Dr. Khaled Karam, Assistant Professor of English Language and Literatureو obtained his PhD and MِA according to the credit hour system from Alexandria University. He received a fellowship from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, the United States. He received many scholarships and scientific awards. He was granted a Postdoctoral scholarship from Fulbright in 2021 to implement a research project in the United States of America. He has published 13 research papers in scientific journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. ahv. He participated in many international scientific conferences in Canada, America, South Korea and Egypt. He presented many seminars and workshops in Egypt and the United States of America. He has refereed many research papers for prestigious scientific journals and supervised several master and doctoral theses. 

His research interests include interdisplinary studies in literature, cognitive literary science, creativity approach to literature and cultural studies.

Dr. Khaled Karam participated as a presenter in the following international conferences:

1- McMaster University – Canada. May 2018. Embodiment in Science Fiction and Fantasy Interdisciplinary Conference. The research paper is entitled, “Embodied Simulation in the Perception of the Disintegrating World and Physical Affliction in Jennifer Haley's The Nether and Peter Sinn Nachtrieb's Boom.https://sffembodiment.wordpress.com/schedule/

2- Chungbuk National University - South Korea. International Conference of Interdisciplinary Shakespeare Beyond Theory. October 2017. The research paper is entitled, “Creative Conceptual Integration in Shakespeare's Dramatic Composition.”


3- Cairo University – Egypt. The 14th International Symposium on Comparative Literature – Writing Across Borders, November 2018. The research paper is entitled, “Reciprocal Self-consciousness as an Antidote to the Dilemma of the Self and the Other in Miko Peled's The General’s Son and Mohsin Hamid's Exit West.” This paper is chosen among the best 10 researches in the conference to be published as a chapter in a book published by the conference committee and Cairo University. https://edcusymposium.wordpress.com/

4- Helwan University – Egypt. The 3rd International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Linguistics, Translation and Culture Trends and Challenges, October 2019. The research paper is entitled, “Wiring Reader and Text: Effects of Enda Walsh's Dramatic Techniques in Chatroom on the
Stimulation of Empathy and Nurturing of Social Integration.” http://arts.helwan.edu.eg/files/2018/11/Helwan-University-Conference-2019-E.pdf

5- Annual Fulbright-Egypt Alumni Conference. Cairo Marriott Hotel, October 2022. The presented paper is entitled, “Compression we live by: Dynamics and strategies of compression as a viable tool of composition and communication”.

6- Alexandria university - Egypt. The international conference, Women of the World Literature, Language, and Translation, March 2023. “A Cognitive Ecological Feminist Approach to Hannah Khalil’s Plan D and Amany El-Sawy’s I’am Ahed: Decoding the 4E Cognition of the Plight of Palestinian Women”. https://doaa77omran.wixsite.com/women-of-the-world

Chair of the Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Suez University from September 2022.   

1- Fulbright Scholarship as a Postdoctoral Visiting Scholar.

2- The award of distinguished international publishing for the year 2020.

3- The award of distinguished international publishing for the year 2021.

4- The award of distinguished international publishing for the year 2022.

1- Instructor of English Language - Faculty of Specific Education – Alexandria University.
2- Assistant lecturer of English Language and Literature - Faculty of Arts Assuit University-New Valley Branch.
3- Assistant professor English Language and Literature - Faculty of Arts Assuit University-New Valley Branch.

4- Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature in Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Suez University from October 2017 to May 2022.

5- Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow at College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Cognitive Science, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, USA.


Current Occupation:

- Associate Professor of English language and Literature –Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Suez University since May 2022.
- Chair of the Department of English Language and Literature, Suez University, Egypt, from
September 2022

- Partly loaned out to University of Pharos as an Adjunct Associate Professor, Alexandria, Egypt since 2022.

1- Assistant lecturer of English Language and Literature - Faculty of Arts Assuit University-New Valley Branch 2014-2017.
2- Assistant professor English Language and Literature - Faculty of Arts Assuit University-New Valley Branch, 2017

3- Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature in Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Suez University from October 2017 to May 2022.

4- Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature in Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Suez University from October 2017 to May 2022.

5- Associate Professor of English language and Literature –Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Suez University since May 2022.


- International Publication of Research                        - ICDL
- Scientific Research                                                              - Using World Data bases
- Electronic Learning                                                              - Designing and Producing Digital Content
- The Skills of Communication in Teaching                   - Statistical Methods in Scientific Research
- Visiting Fulbright Professional Grant Development Workshop, USA.
- Communication Skills                                                         - Management of Research Team
- Ethics of Scientific Research                                             - Decision Making and Problem Solving
- Credit Hour System                                                              - Preparation of University teacher.
- Digital Transformation

1- B.A of Education – Department of English Language – Alexandria University,1999.
2- B.A of Arts – Department of English Language and Literature – Faculty of Arts –Alexandria University, 2009.

3- M.A of English Literature – Credit hour system – Faculty of Arts – Alexandria University 2014.

4- PhD of English Language and Literature obtained from Alexandria University2017 – Credit hour system.

5- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive science, Department of Cognitive Science, College of Arts and Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, USA, 2021.

1- Reviewer in Creativity Research Journal, published by Routledge.

2- Reviewer in the journal of Cognitive Semiotics.

3- Reviewer in the journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Springer Nature.

4- Reviewer in Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, Springer Nature.

1- Committee of Students and Learining Affairs, Faculty of Arts, Suez University.

2- Committe of Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Arts, Suez University.

Courses Taught: Undergraduate
- Cultural Studies                                                          - World Literature

- Cognitive Linguistics                                                 - Contemporary American Literature

- Translation                                                                - Victorian and Modern Poetry

- Romantic Poetry                                                         - Comparative Literature                                             

  - Modern American Literature                                         - Early American Literature                                             

- Audiovisual Translation – Subtitling                         - 18th and 19th Century Criticism
- Literary Translation                                                            - Writing and Reading                                                        

- Stylistics                                                                                  - Elizabethan Drama                                                          

- Modern and Contemporary Criticism                       - 19th Century Novel
- 18th century Novel and Drama                                         - Shakespearean Drama

- - History of English Language                                      - Elizabethan Poetry                                                         

- Renaissance and Neoclassical Criticism                      - Civilization of England in the 17th century
- Civilization of England in the 18th century                  - English for Specific Purpose
- English for Art                                                                 - Introduction to Drama
- Introduction to Literature                                               - History of English Language
- Contemporary Novel                                                      - Contemporary American Literature
- Western Civilization, Moder Period 1700-1950        - Comparative Literature

- Creative Writing
Courses Taught: Postgraduate
- Contemporary British Novel                                     - TOEFL  

- Contemporary American Literature 

- Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Linguistics

- Lexicography 

1- A Seminar entitled “The Phenomenon of Talk Shows as a Tool of Culture Industry
and the Creation of Public Consciousness” given in March 2016 at Faculty of Arts
(New Valley Branch) – Assuit University.

2- A seminar entitled “Embodied Simulation and the Language of Science Fiction”
given in October 2018 at Faculty of Arts – Suez University.

3- A webinar entitled “Compression we Live by: Cognitive Dynamics and Strategies of Compression as a Communicative Tool in the Narrative of Social Media Microfiction.” At Cognitive Science Department, College of Arts and Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, USA. May 2021.



Interdisciplinary studies in literature -  cognitive literary science - cognitive creativity approach to literature - scientific and emprical study of literature - postcolonial studies - cultural studies.

6- A Panelist in the Fulbright Commission 202-2022 to review and interview candidates for postdoctoral and master scholarships.

Date de publication

20/03/2024 00:00:00



Date de publication

13/07/2017 00:00:00



Date de publication

23/11/2017 00:00:00



Date de publication

13/02/2018 00:00:00



Date de publication

13/02/2019 00:00:00



Date de publication

05/03/2020 00:00:00



Date de publication

17/07/2020 00:00:00



Date de publication

01/12/2020 00:00:00



Date de publication

31/01/2021 00:00:00



Date de publication

15/06/2021 00:00:00



Date de publication

01/06/2021 00:00:00



Date de publication

20/04/2022 00:00:00



Date de publication

02/06/2023 00:00:00



Date de publication

02/10/2023 00:00:00

