ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed El-Sayed Eissa


Associate professor of Applied linguistics & Translation - English department, faculty of arts, Suez University, Egypt.


General specialization:

Applied Linguistics & Translation

Specific specialization:

Discourse analysis & Translation

Date of birth:




Private e-mail:


Academic e-mail:



Cairo, Egypt



  1. Ph.D. "Online English Discourse: A Formal and Functional Approach to Academic Discussions" from the English Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University in 2008.
  2. M.A. "A Contrastive Study of Deixis in English and Arabic Spoken Discourse" from the English Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University in 2003 with a grade of “Excellent”.
  3. Special Diploma of theoretical linguistics from the English Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University in 1998 with a grade of “Very Good”.
  4. General Diploma of Academic English from the English Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University in 1997 with a grade of “Very Good”.
  5. B.A from the English Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University in 1996 with a general grade of “Very Good”.

Work Experience

  1. Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics & Translation    

English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt

 (2016 - till now )


  1. Head of Department                                         ( 2016 - 2023 )

English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt


  1. Associate professor of Applied linguistics & Translation – Vice – Dean of Faculty of Arts for Post – graduate Studies and Researches               

Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt.                     (till  2019 )


  1. Director of the Languages Centre                        (2017-2018)

Suez University


  1. Assistant Professor                                               (2015-2016)

English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt


  1. Assistant Professor                                               (2012-2015)

University College, Qunfdah, Umm Al Qura University KSA, Saudi


  1. Assistant Professor                                               (2009-2012)

- Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Education, Suez University

-  English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt


  1. Lecturer                                                                (2008-2009)

Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Education, Suez University


  1. Lecturer                                                                 (2005-2008)

Faculty of Mass Media- MTI  University Cairo, Egypt


  1. Full-time English Instructor                                  (1996-2005)

Ministry of Education, Cairo, Egypt

Academic and Administrative Activities

  1. Head of English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University (20-8-2017 - present).


  1. Deputy Dean of Post–graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Arts, Suez University (23-12-2018 - 22-9-2019).


  1. Director of the Languages Centre (23-12-2018 - 22-9-2019).


  1. Member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Arts, Suez University (2017/2018 academic year)


  1. Member of the committee of Post graduate Affairs, Faculty of Arts, Suez University (2017/2018 academic year)


  1. Coordinator of the Quality and Accreditation Committee at the English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University (2015/2016 academic year).


  1. Member of the Cultural Affairs Committee, Faculty of Arts, Suez University (2015/2016 academic year)


  1. Member and registrar of the English Department Council (academic year 2015/2016).


  1. Member of the Development Committee at the English Department, the University College, Umm Al Qura University, Qunfudah, 2015.


  1. Member of the Selection of new lecturers  Committee at the English Department, the University College, Umm Al Qura University, Qunfudah, 2014.


  1. Member of the Quality and Accreditation Committee at Umm Al Qura University, Qunfudah, 2012-2013.


  1. Supervisor of TOEFL and general language teaching programs at the Center of Public Service and Community Development at FOE, Suez Canal University, 2011.


  1. Member of the Center for Public Service and Community Development at FOE, Suez Canal University, 2011.
  2. Member of the postgraduate studies committee, FOE, Suez Canal University, 2010.


  1. Member of the Quality and Accreditation Committee, English Department, Faculty of Education (FOE), Suez Canal University, Suez, 2009.


  1. Deputy of Languages Center director, MTI University, Cairo, 2008.


  1. Supervisor of the IBT (International Based Test) TOEFL Program, Center of Foreign Languages, MTI University (Modern University for Technology & Information), 2007.



Sample of the courses taught





  1. Discourse Analysis - Suez University, Post Graduate Studies Program. 
  1. till now)


  1. United Nations Translation - Suez University, Credit hours Translation Program.

                                    ( from 2021 - till now )


  1. Legal Translation - Suez University, Credit hours Translation Program.  

                                                     ( from 2021 - till now )


  1. Medical Translation - Suez University, Credit hours Translation Program.   

                                                    ( from 2021 - till now )


  1. Conference Translation - Suez University, Credit hours Translation Program.

                                  ( from 2021 - till now )


  1. Subtitling - Suez University, Credit hours Translation Program.                                              

( from 2021 - till now )


  1. Literary Translation - Suez University, Credit hours Translation Program.  

                                                     ( from 2021 - till now )


  1. Simultaneous Interpreting - Suez University, Credit hours Translation Program. 

                                 ( from 2021 - till now )


  1. Research Methods - Suez University, Post Graduate Program.



  1. Corpus Linguistics - Post Graduate Studies Program, Helwan University. 








  1.  Karam, K.M., Eissa, M. Compression we live by: cognitive dynamics and strategies of compression as a viable tool of composition in micronarrative. J Cult Cogn Sci (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41809-023-00123-5



  1.  Eissa, M.2015. Motivational Diglossia: a study of code switching in political discourse. Faculty of Arts magazine, Helwan University, issue. 37,2015.


  1. Eissa, M. 2015. Common Lexical Semantic Errors among EFL Arab Learners. Occasional papers, CDELT, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Vol. 59, 2015.


  1. Eissa, M.2014. Polarized Discourse in the News. Procedia - Social and behavioral sciences 134 (2014) 70-91.  



  1. Eissa, M. 2013. Speaking Pidgin, Who mimics whom? A study of the verbal system in Gulf pidgin Arabic. Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, Faculty of Education. Ain Shams University, Vol. X, No. I, 2013.


