SU mission & vision

The vision of the faculty:

The SU Faculty of Arts looks forward to providing outstanding educational, research, and community services that are academically accredited and compete locally and regionally.

The mission of the faculty:

The SU Faculty of Arts is an educational and research institution that offers a series of educational programs that contribute to the preparation of a distinguished graduate in the fields of languages, arts, and social and human sciences in accordance with academic standards. Such graduate is also able to play an effective role in the field of scientific research and community service to solve its problems. As well as he can compete in the local and regional labor market and possess professional ethics and the values of belonging, citizenship, coexistence, and the consolidation of national identity.

The vision of the faculty:

The SU Faculty of Arts looks forward to providing outstanding educational, research, and community services that are academically accredited and compete locally and regionally.

The mission of the faculty:

The SU Faculty of Arts is an educational and research institution that offers a series of educational programs that contribute to the preparation of a distinguished graduate in the fields of languages, arts, and social and human sciences in accordance with academic standards. Such graduate is also able to play an effective role in the field of scientific research and community service to solve its problems. As well as he can compete in the local and regional labor market and possess professional ethics and the values of belonging, citizenship, coexistence, and the consolidation of national identity.