. Dissertation - Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University. (Degree obtained).
  53. Eissa, Amel Ahmad (2016).Indirectness In Female Political Discourse: Contrasting Egyptian and American Woman Politicians. MA Thesis- Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University. (Degree obtained).
  54. Hal, Amal Zakaria (2015). Deception in Some of Mubarak's Political Speeches: A Pragmalinguistic Study. MA Thesis- Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University. (Degree obtained).
  55. Al-Samaloty, Esaad (2015). A Pragmalinguistic study of the Qur’anic I’jaz in some English translations of some ayas of the Glorious Qur’an. Ph.D. Dissertation. Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University. (Degree obtained).
  56. Helal, Shaimaa (2015). English Stress and the Performance of Arabic Students. Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University. (Degree obtained).
  57. Hassan, Ahmed A. Hafeez (2014). Intonation Patterns expressing Politeness among Egyptian Speakers of English. MA Thesis- Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  58. Awaad, Iman Ghareb (2011). Persuasive Strategies in the Speeches of Egypt’s and Tunisia’s Former Presidents. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University. (Degree obtained)
  59. Mohamed, Sameh Mahmoud (2010). A Pragma-Linguistic Approach to Moustafa Badawi’s English Translation of El-Akkad’s Sara, M.A. Thesis, Sohag  Faculty of  Arts, South Valley University. (Degree obtained).
  60. Issa, Mohamed Mahmoud (2008) Online English Discourse: A formal and functional approach to Academic Discussions. Ph.D. Dissertation, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Education. (Degree obtained)
  61. Kassab, Asmaa (2005). A Critical Discourse Analysis of a Selection of Short Stories by Ernest Hemingway with Reference to the Canon of Death. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University. (Degree obtained)
  62. Soliman, Emad (2004). Subtitling vs. Dubbing: A Linguistic Investigation into the Problems and Strategies of Audiovisual Translation. Ph.D. Dissertation, Ain Shams University, Faculty of arts. (Degree obtained)
  63. Shams, Salwa (2003). “A Linguistic Study of the Functions of Interrogation in the prophet’s Hadith”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Tanta University, Faculty of Arts. ( Degree Obtained)
  64. Amin, Suzan (2003). “Gender Differences in Apology Speech Acts in American English and English as Spoken by Some Arab Foreign Language Learners. Ph.D. Dissertation, Minia University, Faculty of Al-Alsun. (Degree Obtained)
  65. Osman, Inas Heshmat (2003). “Persuasion and Ideology in the Speeches of the Presidential Bushes: A Comparative Study”, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Alsun, Minia University. (Degree obtained)
  66. Soliman, Emad (2002). “A Linguistic Investigation of some Aspects of Translation in the Arabic Version of the Newsweek: A Pragma-stylistic Approach”. M.A. Thesis, Minia University, Faculty of Al-Alsun. ( Degree Obtained)
  67. Tohamy, Mohamed (2002). “The Influence of Computer- Mediated Communication on Reading and Writing”. Ph.D. Dissertation, Ain Shams University, Faculty of arts. ( Degree Obtained)
  68. Al-Benaiyyan, Maysoun (1998). “An Error Analysis Study of Saudi Female Students’ Writing”, M.A. Thesis, Girls’ Faculty of Education, Makkah. (Degree Obtained)
  69. Al-Siyami, Alwiya (1995). “Error Analysis in Translation: A Linguistic Approach”, M.A. Thesis, Girls’ Faculty of Education, Makkah. (Degree Obtained)
  70. Bajree, Ebtisam (1994). “A Stylistic Analysis of Selected Cantos of Ezra Pound”, M.A. Thesis, Girls’ Faculty of Education, Makkah. (Degree Obtained)

Dissertations and Theses Examined


  1. Zainab Moaamen (2024). Linguistic and Rhetorical Analysis of the Prophet Muhammad’s Tradition (Ḥadith): Humour as a Way of Persuasion. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Tanta University.
  2. A. Moneim Shaboun (2023). A Pragmatic Study of Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’: King Versus Father. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Port Said University.
  3. Ahmad Ismail Qutb (2023). Tension between Meter and Syntax in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Othello. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Port Said University.
  4. Heba, A. Azeem (2023).  A Pragmatic Analysis of Conversational Implicature in George Bernard Shaw’s Arms and the Man and Man and superman. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Port Said University.
  5. Nader Mostafa (2023). Analysis of Evaluative Language in Business English Students’ Writing. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt.  
  6. Shrouk, Salama (2023). A Pragmatic Analysis of Wry Humor in the Epicure's Lament by Kate Christensen: A Linguistic Study in the Light of the Relevance and the Speech-Act Theories. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  7. Wael A. Allah (2023). Subordination vs. Coordination: A Syntactico-Discoursal Study of their role in the Narration of Emily Bront舒s Wuthering Heights. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Port Said University.
  8. Adel, Mohammad (2023). An Applied Contrastive Analysis of Consonants in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic and Received Pronunciation of British English. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University.
