Curriculum Vitae (CV)


Dr. Mahmoud El Bagoury

Personal Information:



Mahmoud Sid Ahmed El Sayed El Bagoury



Date of Birth  


Lecturer of English Literature (Cultural Criticism & Contemporary Drama), English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt. 

15th February, 1981




Marital Status 







E-mail       ;


















Academic Information:

  • Ph.D. Degree in English & Comparative Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University, Egypt, 2017.
  • Title of Ph.D. Dissertation:

The Individual in Existential and Postmodern Plays of Frank McGuinness and Thornton Wilder: A Comparative Study.

  • Master’s Degree in English Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Kafr El-Sheikh University, Egypt, 2011.
  • Title of M.A. Thesis:

Postcolonialism in Wole Soyinka's Drama: A Study of Selected Plays.

  • Pre-master in English Language & Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, 2006.
  • Bachelor of Arts, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, 2004.

Academic Experience:

  • Assistant Lecturer of English Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt (From April 2018 to February 2019).
  • Lecturer of English Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt (From February 2019 - To Date).
  • Vice-Chairman of Language & Translation Centre, Suez University, Egypt (From 2019 to 2022).
  • Member of Post-graduate Affairs Committee, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt, (From 2019 – To Date).
  • Academic Advisor, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt (From 2019 – To Date).

Courses Provided to Undergraduate & Postgraduate Students:

    • Literary Theory
    • English & Irish Drama
    • English Novel
    • English Poetry
    • American Literature
    • Comparative Literature
    • Literary Translation 1
    • Literary Translation 2
    • Journalistic Translation
    • Reading

Academic Supervision:

  • Supervisor: An MA thesis entitled Lexical-Stylistic Analysis of Magical Realism in Selected Novels by Ammar Ali Hassan. (In Progress)
  • Supervisor: A PhD thesis entitled Quantum Narrativity: A Cultural Study into the Nature of Postmodern Literary Narratives. (In Progress)
  • Supervisor: An MA thesis entitled A Cognitive Approach to Creativity Dynamics in Selected Works of Flash Fiction/Non-fiction. (In Progress)

Publications by Dr. Mahmoud El Bagoury:


  • “Plan Dalet, the Palestine Nakba and Theatre: Decoding the Diacritics of the 1948 Nakba in Hannah Khalil’s Plan D”. Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies 22. 1 (2023): 93: 110, Edinburgh University Press, UK. (Q1 – Scopus)
  • “A Foucauldian Reading of Fathia al-Assal’s The Women’s Prison”. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Port  Said University Press, 2022.
  • “A Durkheimian Reading of Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis”. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Port Said

              University Press, 2022.

  • “Multidimensional Traumatic Aesthetics in Craig Wright’s Grace”. Hermes Journal, Cairo University

              Press, 2022.

  • “Mahmoud Darwish and the Quest for Postcolonial Utopia: Israel’s War on Gaza and Reimagining the Colonial Waste Land”. Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies (Forthcoming - April Issue 2024), Edinburgh University Press, UK. (Q1- Scopus). 
  • “The Romanticization of Culture as a Force for Good: Maya Angelou’s Vision for a Better World”. Journal of Scientific Research in Arts, Ain Shams University Press (January Issue 2024).
  • “Mapping Exile: Post-Arab Spring Revolutionaries’ Diasporic Voices in Serag Mounir’s Diaspora Spring”, Middle Eastern Literatures (Forthcoming).


  •  Postcolonialism in Wole Soyinka’s Drama: A Study of Selected Plays, LAP Lambert Publishing Company, Germany, 2011.

Description: safe_image

Postcolonialism in Wole Soyinka's Drama: A Study of Selected Plays


  • "A Man for All Seasons", in The Egyptian Gazette. (February 2, 2007). 
  • "Reversing Colonialism", in The Egyptian Gazette. (June 27, 2007).
  • "Two Theatres, but no Palestine", in The Egyptian Gazette. June 23, 2007).
  • "When the 'I' Melts into the 'We' ", in The Egyptian Gazette. (March 10, 2007).
  • "Evil Can't Imagine Good", in The Egyptian Gazette. (January 22, 2009).
  • "Leaves in a Tree", in Egyptian Mail. (August 18, 2009)


  • "Daydreams", in Egyptian Mail. (February 27, 2007).
  • "Dear Gaza", in The Egyptian Gazette. (January 8, 2009).
  • "Being and Nothingness", in The Egyptian Gazette. (July 23, 2009). 
  • "A True Muslim", in The Egyptian Gazette. (October 29, 2009).

