دورات تدريبة

  • Ethics of scientific research
  •  Research group management
  •  Meetings and time management
  • Organizing the scientific conferences
  •  Education quality standers
  •  Examinations and evaluation of students

المؤهلات العلمية

= Master of Science (MSc) in Physics of optics and spectroscopy " Physics Department-Faculty of Science- Suez University"

Title of thesis: " Preparation and some Physical Properties of Metal Sulfide Nanomaterials and itsApplications"

= Pre-master in Physics of optics and spectroscopy "Physics Department-Faculty of Science- Ain Shams University"

= Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Applied Physics "Physics Department-Faculty of Science -Suez University"

مجالات الاهتمام الرئيسية

Thin films - sol gel - spray pyrolysis  - nanomaterials - optoelectronics 

مقررات قام بتدريسها

Experimental physics  

  •  Electricity and magnetism
  •  Physical optics
  •  Properties of matter and heat
  •  Electronics 1
  •  Laser physics and its applications
  • Nuclear physics
  • Atomic physics