ابحاث علمية

  • Abu El-Magd S. A, Masoud A. M, Hassan H. S, Nguyen N., Pham Q. B, Haneklaus N. H, Hlawitschka M. W, Maged A. (2023). Towards understanding climate change: Impact of land use indices and drainage on land surface temperature for valley drainage and non-drainage areas. Journal of Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119636

    Sherif Ahmed Abu El‑Magd, Ismael S. Ismael, Mohamed A. Sh. El‑Sabri, Mohamed Sayed Abdo, Hassan I. Farhat (2023) Integrated machine learning–based model and WQI for groundwater quality assessment: ML, geospatial, and hydro‑index approaches. Environmental Science and Pollution Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-25938-1

    Ali Maged, Sherif Ahmed Abu El‑Magd, Ahmed E. Radwan, Sherif Kharbish, Sara Zamzam (2023). Evaluation insight into Abu Zenima clay deposits as a prospective raw material source for ceramics industry: Remote Sensing and Characterization. Scientific Reports, (2023) 13:58. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-26484-5

    Abu El-Magd, S.A., Ahmed, H., Pham, Q.B., Linh, N.T.T., Anh, D.T., Elkhrachy, I., Masoud, A.M. (2022). Possible Factors Driving Groundwater Quality and Its Vulnerability to Land Use, Floods, and Droughts Using Hydrochemical Analysis and GIS Approaches. Water 2022, 14, 4073. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14244073

    Abu El-Magd S. A., Masoud A. M., Abdel Moneim A. A., Bakr M. B. (2022). Flash floods and their impact on natural life using surface water model and GIS technique at Wadi Degla natural reserve area, Egypt. Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research. Elsevier, Volume 7, Section IX, pp. 622-638. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-91910-4.00035-2

    Abu El‑Magd S., Soliman G., Morsy M., Kharbish S. (2022). Environmental hazard assessment and monitoring for air pollution using machine learning and remote sensing. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-022-04367-6

    Abu El‑Magd, S. A., Maged, A., Farhat, H. I. (2022). Hybrid‑based Bayesian algorithm and hydrologic indices for flash flood vulnerability assessment in coastal regions: machine learning, risk prediction, and environmental impact. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-19903-7

    Masoud, A.M.; Pham, Q.B.; Alezabawy, A.K.; Abu El-Magd, S.A. (2022). Efficiency of Geospatial Technology and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Groundwater Potential Mapping in a Semi-Arid Region. Water 2022, 14, 882. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14060882

    Abu El-Magd S A (2022). Random forest and naïve Bayes approaches as tools for flash flood hazard susceptibility prediction, South Ras El-Zait, Gulf of Suez Coast, Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2022) 15:217.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-022-09531-3

    Masoud A M and Abu El-Magd S A (2022). Integration of hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics for identifying groundwater recharge sources of the Eocene carbonate aquifer, Western Desert, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences 187 (2022) 104449.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2022.104449

    Abu El-Magd S A, Sayed I, El Sabrib M, Abdo M A, Farhat H (2022). Groundwater Quality Assessment for Heavy Metals: A Case Study in the Area between Abu Sweir and Abu Hammad, Ismalia, Egypt. FSRT J 3 (2022) 51-61 10.21608/fsrt.2021.101679.1050

    Abu El-Magd, S. A. and Embaby, A., (2021). To investigate groundwater potentiality, a GIS-based model was integrated with remote sensing data in the Northwest Gulf of Suez (Egypt). Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 14:2737. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-021-08396-2

    Abu El‑Magd, S. A., Orabi, H. O., Ali, Sk., Parvin, F. and Pham Q. B. (2021). An integrated approach for evaluating the flash food risk and potential erosion using the hydrologic indices and morpho‑tectonic parameters. Environmental Earth Sciences (2021) 80:694. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-10013-0

    Abu El-Magd, S. A., Ali Sk and Pham Q. B. (2021). Spatial modeling and susceptibility zonation of landslides using random forest, naïve bayes and Knearest neighbor in a complicated terrain. Earth Science Informatics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-021-00653-y

    Abu El-Magd, S. A. and Eldosouky, A. M.  (2021). An improved approach for predicting the groundwater potentiality in the low desert lands; El-Marashda area, Northwest Qena City, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences 179 (2021) 104200.

    Abu El-Magd, S. A., Pradhan, B. and Alamri, A., (2021). Machine Learning Algorithm for Flash Flood Prediction Mapping in Wadi El-Laqeita and Surroundings, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

    Abu El-Magd, S. A., Taha T.H., Pienaar, H. H., Breil, P., Amer, R.A., Namour, Ph. (2021). Assessing Heavy Metal Pollution Hazard in Sediments of Lake Mariout, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2019.103709.

    Abu El-Magd, S. A., Amer, R. A., and Embaby, A., (2020). Multi-criteria decision-making for the analysis of flash floods: A case study of Awlad Toq-Sherq, Southeast Sohag, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences 162 (2020) 103709.

    Abu El-Magd, Sh, A. (2019): Flash Flood Hazard Mapping Using GIS and Bivariate Statistical Method at Wadi Bada’a, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection,7, 372-385.

    Sefelnasr A. M., Abdel Moneim, A. A. and Abu El-Magd, S. (2015): 3D-groundwater flow modeling for water level-rise detection and recharge determination at an old archeological site: Abydos, Sohag, Egypt. The Eighth International Conference
    on The Geology of Africa, P-P IV- 105 – IV – 118 (NOV. 2015) Assiut –Egypt.

    Sefelnasr A. M., Abdel Moneim, A. A. and Abu El-Magd, S. (2015): Groundwater level-rise monitoring and recharge determination at an old archeological site: Abydos, Sohag, Egypt. The Eighth International Conference on The Geology of Africa, P-P IV- 69 – IV - 83 (NOV. 2015) Assiut – Egypt.

    Abdel Moneim, A. A., Aziz, E-H. and Abu El-Magd, Sh. A. (2013): Assessment of raw materials for cement industry in Sohag area, Upper Egypt. Int. J. Mining and Mineral Engineering, Vol. 4, pp.333-346.

    Abdel Moneim, A. A., Youssef, A. M., Ahmed, A. A., and Abu El-Magd, Sh (2008): Land suitability for development and aquifer potentiality in the low desert zone surrounding Sohag Governorate. The 2nd International conference on the Protection of the Nile from Pollutant, South Valley University 2-4 Dec. 2008.

    Abdel Moneim A. A., Youssef A. M., Ahmed A. A., Abu El- Maged S (2007). Impact of the Development projects on the groundwater potentiality in the desert areas surrounding Sohag Governorate using remote sensing and GIS. The 5th Conference on the Geology of Africa, Assiut University.

    Youssef, A. M., Abdel Moneim, A. A. and Abu El-Magd, Sh. A. (2005): Flood hazard assessment and its associated problems using geographic information systems, Sohag governorate, Egypt. The Fourth International Conference on The Geology of  Africa, Vol. (1), P-P. 1-17 (NOV. 2005) Assiut –Egypt.

الخبرات الاكاديمية

Technical Surpac and Mining Training, CoalVille, UK. (2012); Cement Coarse, LCE, Egypt. (2006); GIS and Modeling at Assuit Uni., Egypt (2009); Geo-technical assessments onsite, KSA. Fleet Production & Cost Analysis (FPC), at KSA. (2015). Advanced Surpac Training, Jeddah, KSA. (2016); MineSched Training, Jeddah, KSA. (2016); QMS, workshop, CTC, Egypt (2012); Compoptim, workshop, IPC, Austria (2016).

Non-Technical 7 Habits of highly effective people, Hitlon Ramses, Egypt (2007); Setting objectives and achieve targets course, IMI; Egypt (2008); Risk Assessment Training, ASCC, Plant; KSA. (2014); JDE & Business intelligence workshop, ASCC, Plant; KSA. (2015).