Conference Participation:

  • The Fourth International Conference, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Egypt: “Awakening to a New World: Studies in Literature, Linguistics, and Translation”, October 25-27, 2022.

Title of my presentation: “Post-crisis Self: Decoding the Diacritics of the Plight of Palestinians in Hannah Khalil’s Plan D”.

  • The First International Conference, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, The British University in Egypt: "Cross-Cultural Communication: Studies in Literature, Linguistics, and Translation", February 23-24, 2020.

Title of my Presentation: "Multi-dimensional Traumatic Aesthetics in Craig Wright's Grace". A Research Paper Published in Hermes Journal, Cairo University, 2022.

  • The 3rd International Conference, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Egypt. "Interdisciplinarity in Linguistics, Literature, Translation, and Culture: Trends and Challenges", October 29-31, 2019. 
  • The Fourth International Language Assessment conference in Egypt (ILACE 2018), The American University in Egypt, "New Directions in Assessment: Empowering Teachers and Learners", September 5-6, 2018.

Mahmoud El Bagoury’s Scopus ID:

ID: 58215788400

Mahmoud El Bagoury’s ORCID Profile:

Mahmoud El Bagoury’s Google Scholar Account:


  • Short Story Writing Prize Winner, Gulf Distinction Award, 2012.





Refereed Scientific Papers in Foreign Languages

  • “Plan Dalet, the Palestine Nakba and Theatre: Decoding the Diacritics of the 1948 Nakba in Hannah Khalil’s Plan D”. Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies 22. 1 (2023): 93: 110, Edinburgh University Press, UK. (Q1 – Scopus)
  • “A Foucauldian Reading of Fathia al-Assal’s The Women’s Prison”. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Port  Said University Press, 2022.
  • “A Durkheimian Reading of Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis”. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Port Said

              University Press, 2022.

  • “Multidimensional Traumatic Aesthetics in Craig Wright’s Grace”. Hermes Journal, Cairo University

              Press, 2022.

  • “Mahmoud Darwish and the Quest for Postcolonial Utopia: Israel’s War on Gaza and Reimagining the Colonial Waste Land”. Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies (Forthcoming - April Issue 2024), Edinburgh University Press, UK. (Q1- Scopus). 
  • “The Romanticization of Culture as a Force for Good: Maya Angelou’s Vision for a Better World”. Journal of Scientific Research in Arts, Ain Shams University Press (January Issue 2024).
  • “Mapping Exile: Post-Arab Spring Revolutionaries’ Diasporic Voices in Serag Mounir’s Diaspora Spring”, Middle Eastern Literatures (Forthcoming).


 Postcolonialism in Wole Soyinka’s Drama: A Study of Selected Plays, LAP Lambert Publishing Company, Germany, 2011.

Description: safe_image

Postcolonialism in Wole Soyinka's Drama: A Study of Selected Plays

Other Publications


  • "A Man for All Seasons", in The Egyptian Gazette. (February 2, 2007). 
  • "Reversing Colonialism", in The Egyptian Gazette. (June 27, 2007).
  • "Two Theatres, but no Palestine", in The Egyptian Gazette. June 23, 2007).
  • "When the 'I' Melts into the 'We' ", in The Egyptian Gazette. (March 10, 2007).
  • "Evil Can't Imagine Good", in The Egyptian Gazette. (January 22, 2009).
  • "Leaves in a Tree", in Egyptian Mail. (August 18, 2009)


  • "Daydreams", in Egyptian Mail. (February 27, 2007).
  • "Dear Gaza", in The Egyptian Gazette. (January 8, 2009).
  • "Being and Nothingness", in The Egyptian Gazette. (July 23, 2009). 
  • "A True Muslim", in The Egyptian Gazette. (October 29, 2009).

...Courses taught by

Courses Provided to Undergraduate & Postgraduate Students:

    • Literary Theory
    • English & Irish Drama
    • English Novel
    • English Poetry
    • American Literature
    • Comparative Literature
    • Literary Translation 1
    • Literary Translation 2
    • Journalistic Translation
    • Reading

Employment / Fellowships

  • Assistant Lecturer of English Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt (From April 2018 to February 2019).
  • Lecturer of English Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt (From February 2019 – To Date).
  • Vice-Chairman of Language & Translation Centre, Suez University, Egypt (From 2019 to 2022).
  • Member of Post-graduate Affairs Committee, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt, (From 2019 – To Date).

