Curriculum Vitae (CV)




Personal Data

Full Name: Walid Abdallah Abd Al Salam Ahmed Rezk

Date of Birth: 24 / 9 /980

Nationality:  Egyptian

Cell Phone:   002 01003453073

Telephone:    002 0483850631

E- mail Address: /


  1. Ph. D in English language and literature from the faculty of arts. Benha University (2015 (Grade: First Class with honor).
  2. Master in English language and literature from the faculty of Arts. Benha University (grade: excellent: 2006)
  3. Master elementary in English from the faculty of Arts. Benha University (grade: excellent: 2003)
  4. B. A in English language and literature from the faculty of Arts. Benha University (grade: good: 2001)


  1. IELTS from the British Council Egypt (2010)
  2. TOEFL from the AMIDEAST (2006) and (2013)
  3. ICDL from the ministry of communications (2009)
  4. Course from MENA in English translation and Edition (2010)
  5. WORD from the faculty of arts, Benha University (2000)
  6. Course on computer applications from the faculty of arts, Benha University (2006)
  7. A course on comprehensive evaluation from the faculty of education, Menofia University 2012.
  8. A course on educational technology from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
  9. A course on global education from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
  10. A course on Integrative Research from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
  11.  A course on Leadership in Higher Education from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
  12. A course on organizational Leadership Development from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
  13.  A course on Action Research for School Leaders from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
  14. A course on Teacher Observation Process from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
  15.  A certificate from the United States Department of State for completing the 2014 International Leaders in Education Program May 2014.
  16. A certificate of Achievement from the International and Exchange Board (IREX) for completing the 2014 International Leaders in Education Program May 2014.
  17. A course in advanced methodology from Ein Shams University in 2016.
  18. A course in Thinking Skills from Suez University from 26-27 July 2020.
  19. A course in Managing Research Teams from Suez University from 28-29 July 2020.
  20. A course in Statistical Methods in Scientific Research from Suez University from 4-5 August 2020.
  21. A course in Decision Making & Problem Solving from Suez University from 14-15 July 2020.
  22. A course in Research Ethics from Suez University from 7-8 August 2020.
  23. A course in Effective Presentation Skills from Suez University from 5-6 July 2020.
  24. A course in design thinking, Alumni Unite, organized by the US embassy in Cairo, 2022.
  25. A course in the digital teaching and learning training program, empowering Egyptian Higher Education Institutions for Digital Teaching and Learning, UNESCO and the University of South Australia From 3/11/2022 to 16/1/2023.

Work Experience:              

1-Assistant professor of English language and literature at the faculty of arts, Suez University since April 2019 and up till now.

2-Assistant professor of English language and literature at Horus University in Egypt from 2018 to 2019.

3-Assistant Professor of English language and literature and head of the English Department in Buraydah Private Colleges in Saudi Arabia from 2010 to 2016.

4-Assistant professor of English language and literature at The College of Saint Rose in the United States of America in 2014.

5-A lecturer in English language and literature at Bethlehem Central High School in the United States of America in 2014.

6-English Instructor in the ministry of education from 2003 to 2009 in Egypt.


1-Books available on Amazon

1-Man Domination and Woman Emancipation: In the selected Novels of Alice Walker, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller (August 3, 2011)

2-Escape to The Realm of Imagination: In the selected works of Tawfiq Al-Hakim and Jack London, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (September 10, 2012)

3-Shout of Silence Paperback, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (June 24, 2015)

4-Go Ye Moon: Chapbook, JustFiction Edition (October 2, 2018)

5-My Heart Oasis: A Chapbook, Ukiyoto Publishing (April 12, 2020)

6-The Egyptian Lane: in Naguib Mahfouz’s Trilogy, ‎ LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (July 5, 2021)

7-A Beautiful World: (Unity is the Beauty, We Deserve), ‎ Independently published (August 6, 2019)

8-Fae Dreams Kindle Edition, November 6, 2020.

9-Alien Buddha Zine #18, Independently published (August 22, 2020).

10-The Rastaman: Conversations With Bob Marley, ‎ Independently published (June 19, 2021)

11-Arc and Seam: Poems of Farouk Goweda, translated by Walid Abdallah and Andy Fogle, Finishing Line, Kentucky, Michigan, USA, 2022.

2- Research Papers

1-Farouk Goweda’s Romantic and Political Poetry, Live Pen, A multidisciplinary journal of academic research, Vol 1, Issue 1, July 2021.

2-Disintegration of the family in Cairo House 2000 by Samia Serageldin “A sociological literary study”, Nile Valley Journal for human, social and Educational Studies and Research, Vol 31, Issue 31, 2021

3-Fate shapes One's Destiny in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane (2003) – A Sociological and Literary Analysis, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 5, Issue 2, 2021.

4-Diaspora and Hybridity in Ahdaf Souif's Aisha, Faculty of Arts Journal, Suez University, Egypt, Issue 17, 2020.

5-Naguib Mahfouz’s Trilogy and Social Reality: Study in Sociology of Literature, Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, Egypt, issue 38, 2020.

6-Intellect Defeats Tyranny in Azar Nafisi’s Reading Lolita in Tehran 2003, Faculty of Arts Journal, Monofia University, Egypt, 2020.

7-Self-discovery in Mohja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf 2006, Ain Shams University, Center for Developing English Language Teaching, Vol 67, 2019.


I have published tens of my poems in several literary journals and magazines in the USA and UK including Anomaly, Blackbird, Gargoyle, Image, Parks and Points, and Right Hand Pointing, you can reach easily by writing Walid Abdallah poetry in Google Search Box.




  1. A certificate of participation at the 46th Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization from April 30 to May 2, 2014 at Mount Snow, Vermont, the United States of America 2014.
  2. 1-   A certificate of participation at the 7th Annual Conference on Equity and Social Justice at Syracuse University, New York, March 1st, 2014.
  3. Active participation in the Alumni Unite organized by the American Embassy in Cairo 2017.
  4. Active presentation at the CDELT international conference at Ein Shams University and presented a research paper entitled “Shout of Silence” 2017.
  5. Active presentation of a collection of translated poems from Arabic into English in NeMLA International Conference in USA 2017.
  6. Active participation in the Alumni Unite organized by the American Embassy in Hurghada, March 2019.
  7. Active presentation at the CDELT international conference at Ein Shams University and presented a research paper entitled “Self-Discover in Mohja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf” 2019.
  8. Active presentation at the Faculty of Arts international conference at El Monofia University and presented a research entitled “Fate Shapes One’s Destiny in Azar Nafis’s Reading Lolita in Tehran” 2020.
  9. Active presentation at Badr University international conference and presented a research paper entitled “Fate Shapes One’s Destiny in Azar Nafis’s Reading Lolita in Tehran” 2020.
  10. Active presentation at the Faculty of Arts international conference at El Monofia University and presented a research entitled “Struggle against Social Norms in Nawal Al-Saadawi’s Zeina 2009” held on 2nd and 3rd of March, 2022.
  11. Active presentation at the Faculty of Arts international conference at El Monofia University and presented a research entitled “ A Witness to the Age in Leila Ahmed’s A Border Passage and Nawal Al-Saadawi’s A Doctor’s Memoir” in the 15th International Congress on Language, Literature and Cultural Researches held on May 21st to 23rd, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey.
  12. Active presentation at the Faculty of Arts international conference at El Monofia University and presented a research entitled “Dreams of Mirage in Khola Hamdy’s Expatriation of the Jasmine and Chimamanda Nagozi Aditch’s Americanah, at the 4th International Conference Awakening to a New World: Reflections on Literature, Linguistics, Translation and Culture, October 25th to 27th, 2022 at Helwan University.

  Letters of Recommendations


  1. A reference and a recommendation letter from Prof. Mark Sullivan, professor of leadership in higher education and the president of the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America. (sullivam@
  2. A reference and a recommendation letter from Prof. Mark Malisa, professor of integrative research in the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America. ( (775-772-9947)
  3. A reference and a recommendation letter from Prof. Drey Martone, professor of technology in higher education in the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America. (
  4. A reference and a recommendation letter from Prof. Aja LaDuke, professor of teacher education in the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America. ( (860-729-3211)
  5. A reference and a recommendation letter from Mr. Andy Fogle, teacher of English language and literature in Bethelhem Central High School, New York, the United States of America. ( (518-439-4921)
  6. A reference and a recommendation letter from Prof. Roger Hull, professor of leadership in higher education at the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America.
  7. A reference and a recommendation letter from Prof. Mohamed Mazen Galal, professor of linguistics and dean of the faculty of arts, Suez University, Egypt. / +20 102 279 4625
  8. A reference and a recommendation letter from Prof. Mohamed Eissa, professor of linguistics and head of English language department, faculty of arts, Suez University, Egypt. : /+20 109 464 4483



  1. Arabic (Native Speaker)
  2. English (Fluent)
  3. French (Fluent)





Refereed Scientific Papers in Foreign Languages

1-Walid Abdallah Rezk, “Naguib Mahfouz’s Trilogy and Social Reality “Study in Sociology of Literature”," Tanta Faculty of Arts Journal, Volume 38, Issue 1, January 2020, Page 436-470. ISSN. 2735-3664/2735-3672.
2.Walid Abdallah Rezk. " Intellect defeats tyranny in Azar Nafisi’s Reading Lolita in Tehran (2003),”        Faculty of Arts Journal, Menoufia University, Volume 31_Issue 122_Pages 3-16, 2020.

3. Walid Abdallah Rezk, “Disintegration of the family in Cairo House 2000 by Samia Serageld             
“A sociological literary study”,” Wadī Al-Nīl Lil Dirāsāt wa Al-Buẖūṯ Al-Insāniyyaẗ wa Al-Iğtimāʿiyyaẗ wa Al-Tarbawiyyaẗ, Vol. 31, No. 31, 2021.

4. Walid Abdallah Rezk, “Struggle against Social Norms in Nawal Al Saadawi’s Zeina (2009).” Faculty of Arts Journal, Menoufia University, Volume 33_Issue 131.1_Pages 3-17, 2022.
5. Walid Abdallah Rezk, “Farouk Goweda’s Romantic and Political Poetry in English,” Arabic Language, Literature & Culture. Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2023, Pages: 19-26.
DOI: 10.11648/j.allc.20230802.12

6. Walid Abdallah Rezk, “Leila Ahmed’s A Border Passage (2012) and Nawal Saadawi’s A Doctor’s Memoir (2012) as a Model of Creative Nonfiction,” International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies. Volume 10, No. 2 (2023).

7. Walid Abdallah Rezk, “Dreams of mirage in Khawla Hamdi's expatriation of the Jasmin (2015) and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah (2013),” Social Sciences & Humanities Open. Volume 9, 2024, 100770.

8. Walid Abdallah Rezk, " Voice of the Marginalized in the Grapes of Wrath (1939) by John Steinbeck, and Hunger (2013) by Mohamed El Basaty." Faculty of Arts Journal, Assiut University, Volume 30, Article 21 Issue 89, pages 1299-1324, January 2024.





1-Man Domination and Woman Emancipation: In the selected Novels of Alice Walker, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller (August 3, 2011)
2-Escape to The Realm of Imagination: In the selected works of Tawfiq Al-Hakim and Jack London, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (September 10, 2012)
3-Shout of Silence Paperback, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (June 24, 2015)
4-Go Ye Moon: Chapbook, JustFiction Edition (October 2, 2018)
5-My Heart Oasis: A Chapbook, Ukiyoto Publishing (April 12, 2020)
6-The Egyptian Lane: in Naguib Mahfouz’s Trilogy, ‎ LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (July 5, 2021)
7-A Beautiful World: (Unity is the Beauty, We Deserve), ‎ Independently published (August 6, 2019)
8-Fae Dreams Kindle Edition, November 6, 2020.
9-Alien Buddha Zine #18, Independently published (August 22, 2020).
10-The Rastaman: Conversations With Bob Marley, ‎ Independently published (June 19, 2021)
11-Arc and Seam: Poems of Farouk Goweda, translated by Walid Abdallah and Andy Fogle, Finishing Line, Kentucky, Michigan, USA, 2022.


Training Courses

1-    IELTS from the British Council Egypt (2010)
2-    TOEFL from the AMIDEAST (2006) and (2013)
3-    ICDL from the ministry of communications (2009)
4-    Course from MENA in English translation and Edition (2010)
5-    WORD from the faculty of arts, Benha University (2000)
6-    Course on computer applications from the faculty of arts, Benha University (2006)
7-    A course on comprehensive evaluation from the faculty of education, Menofia University 2012.
8-    A course on educational technology from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
9-    A course on global education from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
10-    A course on Integrative Research from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
11-     A course on Leadership in Higher Education from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
12-    A course on organizational Leadership Development from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
13-     A course on Action Research for School Leaders from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
14-    A course on Teacher Observation Process from the College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, the United States of America from January to May 2014.
15-     A certificate from the United States Department of State for completing the 2014 International Leaders in Education Program May 2014.
16-    A certificate of Achievement from the International and Exchange Board (IREX) for completing the 2014 International Leaders in Education Program May 2014.
17-    A course in advanced methodology from Ein Shams University in 2016.
18-    A course in Thinking Skills from Suez University from 26-27 July 2020.
19-    A course in Managing Research Teams from Suez University from 28-29 July 2020.
20-    A course in Statistical Methods in Scientific Research from Suez University from 4-5 August 2020.
21-    A course in Decision Making & Problem Solving from Suez University from 14-15 July 2020.
22-    A course in Research Ethics from Suez University from 7-8 August 2020.
23-    A course in Effective Presentation Skills from Suez University from 5-6 July 2020.
24-    A course in design thinking, Alumni Unite, organized by the US embassy in Cairo, 2022.
25-    A course in the digital teaching and learning training program, empowering Egyptian Higher Education Institutions for Digital Teaching and Learning, UNESCO and the University of South Australia From 3/11/2022 to 16/1/2023.


Scientific Conferences & Workshops

1-    A certificate of participation at the 46th Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization from April 30 to May 2, 2014 at Mount Snow, Vermont, the United States of America 2014.
2-    1-    A certificate of participation at the 7th Annual Conference on Equity and Social Justice at Syracuse University, New York, March 1st, 2014.
3-    Active participation in the Alumni Unite organized by the American Embassy in Cairo 2017.
4-    Active presentation at the CDELT international conference at Ein Shams University and presented a research paper entitled “Shout of Silence” 2017.
5-    Active presentation of a collection of translated poems from Arabic into English in NeMLA International Conference in USA 2017.
6-    Active participation in the Alumni Unite organized by the American Embassy in Hurghada, March 2019.
7-    Active presentation at the CDELT international conference at Ein Shams University and presented a research paper entitled “Self-Discover in Mohja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf” 2019.
8-    Active presentation at the Faculty of Arts international conference at El Monofia University and presented a research entitled “Fate Shapes One’s Destiny in Azar Nafis’s Reading Lolita in Tehran” 2020.
9-    Active presentation at Badr University international conference and presented a research paper entitled “Fate Shapes One’s Destiny in Azar Nafis’s Reading Lolita in Tehran” 2020.
10-    Active presentation at the Faculty of Arts international conference at El Monofia University and presented a research entitled “Struggle against Social Norms in Nawal Al-Saadawi’s Zeina 2009” held on 2nd and 3rd of March, 2022.
11-    Active presentation at the Faculty of Arts international conference at El Monofia University and presented a research entitled “ A Witness to the Age in Leila Ahmed’s A Border Passage and Nawal Al-Saadawi’s A Doctor’s Memoir” in the 15th International Congress on Language, Literature and Cultural Researches held on May 21st to 23rd, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey.
12-    Active presentation at the Faculty of Arts international conference at El Monofia University and presented a research entitled “Dreams of Mirage in Khola Hamdy’s Expatriation of the Jasmine and Chimamanda Nagozi Aditch’s Americanah, at the 4th International Conference Awakening to a New World: Reflections on Literature, Linguistics, Translation and Culture, October 25th to 27th, 2022 at Helwan University.


...Courses taught by







Reading and Writing





Translators’ Technology





Literary Criticism 2





Novel 2





Civilization of the 19th Century and Modern Age





Legal Translation





Novel 3





 Translators’ Technology 1





Civilization of the 18th Century





Civilization of the 17th Century





Neoclassical and Romantic Criticism





Introduction to Drama

























Essay Writing





Listening and speaking





American Literature2





American Literature1









Community & University Activities

The 36th International Conference of the CDELT at Ain Shams University 2019. The research paper is entitled, Self-discovery in Mohja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf (2006).”

2- The 1st International Conference of Faculty of Arts, El Menoufia University 2020. The research paper is entitled, " Intellect Defeats Tyranny in Azar Nafisi’s Reading Lolita in Tehran (2003),”  

3- The 1st International Conference of Faculty of School of Linguistics of Badr University in Cairo (BUC) 2020. The research paper is entitled, “Farouk Goweda’s Romantic and Political Poetry in English,” Arabic Language, Literature & Culture.

3- The 2nd International Conference of Faculty of Arts, El Menoufia University 2022. The research paper is entitled “Struggle against Social Norms in Nawal Al Saadawi’s Zeina (2009).”.

4- The 15th International Conference of Languages, arts, and Cultural Studies in Istanbul, Turkey from 20 to 23 of May 2022. The research paper is entitled, “A Witness to the Age in Leila Ahmed’s A Border Passage (2012) and Nawal Saadawi’s A Doctor’s Memoir (2012).


5- The International Conference of the Faculty of Arts, Helwan University 2023, The research paper is entitled, “Dreams of Mirage in Khawla Hamdi's Expatriation of the Jasmin (2015) and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah (2013).


6- The International Conference of the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University 2023.


Theses Supervision

تفيد كلية الآداب جامعة السويس أن السيد الدكتور/وليد عبد الله عبدالسلام– مدرس الأدب الإنجليزي بقسم اللغة الإنجليزية بالكلية قد شارك في الأشراف على رسالة الماجستير التالية. 

2- The Concept of Violence in Adrienne Kennedy’s The Owl Answers, Suzan Lori Parks’ in the Blood and Toni Morrison’s Dreaming Emmett. (Master Thesis).

Student’s name:  Ola Abdelghani Mohammed Shaker

Main Supervisor: Professor Khaled Moustafa Karam, Suez University.

Mobile Number


Research Gate ID

Google Scholar ID

Scopus ID for author


Web of Science for Author

Publish Date

12/13/2023 12:00:00 AM



Walid Abdallah Rezk