ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Name: Heba Hawary Hassan Abdel-Mohdy

Date of birth: 8-8-1987

Home address: Al - Sahab neighborhood, EL Sabah, Suez, Egypt

Cell-phone (Mobile) No. : 01067930974

National ID: 28708080400169

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5053-3177

E-mail: Dr_heba_hawary1@yahoo.com



  • B.Sc. in Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Egypt 2008
  • M.Sc in Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Egypt 2014
  • Ph.D. Degree in Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Egypt. 2020


  • November 2008 Demonstrator of Microbiology, Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University.
  • March 2015   Assistant lecturer, Microbiology and Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University.
  • July 2020 lecturer, Microbiology and Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University.
  • October 2022 (until now) Deputy Director of the Quality Unit, Faculty of Science, Suez University.

Academic Performance:

Courses Taught:

  • Mycology(1)
  • Advanced Mycology
  • Aquatic Mycology
  • Yeasts and Yeasts Technology
  • Stress Tolerance of Fungi
  • Applied and industrial Microbiology
  • Antibiotics and Microbial Metabolic Products
  • Environmental impact Assessment
  • Enzymology

Academic supervision:

  • Bio hydrogen Production from Agro-Industrial Wastes through Dark Fermentation by Anaerobic Bacteria”  M. SC.  Thesis in Microbiology, Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University.
  • “Bacterial Control Strategy in Salted Fish Products by Application of Natural Additives”   M. SC.  Thesis in Microbiology,  Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University,


Training skills:

  • Certified trainer at University Capacity Development Unit (UCDU).
  • Member of the organization committee of the scientific workshop on “Introduction to Bioinformatics, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and applications of statistics in scientific research”  December 2013 ( Faculty of Science , Suez University)
  • Workshop on Measurement of Fungal Biodiversity and Data Analysis  April 2016 (Suez Canal University)
  • OSHA:  30 Hour training course in Occupational safety and health Standards for General Industry    July 2017
  • Leadership skills program – Suez Canal University
  • Scientific research methods program   January 2010
  • Management of the research team   January 2010
  • Credit hour program   May 2010
  • Leadership skills program – Suez University
    • Effective presentation skills     November 2017
    • International publication of scientific research program  February 2018
    • Ethics of Scientific Research   March 2018
    • The Nature Research Academies workshop in collaboration with The Science, Technology & Innovation Funding  (STDF) and The Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB): Research Methodology  September 2023.
    • The Nature Research Academies workshop:  Writing A Research Paper    September 2023.
    • The Nature Research Academies workshop:  Grant Writing   September 2023

Seminars, Conferences and research projects: participation:

  • The Austrian African Universities Network Project (Africa - UniNet) “Biosorbents for Sustainable wastewater treatment”  since March 2022
  • Poster presentation and research contribution to 4th Suez Scientific Student Conference, Faculty of Science, Suez University.    May 2022  
  • Poster presentation and research contribution to 5th Suez Scientific Student Conference, Faculty of Science, Suez University.    May 2023
  • Seminar coordinator, Microbiology and Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University. July 2023


  • Trainer in Children's University project since 2016
  • Member in Egyptian Society for Food Safety
  • Member in Arab Society for Fungal Conservation
  • Member of the Committee for the Description of the Botany and Microbiology Department Program. 2022
  • Member of the Committee for updating the strategic plan of the faculty of Science, Suez University.  2022


  • International Computer Driving License (ICDL)
  • Word processing (Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 & 2013)
  • Spread sheets (Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010 & 2013)
  • Power point (Microsoft Power point 2007, 2010 & 2013)

Language Skills:  

  • TOEFL (local)
  • English: Very good ( Speaking & Writing)


  • Medical Microbiology
  • Industrial and Applied Microbiology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Microbial Ecology
  • Food Microbiology


Published research:

Rasmey A M,  Hawary H, Abo-Seidah AA, Wahid OA (2017): Chemical pretreatment and saccharification of sugarcane bagasse for bioethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y17-KP096551. Basic Res. J. Microbiol., 4(1): 1-11.

Rasmey AM, Hawary H, Wahid OA, Abo-Seidah  AA (2018): Enhancing bioethanol production from sugarcane molasses by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y17  KP096551.  Egy. J. Bot., 58: 547-561.

Hawary H, Rasmey AM, Aboseidah AA, ElMorsi E, Hafez M (2019): Enhancement of glycerol production by UVmutagenesis of the marine yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus HH16: kinetics and optimization of the fermentation process. 3 Biotech 9: 446.

Rasmey AM, Hawary H, Aboseidah AA, Ahmed MH, Khalaf EE (2020): Glycerol production by the UV-mutant marine yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus HH16-MU15 via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of fruit peels. FSRT J 1: 74-80.

 Rasmey AM, Aboseidah AA, Ahmed MH, Khalaf EM, Hawary H. (2020): Kinetic models application on glycerol production from glucose by the marine yeast Candida orthopsilosis. Egyptian J Aquatic Biology and Fisheries. 24(1):  1–12.

أبحاث علمية محكمة بلغات أجنبية

"Antimicrobial Activities of Some Actinomycetes Isolated from Cultivated Soil, Egypt" for Frontiers in Scientific Research and Technology

مقررات قام بتدريسها

-علم الفطريات(1)
-علم الفطريات المتقدم
-علم الفطريات المائية
-تكنولوجيا الخمائر والخميرة
-تحمل الإجهاد من الفطريات
-علم الأحياء الدقيقة التطبيقية والصناعية
-المضادات الحيوية والمنتجات الأيضية الميكروبية
-تقييم الأثر البيئي
-علم الإنزيمات

المنصب الاكاديمى

 - مدرس بقسم النبات والميكروبيولوجى- كلية العلوم- جامعة السويس يوليو 2020


المؤهلات العلمية

بكالريوس العلوم- قسم النبات شعبة الميكروبيولوجى- جامعة قناة السويس - تقدير امتياز مع مرتبة الشرف- 2008

ماجستير العلوم تخصص الميكروبيولوجى - كلية العلوم- جامعة قناة السويس- 2014

دكتوراه الفلسفة فى العلوم تخصص ميكروبيولوجى- كلية العلوم- - جامعة السويس 2020

المؤتمرات العلمية وورش العمل

مجالات الاهتمام الرئيسية

الاهتمامات البحثية
 الأحياء الدقيقة الطبية
 علم الأحياء الدقيقة الصناعية والتطبيقية
 البيولوجيا الجزيئية
 البيئة الميكروبية
 ميكروبيولوجيا الغذاء


 مدرب في مشروع جامعة الطفل منذ عام 2016
 عضو الجمعية المصرية لسلامة الغذاء
 عضو الجمعية العربية للحفاظ على الفطريات
 عضو لجنة توصيف برنامج قسم النبات والأحياء الدقيقة. 2022
 عضو لجنة تحديث الخطة الإستراتيجية لكلية العلوم جامعة السويس. 2022

الاشراف على الرسائل العلمية

"إنتاج الهيدروجين الحيوي من مخلفات الصناعات الزراعية من خلال التخمير الداكن بواسطة البكتيريا اللاهوائية". رسالة ماجستير في علم الأحياء الدقيقة قسم النبات والأحياء الدقيقة كلية العلوم جامعة السويس.
 "استراتيجية مكافحة البكتيريا في منتجات الأسماك المملحة عن طريق إضافة الإضافات الطبيعية". رسالة ماجستيرفي علم الأحياء الدقيقة، قسم النبات والأحياء الدقيقة، كلية العلوم، جامعة السويس.

المهارات اللغوية

 تويفل (محلي)
 اللغة الإنجليزية: جيد جداً (محادثة وكتابة)

Mobile Number


ابحاث علمية

Published research:

Rasmey A M,  Hawary H, Abo-Seidah AA, Wahid OA (2017): Chemical pretreatment and saccharification of sugarcane bagasse for bioethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y17-KP096551. Basic Res. J. Microbiol., 4(1): 1-11.

Rasmey AM, Hawary H, Wahid OA, Abo-Seidah  AA (2018): Enhancing bioethanol production from sugarcane molasses by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y17  KP096551.  Egy. J. Bot., 58: 547-561.

Hawary H, Rasmey AM, Aboseidah AA, ElMorsi E, Hafez M (2019): Enhancement of glycerol production by UVmutagenesis of the marine yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus HH16: kinetics and optimization of the fermentation process. 3 Biotech 9: 446.

Rasmey AM, Hawary H, Aboseidah AA, Ahmed MH, Khalaf EE (2020): Glycerol production by the UV-mutant marine yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus HH16-MU15 via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of fruit peels. FSRT J 1: 74-80.

 Rasmey AM, Aboseidah AA, Ahmed MH, Khalaf EM, Hawary H. (2020): Kinetic models application on glycerol production from glucose by the marine yeast Candida orthopsilosis. Egyptian J Aquatic Biology and Fisheries. 24(1):  1–12.

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Web of Science for Author

التدرج الوظيفى