Faculty Dean Word

Dean's Word:

There is no doubt that modern science is based on the natural, human, and social sciences. The Faculty of Arts is at the heart of the human and social sciences; Thus, the SU Faculty of Arts provides community service in the preparation of graduates armed with the human and social sciences that benefit the social and humanitarian renaissance of the homeland.

The faculty's programs vary for the linguistic rehabilitation of community members through the Arabic, English, French, and Chinese language departments. The faculty also works on psychosocial and intellectual preparation through the departments of Sociology, Psychology, and Philosophy. Historical and geographical knowledge remains in the preparation of graduates, and this is met through the departments of History and Geography.

The SU Faculty of Arts through its various specializations provides services for the Canal area in general and the Suez governorate in particular. It is considered a prestigious cultural resource not only in graduating generations through the humanities and social sciences but also in qualifying researchers in those fields as the faculty is also abundant with postgraduate programs that qualify researchers for master's and doctoral programs in various disciplines to form a scientific and research base not only for the Canal region but for various governorates of Egypt.

The faculty is also endowed with several distinctive programs, which are growing in demand and increasingly popular in the fields of the English translation, space, and remote sensing programs, and soon French translation, in line with the vision of the State's education sector by establishing non-traditional programs.


The faculty also has several special units: the Language Centre, the Centre for Social and Development Research, and the Centre for Psychologists and Social Workers, and the College continues to aspire to more and more.

In fact, the University has not been reluctant to help the Faculty of Arts to advance its mission and to improve the educational process, which prioritizes and optimizes students' educational, social, cultural, and sports programs.

In the end, we can only work tirelessly so that the SU Faculty of Arts will always take the prestigious and decent place to be the crown among the faculties of arts in Egypt.