Academic Qualifications

Academic Information:

  • Ph.D. Degree in English & Comparative Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University, Egypt, 2017.
  • Title of Ph.D. Dissertation:

The Individual in Existential and Postmodern Plays of Frank McGuinness and Thornton Wilder: A Comparative Study.

  • Master’s Degree in English Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Kafr El-Sheikh University, Egypt, 2011.
  • Title of MA Thesis:

Postcolonialism in Wole Soyinka's Drama: A Study of Selected Plays.

  • Pre-master in English Language & Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, 2006.
  • Bachelor of Arts, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, 2004.

Academic Post

Lecturer of English Literature (Cultural Criticism & Contemporary Drama), English Department, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt. 

Scientific Conferences & Workshops

Conference Participation:

  • The Fourth International Conference, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Egypt: “Awakening to a New World: Studies in Literature, Linguistics, and Translation”, October 25-27, 2022.

Title of my presentation: “Post-crisis Self: Decoding the Diacritics of the Plight of Palestinians in Hannah Khalil’s Plan D”.

  • The First International Conference, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, The British University in Egypt: "Cross-Cultural Communication: Studies in Literature, Linguistics, and Translation", February 23-24, 2020.

Title of my Presentation: "Multi-dimensional Traumatic Aesthetics in Craig Wright's Grace". A Research Paper Published in Hermes Journal, Cairo University, 2022.

  • The 3rd International Conference, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Egypt. "Interdisciplinarity in Linguistics, Literature, Translation, and Culture: Trends and Challenges", October 29-31, 2019. 
  • The Fourth International Language Assessment conference in Egypt (ILACE 2018), The American University in Egypt, "New Directions in Assessment: Empowering Teachers and Learners", September 5-6, 2018.


  • Member of Post-graduate Affairs Committee, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt, (From 2019 – To Date).

Academic Experience

Academic Experience:

  • Assistant Lecturer of English Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt (From April 2028 to February 2019).
  • Lecturer of English Literature, English Dept., Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Egypt (From February 2019 – To Date).
  • Vice-Chairman of Language & Translation Centre, Suez University, Egypt (From 2019 to 2022).



  • Short Story Writing Prize Winner, Gulf Distinction Award, 2012.
  • International Publication Award, Suez University, Egypt, 2022.
  • International Publication Award, Suez University, Egypt, 2023.

Theses Supervision

Academic Supervision:

  • Supervisor: An MA thesis entitled Lexical-Stylistic Analysis of Magical Realism in Selected Novels by Ammar Ali Hassan. (In Progress)
  • Supervisor: A PhD thesis entitled Quantum Narrativity: A Cultural Study into the Nature of Postmodern Literary Narratives. (In Progress)
  • Supervisor: An MA thesis entitled A Cognitive Approach to Creativity Dynamics in Selected Works of Flash Fiction/Non-fiction. (In Progress)

Main Fields of Interest

- Cultural Criticism

- Interdisciplinary Studies 

- Contemporary Drama

- Comparative Literature 

- World Literature 


Scientific Papers

  • “Plan Dalet, the Palestine Nakba and Theatre: Decoding the Diacritics of the 1948 Nakba in Hannah Khalil’s Plan D”. Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies 22. 1 (2023): 93: 110, Edinburgh University Press, UK. (Q1 – Scopus)
  • “A Foucauldian Reading of Fathia al-Assal’s The Women’s Prison”. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Port  Said University Press, 2022.
  • “A Durkheimian Reading of Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis”. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Port Said

              University Press, 2022.

  • “Multidimensional Traumatic Aesthetics in Craig Wright’s Grace”. Hermes Journal, Cairo University

              Press, 2022.

  • “Mahmoud Darwish and the Quest for Postcolonial Utopia: Israel’s War on Gaza and Reimagining the Colonial Waste Land”. Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies (Forthcoming - April Issue 2024), Edinburgh University Press, UK. (Q1- Scopus). 
  • “The Romanticization of Culture as a Force for Good: Maya Angelou’s Vision for a Better World”. Journal of Scientific Research in Arts, Ain Shams University Press (January Issue 2024).
  • “Mapping Exile: Post-Arab Spring Revolutionaries’ Diasporic Voices in Serag Mounir’s Diaspora Spring”, Middle Eastern Literatures (Forthcoming).

Scopus ID for author

Google Scholar ID

Research Gate ID

Author’s ORCID Profile: