Dr. Ali Metwally from History and Civilization Department won the State Encouragement Award
Tue. 14 Jun, 2022

Dr. Ali Metwally from History and Civilization Department won the State Encouragement Award

The Supreme Council for Culture, chaired by Dr. Inas Abdeldaim, Minister of Culture, and the secretariat of Dr. Hisham Azmi, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Culture, in their sixty-seventh meeting devoted to voting on the awarding of State.

Social sciences:

In the field of History, Archaeology, and Heritage Conservation: Dr. Ali Motwali Ahmed Al- Motwali for the winning work: “Kamiluddin Refaat articles in thought and politics”, and in the field of Geography, Environment, Water and Climate Change: Dr. Jamil Jamal Abdul Muti Abdul Hadi for the winning work: Research titled "The Possible Impacts of Different Global Warming Levels on Major Crops In Egypt".