  9. Safaa Saleh (2023). Power in Spoken Religious Discourse by Native Egyptian Arabic and American English speakers: A Critical discourse Analysis Study. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  10. Tawfik, Afnan (2022). Translation Quality Assessment of Naguib Mahfouz’s Midaq Alley with Reference to the Shift Theory: A Pragma-linguistic Study. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Assiut University.
  11. Saber, Sara (2022). Pragmatic Language Impairments in Autistic Children in Egypt: A Psycholinguistic-cognitive Study. MA Thesis, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University.  
  12. Osman, Esraa Ahmad (2022). An Investigation of the Aristotelian Modes of Persuasion Used in Religious Sermons: A Multimodal Approach. Faculty of Arts and Institute of Applied Linguistics and Translation, Alexandria University.
  13. Salaheddin, Usama (2022). Structural and Cultural Hindrances in Johnson-Davis' Translation of Yahya Hakki's Qandeel Umm hashim: A Foreignization-Domestication Approach. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  14. Hussein, Kholoud Mohamad (2022). A Contrastive Analysis of Culture-Specific Items in Two English Translations of “Zuqaq El Midaq” by Naguib Mahfouz. MA thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt.  
  15. Fouad, Maged (2022). Semantic and Rhetorical Images in “Amma Part” in Ghali, Pickthall and Arberry’s Translations. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University. 
  16. Sarhan, Basma (2021). Investigating Multiculturalism in the Speeches of Two Commonwealth Prime Ministers: A Gender Political Discourse Analysis. MA Thesis, Faculty of Language & Media, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt.
  17. A. El Hay, Ahmad (2021). A Contrastive Semiotic Study of Rhetorical Devices in Advertisements of English and Egyptian Arabic Newspapers. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University. 
  18. Abu Elseoud, Fatma (2021). Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in the Egyptian Educational Context: A Cognitive- linguistic Approach. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University. 
  19. Nour, Zeinab (2021). Critical Discourse Analysis of Holden Caulfield's language in J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Zagazeg University
  20. Al-Amir, Amal (2021). Code Switching Between English and Arabic in the Religious Discourse of Moez Masoud, MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Assiut University.
  21. ElNady, Anne (2021). Coherence in George Orwell’s 1984: A Linguistic Study. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University.
  22. Sayed, Ahmad (2021). A Contrastive Semiotic Study of Rhetorical Devices in Advertisements of English and Egyptian Arabic Newspapers. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University.    
  23. Fawzi, Yasser (2020). Dialogism in the Noble Qur’an: A Socio-pragmatic Study in reference to AlHilali-Khan Translation. PhD Dissertation- Faculty of Arts, Suez University.  
  24. Selim, Mai Magdi (2020). A Cognitive and Sentiment Analysis of Life, Death, and Inspiration Quotes in Goodreads Website. MA thesis, Faculty of AlAlsun, Ain Shams University.
  25. Younis, ElSayed (2020). Impoliteness Strategies in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: A Cognitive Stylistic Perspective. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Kafr ElSheikh University.
  26. ElDaly, Alaa (2020). Perception of English Stress by North Sinai Bedouins. M.A. Thesis. Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  27.  Sayed, Reham (2019). A Linguistic Study of Selected American and Egyptian Popular Songs. MA Thesis, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University.
  28. Ramadan, Yousra, M. (2019). A Systemic Functional Linguistic analysis of Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University.
  29. Kotb, Naglaa (2019). Argumentative Tier, Persuasive Appeal, and Communicative Force in the Dramatic passages of A.W. Fawcett Crest’s Translation of Erich Maria Remarques’s Novel IM WESTEN NICHTS NEUES: APRAGMA-DIALECTIC APPROACH, PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University.
  30. Elmisari, Fatma Elzharaa(2019). Conceptual Cross-Domain Metaphors, Conceptual Blending, Integration, and Schemata in Nelson Algren’s The man with the Golden arm and Wright Morris’s The Field of Vision: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach. MA Thesis. Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  31. ElFar, Zainab (2018). A CDA of Kim Stanley Robinson Science Fiction. MA Thesis. Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  32. Fouad, Maged Mansour (2018). A Linguistic Error Analysis of English Writings of AlAzhar University Students. MA Thesis. Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  33. ElKhurdagy, Naira, Ibrahim (2018). Investigating Arabic and English Online Newspaper Narratives of Violence and Their Frames in 2015: A Narrative Approach. MA Thesis, FOA, Alexandria University.
  34. ElSerouri, Suhair (2018). The Use of the Adverbial Lexical Phrases by the English Department Students in Yemen and its Implications for Language Production. MA Thesis, FOA, Mansoura University.
  35. Qais, Lotfi, A.Allah (2018). A Contrastive Study of Collocations in English and Yemeni Arabic (Adeni Dialect): Implications for Translation, PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Assiut University.
  36. Badran, Khairya (2017). A Linguistic Study of the Verses of Peace in Some Translations of the Holy Qur’an. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Tanta University.
  37. Haridy, Sameh (2017). Translation Strategies in the English Translations of Three Modern Prophetic Biographies: A Linguistic Study. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Sohag University.
  38. Hussein, Hussein Maghawri (2017). The Effectiveness of an EFL Program for Enhancing Textual Cohesion and Coherence in Promoting Reading Comprehension and Writing Performance of Secondary School Students. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University.