  1. Eissa, M. 2012. Personal strategies in Obama & McCain presidential debates. Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, Faculty of Education. Ain Shams University, Vol. IX, No. I & II, 2012.








  1. Eissa, M. 2019. Selected Studies on Pidginization and News Language. Noor Publications.









  1. The Fourth International Conference Awakening to a New World: Reflections on Literature, Linguistics, Translation and Culture: A Multimodal Analysis of Selected Arab and Egyptian Cartoons on the Russian - Ukranian Crisis (2022)


  1. Vehicled Identities : A Sociolinguistic Study of Vehicles Graffiti on The Roads of Egypt – a paper presented in the 35th CDELT Conference " Green Teaching : Eco – centric English in the Digital Age 2018 " .


  1. Motivational Diglossia: a study of code switching in political discourse. A paper presented in Al-Alsun & Mass Communication 1st conference “Translation problems & their impact upon the media content in Egypt”. Misr International University, May 11th, 2016.


  1. Thirteenth International Symposium on Comparative Literature: Voices from Africa,15th to 17th November 2016.


  1. Common lexical errors among Arab EFL learners. A paper presented in the international conference “Vision of change: New perspective in linguistics, literature and translation”. Helwan University, Cairo, from 12 to 14 April 2016.


  1. Speaking pidgin, who mimics whom? A study of the verbal system in Gulf pidgin Arabic. A paper presented in CDELT 33rd International Symposium on English Language Teaching “Teacher as researcher”, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 24, 25 October 2015.


  1. Polarized Discourse in the News. Procedia - Social and behavioral sciences 134 (2014) 70-91. A paper presented in the International Conference on Languages, Linguistics and Society, “The Developing Roles of Language in a Multi-Faceted Society”. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 22-24 October, 2013. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=polarized+discourse+in+the+news&oq=polarized+disc#d=gs_qabs&t=1689017006122&u=%23p%3DOC-NBxrDqnQJ







( taken by the researcher )






  1.   Corpus Linguistics: Method, Analysis, Interpretation

   Lancaster University. An Online Course on Futurelearn  2016.


  1. Strategies of University Teaching. A training programme, in the University College, Qunfudah, Umm Al Qura University, 18-19 December 2012.


  1. The management of Research Team. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Helwan University, 2013.


  1. Competitive Researches projects. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Helwan University, 2013.


  1. Quality Standards in Teaching Process. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Helwan University, 2013.


  1. Time Management and Meetings. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Helwan University, 2013.


  1. Strategic Planning. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Helwan University, 2013.


  1. Communication Skills. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Helwan University, 2013.


  1. Research Methodologies. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Suez Canal University, 2008.


  1. Effective Teaching. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Suez Canal University, 2008


  1. Micro Teaching. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Suez Canal University, 2008


  1. Using Technology in Teaching. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Suez Canal University, 2008


  1. Teaching Ethics. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Suez Canal University, 2008


  1. Management of time and work pressure. A training programme, Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Suez Canal University, 2008


  1. YAT Professional Diploma in programming (SQL server 2005 core & visual basic 2005 core & ADO. Net 2.0 Core) 2011.



Supervising & Mentoring Activities






  1. Analyzing Political Discourse based on Martin & White's engagement. Faculty of Arts – Suez University 2020.


  1. Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in the Egyptian Educational Context: A Cognitive-linguistic Approach. Faculty of Arts – Suez University 2019.


  1. Metaphors Muslims Live by: A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of verses in the Holy Qur'an. English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, 2019.


  1. Griping in Colloquial Cairene Arabic. A sociopragmatic perspective. English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, 2015.


  1. Persuasive Strategies in selected speeches of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Hosni Mubarak and Muammar Gaddafi. English Department, Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education, Ain Shams University, 2011.



Ma & PhD thesis examiner

Stratigies of Translating Technical Neologisms with Relevance to Mobile Phone Manuals. Faculty of Arts, Suez University - 2023.


  1. Prosodic and Temporal Dimensions in Simultaneous Interpreting of Some Spoken Corpora English-Arabic-English Pair. Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal University -2023.


  1. A Cognitive Stylistic Analysis of William Joyce's " Jack Frost " and James Barrie's " Peter Pan " – Faculty of Arts – Helwan University 2019.


  1. The Language of American and Egyptian , and Arabic Newspapers before and after The 25th Revolution : A Critical Discourse Analysis  - Faculty of Education – Ain Shams University 2018


  1. Bias in Selected Works of El- Messiri and Fuku Yama: A Cognitive Linguistic Study - Faculty of Education – Ain Shams University 2018.


  1. Gender and Power in Shaw's " Arms and The Man " & " Man and Superman": A Pragma – Cognitive Approach – Faculty of Arts – Helwan University 2018.


  1. A Linguistic Study of Islamic Lessons Directed to English- Speaking Muslims - Faculty of Humanities – Al Azhar University 2018.


  1. A Frame Semantic Study of Cause Motion Verbs in English and Arabic: A Contrastive Study. Faculty of Humanities – Al Azhar University 2018.


  1. Linguistic Dominance in Miller's " Death of a Salesman and Williams " A Streetcar Named " Desire " . Faculty of Education – Ain Shams University 2018.


  1. Persuasive Strategies in Religious Oratory in selected debates and speeches by Ahmed Deedat. English Department, Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al Azhar University, 2017.


  1. Power and Dominance in Obama's Speeches: A Study in Critical Discourse Analysis. English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, 2017.