ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Samar Abdelrahman


Botany & Microbiology 

Faculty of Science



Educational Experience:

Ph.D. In Microbiology - Suez University, Egypt

Affiliate Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA             

M.Sc. In Microbiology- Suez University, Egypt

B.A. in Botanyy -Suez Canal University, Egypt

Research Interests:

marine microbial ecology and evolution, microbial symbioses, genomics and metagenomics, Metabolomics and Drug discovery

Bacteria and Archaea are the most diverse and abundant organisms on Earth. Environmental microbiologists aim to understand these organisms in their natural habitats by answering two fundamental questions. First, how do ecological and evolutionary processes (such as symbiosis, competition, recombination, and natural selection) create and structure genetic diversity? Second, how is this genetic diversity linked to the diverse biogeochemical functions of microorganisms in nature? Our research focuses on exploring these questions for marine microorganisms using genomics and molecular biology tools. We are particularly interested in analyzing how microbial genome evolution and physiology are impacted by symbiotic interactions with higher organisms. Additionally, we study free-living microorganisms as they provide vital reference points for understanding symbiont biology. I am also interested in studying the Human Microbiome and its role in enhancing human health. Furthermore, we use advanced technologies such as UPLC-HRMS to study microbial metabolites and identify new compounds that can be used in the development of new drugs.

التدرج الوظيفى

مدرس الميكروبيولوجي بقسم النبات والميكروبيولوجي (٢٠٢١)

مدرس مساعد الميكروبيولوجي بقسم النبات والميكروبيولوجي (٢٠١٥)

معيد بقسم النبات والميكروبيولوجي (٢٠١٠) 

التدرج العلمى

دكتوراة الفلسفة في علوم الميكروبيولوجي (2021)

الماجستير في علوم الميكروبيولوجي (2014)

البكالوريوس في علوم النبات (2009)