  39. A-Shobaky, Basem (2017). A Pragmatic Study of E. M. Forster's A Passage to India. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Education, Zagazig University.
  40. Galal, Shaimaa (2017). The Acquisition of Grammatical Collocations by Egyptian EFL Students. MA Thesis, Faculty of Arts,  Menoufiyya University
  41. Zaki, Heba (2017). A Pragma-linguistic Study of Power Relationships in Moses’ Story in the Holy Qur’an Translation. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University
  42. Mansour, Iyad (2016).A CDA of Political Novels of Greenfield and Stout.  PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  43. Madloul, Naziha (2016). A CDA of B. Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago. MA Thesis. Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  44. El Maamoury, Saleh Mahdy (2016).Implicature in Tennessee Williams’ Selected Plays: A Pragmatic Study.  PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  45. Eldoury, A. AlWahab (2016).Semantic Features of Long Vowels of Some Makkian Suras in the Glorious Qur’an: Ellipsis and Contraction.  PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  46. Taha, Mohamad (2016). Expressive Speech Acts in Colloquial Cairene Arabic and American English: A Study in Form and Function. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University.
  47. Hassan, Marwa (2016). Problematic Areas in Translating the Meanings of the Holy Qur'an into English: A Syntactico-Semantic, Cultural and Pragmatic Perspective. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  48. Hawass, Sara (2015). Language in Society: An Investigation into the Pragmatics of Culture-Bound Linguistic Structures, PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  49. Kotb, Naglaa (2015). A Pragmatic Study of Selected Dramatic Poems By Matthew Arnold, Robert Browning, Robert Frost, and Wilfred Owen, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University.
  50. Farag, Mariana (2015). Making Meaning from Multimodal Texts: A systemic Functional Approach. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Benha University.
  51. Mahran, Wael (2015). Reformulation Markers in American English and Classical Arabic: A Contrastive Study. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  52. El-Kalla, Dalia (2015). Advertisements as Semiotic Communicative Acts: A Socio-pragmatic Study, PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  53. Harara, Nour (2015). A Pragmatic Study of Translation: Examples of the Journalistic Articles in Arabic/English. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  54. Saleh, Said (2015). A Lexical and Syntactic Analysis of Literary Translation with Reference to some of Yusif Idris translated works. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.  
  55. Hamed, Amany (2014). Switching from English to Arabic in MA and Ph D Defense Settings: A Sociolinguistic Study, PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Assiut University.
  56. Salaheddin, Usama (2013). Structural and Cultural Hindrances in Johnson-Davis' Translation of Yahya Hakki's Qandeel Umm hashim: A Foreignization-Domestication Approach. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  57. Abdel Fattah, Maged Mohammad (2013). Historicism, New Historicism, and Cultural Poetics". Faculty of Languages, Al Azhar University.
  58. Salah ElDin, Shaimaa (March, 2012). A Pragma-Syntactic Study of Extraposition in British English and Cairene Arabic: A Contrastive Study. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  59. Khattab, Nermen (2012). The Translation of the Passive from English into Arabic: The Case of Enani's Translation of Chomsky's Interventions (2007), M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University.
  60. El Kady, Heba (2012). Problems of Translating Synonyms in the Qur'an. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Assiut University.
  61. Khater, Ahmed Ahmed (December, 4, 2003). The Translation of Arabic Legal Texts into English: A Linguistic Study. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University.
  62. Abu Sultan, Jehad (November 6, 2003). Grammar versus Usages: With Special Reference to Morphemic Variations. M.A. Thesis, Al-Aqsa University (Gaza, Palestine) and Ain Shams Faculty of Education (Cairo, Egypt).
  63. Hassan, Fayrouz Fouad (October 16, 2003). “Ideology and Power in Some American Newspaper Texts: A Pragma-Syntactic Analysis.” M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University.
  64. El-Sayed, Mohammad Mahmoud (October 2, 2003). “A Contrastive Study of Deixis in English and Arabic Spoken Discourse”. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University.
  65. Wahdan, Moamen, Abdel Halim (March 19, 2003).  “The Effectiveness Shared Reading on Fifth Grade students’ Reading Skill”. M.A. Thesis, Al-Arish Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University.
  66. Diab, Rasha Khairy (October, 2002). “A Comparative Discourse Study of Objective and Emotive Styles of Speech-Making: A Three Dimensional Analysis of the Watergate speeches”. M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University.
  67. El-Zayat, Enas Fathy (June, 2000). “An Investigation of Some Standards of Textuality in Translation”, M.A. Thesis, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University.
  68. Khalifa, Wegdan Rabea (May, 1999). “The Language of Power in Political Commentaries: A Contrastive Study of Arabic texts and Their Translated Version”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University.
  69. Ibrahim, Heba Mohamed (March, 1999). “Discourse Analysis of Legal Discourse with Reference to Dickens, Cozzens, Kafka, Lee, and Melville”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University.
  70. Dief- Allah, Ayman Sabry (September, 1998). “Designing a Culture-Based Secondary School English language Program for Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Ismailia Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University.