Major Mission Osireion Temple Egyptian American mission ( 2010-2011). Geo-technical and slope stability (Golder Associate, KSA, 2014), Cement Industrial Performance mission (CIP, Austria, 2016). Environmental assessment Project for Cement Plant (KSA, 2016), Water resource Investigation Project ( KSA, 2017). Afrialliance project (2018) for soil salinization.

Training Conducted Lafarge KSA, Senior engineers, (Quarry exploration, duration 1 week". Lafarge KSA, Senior engineers, (Block modelling, 1 week". SMART Academy, Amman, Jordan " Surpac Training, duration 5 weeks). ESSP, Sohag, Egypt " Geological Modeling and Surpac, duration 3 days", Fact., Earth science, Benisuif, Egypt (Introduction to Surpac, duration 1 day".

المؤهلات العلمية

1999 - 2003 Sohag University, B Sc. Geology

2005 - 2008 Sohag University, M Sc. Hydrogeology

2011 - 2016 Sohag University, Ph D. Hydrogeology

التدرج الوظيفى

2006 - 2017
LafargeHolcim, Egypt and KSA
Geo-Mining Project Manager
Responsibilities:- Raw materials investigation: planning, coordination, supervision and controlling field activities (sampling, mapping) and drilling campaign. Sedimentological and structural interpretation of the raw material deposit. Determination of the quality (chemical, physical and mechanical characteristics) of the raw material deposit. 3D geological model, block modeling and mining plan optimization and follow up. Provide worldwide top expertise in critical domains such as the estimation of raw material resources and reserves to ensure the sustainability of the operations. Reserve calculation and long term planning, using Surpac, QMS, and QSO.
Dec 2018 - May 2019
Environment and Natural Materials Research Institut
 Responsibilities:- Streamlined research processes to meet tight deadlines for multiple projects. Interacted with participants in hydrogeology studies in diverse ways, including preparing for examinations, obtaining consent and collecting specimens. Targeted hydrology research by focusing on specific demographic parameters, which delivered SoWAT project.
2017 - 2019
Smart Academy, Jordan
Instructor (Part Time)
Responsibilities:- Quarry H and S management induction. Quarry/Mine exploration. Pit design. Rehabilitation plan.
2019 - Present
Suez University
E-exams Manager
Responsibilities:- Manage the cover supervisors including semesters morning briefing and allocation of duties for the examination. Monitoring planned examination training for teachers and students to ensure smooth operation. Follow up the production of examination timetables seating arrangements for examinations.
2019 - Present
Suez University
Certified Instructor
Responsibilities:- A structured learning experience that keeps the team on track. Ability to acquire the knowledge and understand the behavioral competencies to help trainees. Helps create a common training language that optimizes consistency and effectiveness. Creates opportunities to network and learn from their peers.
2019 - Present
Suez University
E-Learning Manager
Responsibilities:- Created, collected and recorded data on student progress to determine next steps for student success. Supported interaction between students during group work activities using guided conversation. Assessed skill gaps for teachers and students in e-learning process and developed courses to meet identified needs. Conducting and coordinating ongoing technical training and personal development classes for staff members.
2019 - Present
Suez University
Lecturer of Hydrogeology
Responsibilities:- Used variety of learning modalities and support materials to facilitate learning process and accentuate presentations, including visual, aural and social learning modalities. Oversaw graduate student projects and advised on focus, methodology and report generation to meet preset standards. Supervised junior lecturers' course development and recommended refinements to enhance student learning. Arranged syllabus, developed schedule, and determined reading list for varied courses simultaneously, giving students appropriate time to complete assignments and absorb information. Designed and distributed lecture handouts to round out material and increase student understanding. Mentored diverse student population to promote cultural diversity for ethnic and racial groups. Employed advanced knowledge of hydrogeology to teach challenging high-level courses to graduate students. Courses conducted (hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, Quarry H & S and groundwater modeling).
2022 - Present
Suez University
Deputy manager CIO
Responsibilities:- Enhancing organizational culture. Driving initiatives that lead to organizational success. Build succession planning in with CIO.